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Chapter 03 Initialization, Starting and Stopping bytomd(bytomd预处理、初始化、启动与停止)

3.1 Introduction(引言)

​ Before you run bytom node for the first time, we will need to initialize bytom node by defining configuration parameters for network, database location etc.


​ This chapter covers:

  • bytomd Commandline flags
  • bytomd Initialization along with initialization of different modules
  • bytomd Daemon.


  • bytomd代码预处理,解析flag等。
  • 节点初始化,网络、数据库、本地区块链初始等。
  • 进程守护进程启动流程。

3.2 bytomd Commandline flags (bytomd命令flag参数详解)

​ Commandline programs accept input arguments. Programming lanaguages offer functions and libraries to parse these input arguments. In GoLang, 'flag' package handles parsing the input arguments. Sub-commands and other parameters supported by bytomd are as follows:


$ ./bytomd -h
Multiple asset management.

  bytomd [command]

Available Commands:

coral[coralmac] bytomd $ ./bytomd node -h
Run the bytomd

  bytomd node [flags]

      --auth.disable                Disable rpc access authenticate
      --chain_id string             Select network type
  -h, --help                        Help for node
      --log_file string             Select file to log
      --log_level string            Select level of log
      --mining                      Enable mining
      --p2p.dial_timeout int        Set dial timeout (default 3)
      --p2p.handshake_timeout int   Set handshake timeout (default 30)
      --p2p.laddr string            Node listen address.
      --p2p.max_num_peers int       Set max num peers (default 50)
      --p2p.pex                     Enable Peer-Exchange  (default true)
      --p2p.seeds string            Comma delimited host:port seed nodes
      --p2p.skip_upnp               Skip UPNP configuration
      --prof_laddr string           Use http to profile bytomd programs
      --simd.enable                 Enable simd, which is used to optimize Tensority
      --vault_mode                  Run in the offline enviroment
      --wallet.disable              Disable wallet
      --wallet.rescan               Rescan wallet
      --web.closed                  Lanch web browser or not

Global Flags:
      --home string   Root directory for config and data
      --trace         Enable trace and show information bout stack when something going wrong

3.3 Bytom Daemon (bytom 守护进程预处理)

​ Daemon is a sepecial process, which keeps on running in the background after it starts and it does not stop until it receives a kill term signal.

​ bytomd and bytomcli both use Cobra library to handle command line input so we will skip that part here and look into other details of bytom daemon.

守护进程(daemon)是一种在特殊进程,启动后会在后台一直运行,只有当触发kill term信号时,才会执行退出操作。

bytom 的守护进程称为bytomd(bytom daemon),它的Cobra预处理流程跟bytomcli过程非常相似。所以在此略去相同部分的讲解。主要对后续bytom 守护进程重要内容进行深入分析。在这里我们看下bytomd预处理过程中使用到的代码文件结构,命令执行如下:

$ tree cmd/bytomd/
├── bytomd
├── commands
│   ├── init.go	     Initialize the network of the node
│   ├── root.go		   The directory of root
│   ├── run_node.go  node deamon
│   └── version.go	 node version
├── main.go		

3.4 bytomd Initialization (bytom 守护进程初始化具体实现)

​ Bytom daemon initializes different modules based on input flags passed to it. This line of code node.NewNode(config) starts the functionality of a bytom node.

bytom 守护进程启动时根据不同的命令行flag参数,初始化不同的模块,最终以守护进程的方式运行。有关bytom 守护进程所有运行的工作都在node.NewNode(config)的具体实现中。

3.4.1 Node (Node对象)

type Node struct {
	// config
	config *cfg.Config
	syncManager *netsync.SyncManager
	wallet       *w.Wallet
	accessTokens *accesstoken.CredentialStore
	api          *api.API
	chain        *protocol.Chain
	txfeed       *txfeed.Tracker
	cpuMiner     *cpuminer.CPUMiner
	miningPool   *miningpool.MiningPool
	miningEnable bool

​ Description of Node:

