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Chapter 04 Interface Layer

4.1 Introduction

​ ApiServer is an important component of Bytom, which is used to listen to, process and response to requests. Its main functions are receiving users' requests, distributing them according to the routing rules and returningneir results to users.


​ This chapter covers:

  • Create a simple HTTP Server in GO language to make readers understand the process of creating HTTP server.
  • Introduce how ApiServer creates HTTP Server, listen ports and receive requests and the process of requests processing and response in HTTP protocol.
  • A complete HTTP request life cycle.


  • 使用GO语言实现一个简易HTTP Server服务,让读者了解HTTP服务的创建过程
  • ApiServer如何创建HTTP服务、监听端口、接收请求的过程,以及HTTP协议中请求处理和响应流程。
  • 一个HTTP请求完整的生命周期详细介绍。

4.2 Create a Simple HTTP Server(实现一个简易HTTP Server)

​ In GoLang, the net/http library offers HTTP programming related interfaces and encapsulates many functions such as TCP link and message parsing. http.request object and http.ResponseWriter object are already enough for users interaction. The arguments of requests will be sent and processed by the handler, which also writes the result to the Response. Here is the code of a simple HTTP Server:


package main

import (

func sayHello(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
	w.Write([]byte("Hello, World!"))

func main() {
	mux := http.NewServeMux()
	mux.HandleFunc("/", sayHello)

	server := &http.Server{
		Handler: mux,

	listener, err := net.Listen("tcp", ":8080")
	if err != nil {

	err = server.Serve(listener)
	if err != nil {

​ When this HTTP Service runs, it sends a request to local 8080 port and returns Hello,Word! .

当我们运行上面的HTTP服务以后,请求本地的8080端口,HTTP服务会返回给我们“Hello, World”信息。

​ An HTTP Service is created by these three steps:

  • Instantiate http.NewServeMux() to get the route of mux, then add valid routers to mux.Handle. Each router has HTTP request method (GET, POST, PUT, DELET), URL and Handler callback function.
  • Listen the 8080 port.
  • Use the listening address as an argument. The HTTP Service serves external requests by runningServe(listener) .


  • 实例化http.NewServeMux()得到mux路由。为mux.Handle添加多个有效的router路由项。每一个路由项由HTTP请求方法(GET、POST、PUT、DELET)、URL和Handler回调函数组成。
  • 监听本地的8080端口。
  • 将监听地址作为参数,最终执行Serve(listener)开始服务于外部请求。

4.3 Create HTTP Service (ApiServer创建HTTP服务)

4.3.1 Create API Object (创建API对象)

ApiServer is managed by API object. Before running ApiServer, API object need to be initialized. Here is the code:



func (n *Node) initAndstartApiServer() {
	n.api = api.NewAPI(n.syncManager, n.wallet, n.txfeed, n.cpuMiner, n.miningPool, n.chain, n.config, n.accessTokens)

	listenAddr := env.String("LISTEN", n.config.ApiAddress)


func NewAPI(sync *netsync.SyncManager, wallet *wallet.Wallet, txfeeds *txfeed.Tracker, cpuMiner *cpuminer.CPUMiner, miningPool *miningpool.MiningPool, chain *protocol.Chain, config *cfg.Config, token *accesstoken.CredentialStore) *API {
	api := &API{
		sync:          sync,
		wallet:        wallet,
		chain:         chain,
		accessTokens:  token,
		txFeedTracker: txfeeds,
		cpuMiner:      cpuMiner,
		miningPool:    miningPool,

	return api

​ First of all, API object is initialized by api.NewAPI. There are many arguments in ApiServer:

  • listenAddr:Local port. If the system environment variable LISTEN isn't set, config.ApiAddress (default 9888) will be used as listenAddr.
  • n.api.StartServer: Listen local port addresses and start HTTP Service.


  • listenAddr:本地端口,如果系统没有设置LISTEN环境变量则使用config.ApiAddress配置地址,默认为9888。
  • n.api.StartServer:监听本地的地址端口,启动HTTP服务。
`NewAPI()` method has three operations:
  • Instantiate API object.
  • Add routers by api.buildHandle() method.
  • Instantiate http.Server, set auth, etc. by api.initServer() method.


  • 实例化API对象。
  • api.buildHandler添加router路由项。
  • api.initServer实例化http.Server,配置auth验证等。

4.3.2 Create router (创建router路由项)

​ HTTP requests are sent to corresponding callback functions through router that has been matched successfully. Only handlers related to account will be introduced here, since Bytom has too many handler and they are all similar. Here is the code:


func (a *API) buildHandler() {
	walletEnable := false
	m := http.NewServeMux()
	// ...
	m.Handle("/net-info", jsonHandler(a.getNetInfo))
	// ...

	handler := latencyHandler(m, walletEnable)
	handler = maxBytesHandler(handler) // TODO(tessr): consider moving this to non-core specific mux
	handler = webAssetsHandler(handler)
	handler = gzip.Handler{Handler: handler}
	// ...