  • cmn.BaseService:Service management
  • config:Global configuration of the node
  • syncManager:Synchronization of transactions and blocks
  • wallet:Local wallet management
  • accessTokens:Token management, user's access credentials
  • api:Api Server
  • chain:Local chain
  • txfeed:Not be used
  • cpuMiner:cpu mining
  • miningPool:mining pool
  • miningEnable:Enable mining


  • cmn.BaseService:服务管理
  • config:当前节点的全局配置
  • syncManager:区块和交易同步管理
  • wallet:本地钱包管理
  • accessTokens:token管理,用户访问凭证
  • api:Api Server接口服务
  • chain:本地区块链管理对象
  • txfeed:目前版本该功能未使用
  • cpuMiner:cpu挖矿管理对象
  • miningPool:矿池管理对象
  • miningEnable:是否启用挖矿模式

node.NewNode(config) creates a new Node, which contains all the functionality of bytomd.

cmn.BaseService is a service management framwork based on tendermint. Node object calls these methods OnStart/OnStop/IsRunning on BaseService in order to manage node lifecycle. Tendermint ensures these operations are not run repeatedly.



3.4.2 Configuration (配置初始化)

​ Config variable is initialized with default configuration before running node.NewNode(config). Here we will describe the default configuration in detail:



config = cfg.DefaultConfig()

​ Bytom daemon defines a global variable named config, which represents bytom daemon configuration and is set by default when daemon starts.

首先,bytom 守护进程声明一个config的全局变量,表示整个bytom 守护进程的配置信息。进程启动时config对象被赋予一个默认的配置参数。


func DefaultConfig() *Config {
	return &Config{
		BaseConfig: DefaultBaseConfig(),
		P2P:        DefaultP2PConfig(),
		Wallet:     DefaultWalletConfig(),
		Auth:       DefaultRPCAuthConfig(),
		Web:        DefaultWebConfig(),
		Simd:       DefaultSimdConfig(),

​ There are six default arguments for different modules. We can divide them into three groups: BaseConfig, P2PConfig and other configuration.


***(1)BaseConfig (Base基础配置说明): ***

​ BaseConfig includes data directory, log level, listening address and other relevant configuration.



type BaseConfig struct {
	RootDir string `mapstructure:"home"` 		// The root directory for all data.
	ChainID string `mapstructure:"chain_id"` 	// The ID of the network to json. There are three options: mainnet,testnet and solonet
	LogLevel string `mapstructure:"log_level"` 	// log level to set
	PrivateKey string `mapstructure:"private_key"` 	// A JSON file containing the private key to use as a validator in the consensus protoco
	Moniker string `mapstructure:"moniker"` 	// A custom human readable name for this node(default anonymous) 
	ProfListenAddress string `mapstructure:"prof_laddr"` 	// TCP or UNIX socket address for the profiling server to listen on.(default disabled)
	FastSync bool `mapstructure:"fast_sync"` 	// Fast synchronization(default enabled)
	Mining bool `mapstructure:"mining"`		 // Mining.(default disabled)
	FilterPeers bool `mapstructure:"filter_peers"` // not be used(default false)
	TxIndex string `mapstructure:"tx_index"` 	// not be used
	DBBackend string `mapstructure:"db_backend"` // Database backend: leveldb | memdb
	DBPath string `mapstructure:"db_dir"` 		// Database directory
	KeysPath string `mapstructure:"keys_dir"` 	// Keystore directory
	HsmUrl string `mapstructure:"hsm_url"` 		// not be used
	ApiAddress string `mapstructure:"api_addr"` 	// Address of Api Server(default
	VaultMode bool `mapstructure:"vault_mode"`    // No network
	Time time.Time 			// not be used
	LogFile string `mapstructure:"log_file"` // log file name

config/toml.go file provides some default arguments for configuration. e.g, APIAddress is read form api_addr value in config file.



var defaultConfigTmpl = `# This is a TOML config file.
fast_sync = true
db_backend = "leveldb"
api_addr = ""
var mainNetConfigTmpl = `chain_id = "mainnet"
laddr = "tcp://"
seeds = ",,,,,"

(2)P2PConfig (P2P网络配置说明):

​ P2PConfig is used in P2P protocol. It includes local listening ports, dial timeout and address book, etc.

P2PConfig用于bytomd P2P通信协议中使用的参数,包括本机监听端口、通信节点超时、地址簿等相关参数的配置。


type P2PConfig struct {
	RootDir          string `mapstructure:"home"` 	// 跟BaseConfig中的RootDir相同
	ListenAddress    string `mapstructure:"laddr"` 	// P2P分布式网络监听的端口,用于节点之间的相互通信。默认tcp://
	Seeds            string `mapstructure:"seeds"` 	// 种子节点
	SkipUPNP         bool   `mapstructure:"skip_upnp"` 	// 是否不使用upnp功能,默认为false
	AddrBook         string `mapstructure:"addr_book_file"` 	// p2p地址簿路径,用于存储已知的peer节点
	AddrBookStrict   bool   `mapstructure:"addr_book_strict"` 	// 目前版本该参数未使用
	PexReactor       bool   `mapstructure:"pex"` 		// 目前版本该参数未使用
	MaxNumPeers      int    `mapstructure:"max_num_peers"`	 // 最大节点连接数,默认为50
	HandshakeTimeout int    `mapstructure:"handshake_timeout"` 	// 节点连接握手超时时间,默认30s
	DialTimeout      int    `mapstructure:"dial_timeout"` 	// 节点连接超时时间,默认3s

Note: In Bitcoin, nodes use DNS to find seed node and query it to get the IP addresses of other nodes. In Bytom, seed node IP addresses are hard coded into the code. We will explain this in more detail in Chapter10 P2P Network.

提示:在比特币中,节点会使用DNS的方式来询问种子节点从而查询到其他节点的IP地址。而在比原链中,种子节点则是IP地址。种子节点一般是硬编码到代码里。详细技术细节我们会在“第10章 P2P分布式网络”中详细讲解该实现过程。

(3)Other Configuration(其他配置说明):

​ WalletConfig is used to configure the local wallet. It includes a flag to enable or disable the wallet functionality and another flag to rescan the entire wallet.



type WalletConfig struct {
	Disable bool `mapstructure:"disable"`	// Enable the local wallet(default false) 
	Rescan  bool `mapstructure:"rescan"`	// Rescan the wallet

type RPCAuthConfig struct {
	Disable bool `mapstructure:"disable"` // Enable the authorization of Api Server(default false)

type WebConfig struct {
	Closed bool `mapstructure:"closed"` // Start bytom-dashboard(default false)

type SimdConfig struct {
	Enable bool `mapstructure:"enable"` // Enable the optimization of Tenaority CPU

​ After declaring config = DefaultConfig(), init() method will assign the config attributes. Here is the code:

bytom 守护进程声明config = DefaultConfig()之后,init()函数实现了config对象中各属性的赋值。具体实现代码:


func init() {
	runNodeCmd.Flags().String("prof_laddr", config.ProfListenAddress, "Use http to profile bytomd programs")
	runNodeCmd.Flags().Bool("mining", config.Mining, "Enable mining")

	runNodeCmd.Flags().Bool("simd.enable", config.Simd.Enable, "Enable SIMD mechan for tensority")

	runNodeCmd.Flags().Bool("auth.disable", config.Auth.Disable, "Disable rpc access authenticate")

	runNodeCmd.Flags().Bool("wallet.disable", config.Wallet.Disable, "Disable wallet")
	runNodeCmd.Flags().Bool("wallet.rescan", config.Wallet.Rescan, "Rescan wallet")
	runNodeCmd.Flags().Bool("vault_mode", config.VaultMode, "Run in the offline enviroment")
	runNodeCmd.Flags().Bool("web.closed", config.Web.Closed, "Lanch web browser or not")
	runNodeCmd.Flags().String("chain_id", config.ChainID, "Select network type")

	// log level
	runNodeCmd.Flags().String("log_level", config.LogLevel, "Select log level(debug, info, warn, error or fatal")