​ Here it uses http.NewServeMux() in Go library to create a router to distribute routes. As we can see, each router is made of a url and a handle callback function. Once the url user requested matches /net-info, ApiServer will run a.getNetInfo function and send arguments.


​ Other handler work:

  • latencyHandler:When requests can't find the web path, it will match /error with requests.
  • maxBytesHandler:It limit the size of requests with no more than 10MB for each.
  • webAssetsHandler:It adds routers of dashboard and equity pages, which are hard-coded in Bytom. Their paths are dashboard/dashboard.go and equity/equity.go respectively.
  • gzip.Handler:To enable gzip, the level of gzip.BestSpeed need to be set (default level-1 and the highest is level-9). Higher level, more time cpu uses. The level can be adjusted according to the the amount of data HTTP Service receives .


  • latencyHandler:当请求找不到网址路径时,将请求重定向到"/error"错误路径。
  • maxBytesHandler:限制请求的字节大小,一个请求不允许超过10MB。
  • webAssetsHandler:添加dashboard和equity的路由项,dashboard和equity页面代码被硬编码到bytomd中,路径分别在dashboard/dashboard.go、equity/equity.go。
  • gzip.Handler:启用gzip数据压缩,需指定gzip.BestSpeed压缩级别(默认level 1)。最高可指定level 9,随着压缩级别增加,cpu耗时也会增加,可根据HTTP服务接收的数据量调整该压缩级别。

4.3.3 Instantiate http.Server (实例化http.Server)

http.Server is an HTTP Service object. It is the basis of HTTP Service work. Here is the code:

http.Server是一个HTTP服务对象, 是运行HTTP服务的基础。代码如下所示:

func (a *API) initServer(config *cfg.Config) {
	// ...

	mux := http.NewServeMux()
	mux.Handle("/", &coreHandler)

	handler = mux
	if config.Auth.Disable == false {
		handler = AuthHandler(handler, a.accessTokens)
	handler = RedirectHandler(handler)

	secureheader.DefaultConfig.PermitClearLoopback = true
	secureheader.DefaultConfig.HTTPSRedirect = false
	secureheader.DefaultConfig.Next = handler

	a.server = &http.Server{
		Handler:      secureheader.DefaultConfig,
		ReadTimeout:  httpReadTimeout,
		WriteTimeout: httpWriteTimeout,
		TLSNextProto: map[string]func(*http.Server, *tls.Conn, http.Handler){},


​ There are three steps to instantiate http.Server :

  1. AuthHandler: It enables auth, which means users need to enter access token on dashboard to login. auth is enabled by default .

  2. RedirectHandler:When users enter "/", it will jump to "/dashboard/" and set the status "302" by default.

  3. http.Server: Set the timeout of reading and writing and instantiate http.Server


  1. AuthHandler:启用auth验证功能,用户打开dashboard时需要输入access token进行验证登录。默认开启auth功能。

  2. RedirectHandler:重定向,当用户输入"/"时,默认跳转到"/dashboard/",并设置状态为302。

  3. http.Server:设置读写超时时间并实例化http.Server。

​ By now, all handers have been registered in HTTP Server and http.Server object also has been instantiated. We will listen ports and enable HTTP Service next.

到目前为止,所有的handle已经被注册到HTTP 服务器中并实例化http.Server服务对象,下面操作监听端口,启动HTTP服务。

4.3.4 Enable Api Server (启动ApiServer服务)

​ Use net.listen in GoLang library to listen local ports addresses. Here starts a goroutine to run HTTP service due to HTTP service is a persistent working. If there was no error message when running a.server.Serve, the 9888 port is started successfully. By now, ApiServer has been waiting for users' requests and starts a goroutine to process each request once received. Here is the code:



func (a *API) StartServer(address string) {
	log.WithField("api address:", address).Info("Rpc listen")
	listener, err := net.Listen("tcp", address)
	if err != nil {
		cmn.Exit(cmn.Fmt("Failed to register tcp port: %v", err))

	go func() {
		if err := a.server.Serve(listener); err != nil {
			log.WithField("error", errors.Wrap(err, "Serve")).Error("Rpc server")

​ The process of server.Serve working is as follows:

  1. a.server.Serve starts a for loop to keep receiving accept requests.

  2. Instantiate a Conn for each request and also start a goroutine for this request to operate handle.

  3. c.readRequest(ctx) reads each request.

  4. Chose handler according to request and go into the HTTP Server of this handler.

  5. Call w.finishRequest to delete conn buffer data and stop tcp link. Request is over.


  1. a.server.Serve内部启动一个for循环,在循环体中接收Accept请求.