	// p2p flags
	runNodeCmd.Flags().String("p2p.laddr", config.P2P.ListenAddress, "Node listen address. ( means any interface, any port)")
	runNodeCmd.Flags().String("p2p.seeds", config.P2P.Seeds, "Comma delimited host:port seed nodes")
	runNodeCmd.Flags().Bool("p2p.skip_upnp", config.P2P.SkipUPNP, "Skip UPNP configuration")
	runNodeCmd.Flags().Bool("p2p.pex", config.P2P.PexReactor, "Enable Peer-Exchange ")
	runNodeCmd.Flags().Int("p2p.max_num_peers", config.P2P.MaxNumPeers, "Set max num peers")
	runNodeCmd.Flags().Int("p2p.handshake_timeout", config.P2P.HandshakeTimeout, "Set handshake timeout")
	runNodeCmd.Flags().Int("p2p.dial_timeout", config.P2P.DialTimeout, "Set dial timeout")

	// log flags
	runNodeCmd.Flags().String("log_file", config.LogFile, "Log output file")


​ In init() method, there are many different types of flag which are bound to config. Here is an example:


runNodeCmd.Flags().Bool("mining", config.Mining, "Enable mining")

​ Description of the above code:

  • Define a flag argument, which is Bool
  • The name of this flag is mining
  • This flag value will be assigned to config.Mining
  • The description of this flag is Enable mining


  • 定义一个Bool类型的flag参数。
  • 该flag的名称为mining。
  • 该flag的赋值对象为config.Mining。
  • 该flag的描述信息为”Enable mining”。

​ This concludes the initialization of bytom daemon configuration.

至此,bytom 守护进程所需要的配置信息初始化完毕。

3.4.3 Create File Lock (创建文件锁)

​ In this section, we will look into what happens after initializaiton is complete and the the program starts running.

​ In Bytom, a data directory(specified by --root) can only be read and written by one bytom daemon at a time. That is because the LevelDB Key-Value store runs in a single process. If multiple processes write to the same file, the consistency of data cannot be ensured. To ensure only one process reads or writes the data file at a time, bytom uses a file lock.


在比原链中,一份数据目录(--root参数指定)只能同时由一个bytom 守护进程读写。主要原因是由于LevelDB高性能K/V存储是单进程模式。如果存在多个进程同时读写一份数据会造成数据不一致的情况。所以使用文件锁可以保证同一时间一个进程读写一份数据目录。


if err := lockDataDirectory(config); err != nil {
	cmn.Exit("Error: " + err.Error())

func lockDataDirectory(config *cfg.Config) error {
	_, _, err := flock.New(filepath.Join(config.RootDir, "LOCK"))
	if err != nil {
		return errors.New("datadir already used by another process")
	return nil

​ When bytom starts, lockDataDirectory() function use flock to create a LOCK file in the RootDir directory. If one bytomd process locks the inode of a file during the start, then any other process which tries to start at the same time, will get an error message as defined in errors.New and this new process will exit failing to aquire the LOCK. flock is used for detecting if a bytomd process is already running.


​ There are three types of flock:

  • LOCK_SH:Shared lock. More than one process may hold a shared lock for a given file at a given time.
  • LOCK_EX:Exclusive lock. Only one process may hold an exclusive lock for a given file at a given time.
  • LOCK_UN:Remove an existing lock held by this process.


  • LOCK_SH:共享锁,多个进程使用同一把锁用于读锁。
  • LOCK_EX:排他锁,同时只允许一个进程使用,一般用于写锁。
  • LOCK_UN:释放锁。

​ The flock package uses an exclusive lock LOCK_EX, which means only one process may hold this lock for a given file at a given time. The code for flock is here:



func (l *unixLock) set(lock bool) error {
	how := syscall.LOCK_UN
	if lock {
		how = syscall.LOCK_EX
	return syscall.Flock(int(l.f.Fd()), how|syscall.LOCK_NB)

3.4.4 Initialize Network type (初始化网络类型)

​ We have mentioned before that Bytom has three types of network, mainnet, testnet, solonet.




func initActiveNetParams(config *cfg.Config) {
	var exist bool
	consensus.ActiveNetParams, exist = consensus.NetParams[config.ChainID]
	if !exist {
		cmn.Exit(cmn.Fmt("chain_id[%v] don't exist", config.ChainID))

​ Here initActiveNetParams() initializes the network according to the chain_id set in config. consensus.ActiveNetParams() object refers to the type of current network mode used in Bytom. The consensus.ActiveNetParams object is used all over the bytom code to identify what network this node is connected to.



var ActiveNetParams = MainNetParams

var NetParams = map[string]Params{
	"mainnet": MainNetParams, 
	"wisdom":  TestNetParams, 
	"solonet": SoloNetParams,

var MainNetParams = Params{
	Name:            "main",
	Bech32HRPSegwit: "bm",
	Checkpoints: []Checkpoint{
		{10000, bc.NewHash([32]byte{0x93, 0xe1, 0xeb, 0x78, 0x21, 0xd2, 0xb4, 0xad, 0x0f, 0x5b, 0x1c, 0xea, 0x82, 0xe8, 0x43, 0xad, 0x8c, 0x09, 0x9a, 0xb6, 0x5d, 0x8f, 0x70, 0xc5, 0x84, 0xca, 0xa2, 0xdd, 0xf1, 0x74, 0x65, 0x2c})},
		{20000, bc.NewHash([32]byte{0x7d, 0x38, 0x61, 0xf3, 0x2c, 0xc0, 0x03, 0x81, 0xbb, 0xcd, 0x9a, 0x37, 0x6f, 0x10, 0x5d, 0xfe, 0x6f, 0xfe, 0x2d, 0xa5, 0xea, 0x88, 0xa5, 0xe3, 0x42, 0xed, 0xa1, 0x17, 0x9b, 0xa8, 0x0b, 0x7c})},
		{30000, bc.NewHash([32]byte{0x32, 0x36, 0x06, 0xd4, 0x27, 0x2e, 0x35, 0x24, 0x46, 0x26, 0x7b, 0xe0, 0xfa, 0x48, 0x10, 0xa4, 0x3b, 0xb2, 0x40, 0xf1, 0x09, 0x51, 0x5b, 0x22, 0x9f, 0xf3, 0xc3, 0x83, 0x28, 0xaa, 0x4a, 0x00})},
		{40000, bc.NewHash([32]byte{0x7f, 0xe2, 0xde, 0x11, 0x21, 0xf3, 0xa9, 0xa0, 0xee, 0x60, 0x8d, 0x7d, 0x4b, 0xea, 0xcc, 0x33, 0xfe, 0x41, 0x25, 0xdc, 0x2f, 0x26, 0xc2, 0xf2, 0x9c, 0x07, 0x17, 0xf9, 0xe4, 0x4f, 0x9d, 0x46})},
		{50000, bc.NewHash([32]byte{0x5e, 0xfb, 0xdf, 0xf5, 0x35, 0x38, 0xa6, 0x0b, 0x75, 0x32, 0x02, 0x61, 0x83, 0x54, 0x34, 0xff, 0x3e, 0x82, 0x2e, 0xf8, 0x64, 0xae, 0x2d, 0xc7, 0x6c, 0x9d, 0x5e, 0xbd, 0xa3, 0xd4, 0x50, 0xcf})},
		{62000, bc.NewHash([32]byte{0xd7, 0x39, 0x8f, 0x23, 0x57, 0xf9, 0x4c, 0xa0, 0x28, 0xa7, 0x00, 0x2b, 0x53, 0x9e, 0x51, 0x2d, 0x3e, 0xca, 0xc9, 0x22, 0x59, 0xfc, 0xd0, 0x3f, 0x67, 0x1a, 0x0a, 0xb1, 0x02, 0xbf, 0x2b, 0x03})},

ActiveNetParams uses mainnet parameters by default. The parameters of MainNetParam are as follows:

  • Bech32HRPSegw:Segregated Witness, an upgrade of protocol. See more details in Chapter05.
  • Checkpoints:Checkpoint has the height and hash of a block. This information is used to validate blocks when node runs in a fast synchronization mode. In general, when a main network is upgraded, the hardcoded information of checkpoints is also updated in the code.


  • Bech32HRPSegwit:隔离见证,是一种协议升级,我们会在“第5章 内核层-区块与链”中详解隔离见证。
  • Checkpoints:检查点,指定一个高度,以及与这个高度相匹配的hash值,用于快速同步时验证区块的正确性。一般会在主网升级时,会将历史的块信息硬编码在Checkpoints中。

​ Checkpoints have two uses, one is to prevent forking, which means that the fork that was created before checkpoints will not be accepted by other nodes. This can also protect the network from 51% attack since attackers can't change transactions that happened before checkpoints. The other use is for fast synchronization between nodes, see more details in Chapter-10.


3.4.5 Database Initialization (初始化数据库(持久化存储))

​ All data (blocks, transactions, etc.) on the blockchain needs to be stored in local K/V database once a pubilc blockchain is created. Bytom uses LevelDB as its database .



coreDB := dbm.NewDB("core", config.DBBackend, config.DBDir())
store := leveldb.NewStore(coreDB)


type Store struct {
	db    dbm.DB
	cache blockCache

dbm uses the db library from tendermint framework. dbm.NewDB returns a DB object, which provides the LevelDB implementation in GO along with many other functions related to memory mapping, the directory structure of file system etc.


dbm.NewDB returns a DB object and needs three parameters: name of the db, key value store used by db (default is LevelDB) and the path to the db datastore. leveldb.NewStore() function returns a Store object, which is an encapsulation of LevelDB and implements functions related to blocks cache, blocks validation, blocks status, blocks query, etc. based on LevelDB.


3.4.6 Transaction Pool Initialization (初始化交易池)

​ When transactions are broadcast to the network, miners receive them and add them to local TxPool (transaction pool). Bytom TxPool is a limited buffer that can store upto 10,000 transactions by default. If the number of transactions is over 10,000, an error message "transaction pool reach the max number" will be returned.

当交易被广播到网络中并且被矿工接收到时,矿工会将收到的交易加入到本地的TxPool交易池中,TxPool对象是管理本地交易池。交易池相当于一个缓冲区,它并不是无限大。默认情况下在比原链中交易池最大可以存储10000笔交易。如果超出这个限制,则会返回"transaction pool reach the max number"的错误信息。


txPool := protocol.NewTxPool()

func NewTxPool() *TxPool {
	return &TxPool{
		lastUpdated: time.Now().Unix(),
		pool:        make(map[bc.Hash]*TxDesc),
		utxo:        make(map[bc.Hash]bc.Hash),
		errCache:    lru.New(maxCachedErrTxs),
		msgCh:       make(chan *TxPoolMsg, maxMsgChSize),

protocol.NewTxPool() method returns TxPool object. Here we only introduce the initialization of TxPool. The following chapters will cover the transaction pool in depth.


3.4.7 Create a Local Blockchain (创建一条本地区块链)

​ When the node starts for the first time, it will check the status of local persistent storage. If the status is not yet initialized, the node initializes the storage by adding the genesis block to the blockchain at height-0.



chain, err := protocol.NewChain(store, txPool)
if err != nil {
	cmn.Exit(cmn.Fmt("Failed to create chain structure: %v", err))

​ Here, protocol.NewChain()method returns a Chain object and needs two parameters store and txPool. The Chain object manages the entire Bytom blockchain.



func NewChain(store Store, txPool *TxPool) (*Chain, error) {
	c := &Chain{
		orphanManage:   NewOrphanManage(),
		txPool:         txPool,
		store:          store,
		processBlockCh: make(chan *processBlockMsg, maxProcessBlockChSize),
	c.cond.L = new(sync.Mutex)

	storeStatus := store.GetStoreStatus()
	if storeStatus == nil {
		if err := c.initChainStatus(); err != nil {
			return nil, err
		storeStatus = store.GetStoreStatus()

	var err error
	if c.index, err = store.LoadBlockIndex(); err != nil {
		return nil, err

	c.bestNode = c.index.GetNode(storeStatus.Hash)
	go c.blockProcesser()
	return c, nil

​ The NewChain() method runs these steps:

(1) Instantiate Chain object

(2)store.GetStoreStatus() can get the storage stautus of local blockchain. If it is nil, the blockchain hasn't been initialized and so it runs initChainStatus to add the genesis block to initialize local blockchain.

(3)store.LoadBlockIndex() loads the block index and reads all Block Header information from database and caches the header information into memory to speed up block header lookups.

(4)c.index.SetMainChain refers to the latest block the node has synchronized to local storage.

(5)go c.blockProcesser() will start a go routine to update blocks information of local blockchain in storage.


  1. 实例化Chain对象。

  2. store.GetStoreStatus获取本地区块链的存储状态,如果状态为nil则说明区块链未被初始化。执行initChainStatus初始化本地区块链,该函数中初始化创世区块(第一个区块)并添加到本地链上。

  3. store.LoadBlockIndex加载块索引,从数据库中读取所有Block Header信息并缓存在内存中,目的是能够加速访问区块头信息。

  4. c.index.SetMainChain设置当前节点已同步的最新区块。

  5. go c.blockProcesser(),启动一个go程,用于本地区块链上的区块信息更新。

3.4.8 Local Wallet Initialization(初始化本地钱包)

​ The local wallet feature is enabled by default. Here is the code:



hsm, err := pseudohsm.New(config.KeysDir())
if err != nil {
	cmn.Exit(cmn.Fmt("initialize HSM failed: %v", err))

if !config.Wallet.Disable {
	walletDB := dbm.NewDB("wallet", config.DBBackend, config.DBDir())
	accounts = account.NewManager(walletDB, chain)
	assets = asset.NewRegistry(walletDB, chain)
	wallet, err = w.NewWallet(walletDB, accounts, assets, hsm, chain)
	if err != nil {
		log.WithField("error", err).Error("init NewWallet")

	// trigger rescan wallet
	if config.Wallet.Rescan {

​ The code above is run when bytom node is start and runs the following steps:

(1)Create hsm object, which manages keystore file that stores private key in JSON format. Keystore file is just a string produced by encrypting private key and need to be used along with wallet password.

(2)Create wallet database

(3)Create account management object walletDB

(4)Create asset management object accounts

(5)Instantiate Wallet

(6)RescanBlocks() rescans all local blocks and updates local wallet information.


  1. 创建加密机hsm对象,hsm对象管理keystore文件,该文件是存储私钥的一种格式(JSON)。keystore是一串代码,本质上是加密后的私钥,需配合钱包的密码来使用。

  2. 创建钱包数据库。

  3. 创建账户管理对象。

  4. 创建资产管理对象。

  5. 实例化Wallet对象。

  6. RescanBlocks扫描本地所有区块,触发钱包更新操作。

3.4.9 Network Synchronization (初始化网络同步管理)

​ P2P communication module is managed by SyncManager, which manages the synchronization of information(transactions and blocks) between nodes in the business layer. Here is the code that initializes network synchronization:



const (
	maxNewBlockChSize = 1024

newBlockCh := make(chan *bc.Hash, maxNewBlockChSize)
syncManager, _ := netsync.NewSyncManager(config, chain, txPool, newBlockCh)
go newPoolTxListener(txPool, syncManager, wallet)

​ The description of main parameters :

  • newBlockCh:Channel is used to broadcast information about newly mined blocks quickly to other nodes. The size of chanel is 1024.
  • netsync.NewSyncManager:Instantiate syncManager object, which synchronizes information of blocks and transactions among nodes.
  • newPoolTxListenner:Run a go routine to listen to transactions in TxPool and send transactions to syncManager object or local wallet.


  • newBlockCh:通道用于新挖掘出的区块进行快速广播给其他节点。通道大小为1024。
  • netsync.NewSyncManager:实例化syncManager同步管理对象,它管理节点与节点之间的区块、交易信息同步。
  • newPoolTxListenner:启动一个go程,监听交易池中的交易,将交易发送给syncManager同步管理对象或本地钱包。

​ See more details in Chapter 10 P2P Network.


3.4.10 pprof performance analysis tool(初始化Pprof性能分析工具)

pprof is a tool for visualization and analysis of profiling data in GO library. ppoof is used to analyze memory and CPU, and observe call stacks, etc. It can generate both text and graphical reports (through the use of the dot visualization package). (See more details on In bytom, ppof is disabled by default, users can enable it by --prof_laddr. Here is the code that initializes pprof over http:



profileHost := config.ProfListenAddress
if profileHost != "" {
	go func() {
		http.ListenAndServe(profileHost, nil)

3.4.11 CPU Mining Initialization (初始化CPU挖矿功能)

​ By default only the CPU mining code is available in bytom code. Based on current network computing power, cpu mining mode cannot mine any BTM coins. Nowadays, mining is done by network participants with specialized hardware like specialized mining chips produced by bitmain or use of GPUs in a miningpool. The following chapters will go through more details about mining and mining pools.

​ Here is the code for initializing CPU mining:



node.cpuMiner = cpuminer.NewCPUMiner(chain, accounts, txPool, newBlockCh)
node.miningPool = miningpool.NewMiningPool(chain, accounts, txPool, newBlockCh)

if config.Simd.Enable {
	tensority.UseSIMD = true

sim is used to optimize Tensority.

其中simd参数是用于Tenaority CPU指令优化。

3.5 Starting Bytom in Daemon mode (bytom守护进程方式启动)

​ Daemon is a long running process that performs system specific tasks and it will keep on running in background until it receives a specific signal and then exits. Most processes in Linux run as daemons.


​ The way we implement the daemon process in GO language is to listen for the standard SIGTERM signal. Until such a signal is received ,the process will be in a blocked state and will not exit. The process will change to non-blocking state only when a SIGTERM signal is received from outside. For more on linux signals refer here

​ Here is the code that starts the node as a daemon:



func runNode(cmd *cobra.Command, args []string) error {
	// ...
	// ...


func (n *Node) RunForever() {
	// Sleep forever and then...
	cmn.TrapSignal(func() {


func TrapSignal(cb func()) {
	c := make(chan os.Signal, 1)
	signal.Notify(c, os.Interrupt, syscall.SIGTERM)
	go func() {
		for sig := range c {
			fmt.Printf("captured %v, exiting...\n", sig)
			if cb != nil {
	select {}

signal.Notify() listens for Interrupt and Term signals and relays them to channel c. The goroutine will wait for a signal message from channel c. select {} in TrapSignal() method keeps the current running process in a blocked state. After receiving Term, a callback function is called if it was defined otherwise os.Exit(1) will be run and then the daemon exits.


​ There are two ways to send Term: one is by running kill -15 pid on process Id, the other is using ctrl+c on keyboard.

发送Term信号有两种方式:第一种方式执行命令kill -15 pid。第二种方式,如果进程运行在前台则(ctrl+c)即可。

3.6 Stopping Bytom Daemon (bytom 守护进程停止流程)

​ When a bytom daemon receives the Term signal to terminate itself, the daemon needs to finish a few final house keeping tasks before exiting to make sure that node is not in an inconsistent state. The final tasks are to safely stop the mining process and safely stop the p2p synchronization.eds to finish the final work to exit, such as disabling mining, P2P synchronization, etc. Here is the code:

​ Here is the code that does these final tasks:



func (n *Node) OnStop() {
	if n.miningEnable {
	if !n.config.VaultMode {

3.7 Conclusion (本章总结)

​ This chapter deeply analyzes the code that initializes and starts a bytomd Node. We mainly focus on summary of over all implementation of bytom blockchain node. The coming chapters will discuss different modules, their initialization and details in depth.