  2. 对每个请求实例化一个Conn,并开启一个goroutine为这个请求执行handle.

  3. c.readRequest(ctx)读取每个request请求的内容 。

  4. 根据request选择handler,并且进入到这个handler的ServeHTTP。

  5. 最后调用w.finishRequest()刷掉conn缓冲区的数据,关闭tcp连接,结束请求。

4.3.5 Receive and Respond to Request (接收并响应请求)

​ When starting an HTTP request, we can use curl commdline to make an HTTP request to get the network status of the current node. Here is the information of ApiServer response:


$ curl -s http://localhost:9888/net-info|jq .
  "status": "success",
  "data": {
    "listening": true,
    "syncing": false,
    "mining": false,
    "peer_count": 0,
    "current_block": 63304,
    "highest_block": 63304,
    "network_id": "mainnet",
    "version": "1.0.5+2bc2396a"

​ Anyalse the process of ApiServer :



m.Handle("/net-info", jsonHandler(a.getNetInfo))

ApiServer parses the head of HTTP, matches the path with /net-info and jumps to a.getNetInfo function.



func (a *API) getNetInfo() Response {
	return NewSuccessResponse(a.GetNodeInfo())

getNetInfo() function gets the object information by P2P, cpuMinner, etc. getNetInfo() serializes NetInfo structure to JSON format and then returns it to users by instantiating Response.



type Response struct {
	Status      string      `json:"status,omitempty"`
	Code        string      `json:"code,omitempty"`
	Msg         string      `json:"msg,omitempty"`
	ErrorDetail string      `json:"error_detail,omitempty"`
	Data        interface{} `json:"data,omitempty"`

func NewS\uccessResponse(data interface{}) Response {
	return Response{Status: SUCCESS, Data: data}

Response is instantiated by NewSuccessResponse, and the HTTP status code is 200. Here is the description:

  • Status: The status string
  • Code: The status code
  • Msg: The status description
  • ErrorDetail: Error message. It is null when requesting successfully
  • Data: Data to response users.


  • Status:状态码字符描述。
  • Code:状态码。
  • Msg:状态码对应的字符描述。
  • ErrorDetail:错误信息,请求成功时,错误信息为空。
  • Data:响应用户的数据。

4.4 The Life Cycle of an HTTP Request (HTTP请求的完整生命周期)

ApiServer just offers HTTP short link. The link will be shut down after an HTTP request/response and needs to be rebuild when the next HTTP request/response happens. Here is a picture to show the life cycle of an HTTP request :


4-1 The life cycle of an HTTP request

The complete life cycle of HTTP request:

  1. User sends an HTTP request to ApiServer.

  2. ApiServer receives the HTTP request.

  3. Start a goroutine to process the request.

  4. Verify the auth of the request.

  5. Parse the request.

  6. Call the handle callback function by router.

  7. Get handle information.

  8. Set request status code.

  9. Respond to user's request.


  1. 用户向ApiServer发出HTTP请求。

  2. ApiServer接收到用户发出的请求。

  3. 启用goroutine处理接收到的请求。

  4. 验证请求内容中的auth信息。

  5. 解析请求内容。

  6. 调用路由项对应的handle回调函数。

  7. 获取handle的数据信息。

  8. 设置请求状态码。

  9. 响应用户的请求。

4.5 Bytom API Description (比原链API接口描述)

1. Wallet related API (钱包相关接口)

API Description
/create-account Create account
/list-accounts Returns the list of all available accounts.
/delete-account Delete existed account
/create-account-receiver Create address and control program
/list-addresses Returns the list of all available addresses by account.
/validate-address Verify the address is valid, and judge the address is own.
/list-pubkeys Returns the list of all available pubkeys by account.
/get-mining-address Query the current mining address
/set-mining-address Set the current mining address
/get-coinbase-arbitrary Get coinbase arbitrary
/set-coinbase-arbitrary Set coinbase arbitrary
/create-asset Create asset definition
/update-asset-alias Update asset alias by assetID
/get-asset Query detail asset by asset ID
/list-assets Returns the list of all available assets
/create-key Create private key
/list-keys Returns the list of all available keys.
/delete-key Delete existed key
/reset-key-password Reset key password
/check-key-password Check key password
/sign-message Sign a message with the key password(decode encrypted private key) of an address
/build-transaction Build transaction
/sign-transaction Sign transaction
/get-transaction Query the account related transaction by transaction ID
/list-transactions Returns the sub list of all the account related transactions
/list-balances Returns the list of all available account balances.
/list-unspent-outputs Returns the sub list of all available unspent outputs for all accounts in your wallet.
/backup-wallet Backup wallet to image file
/restore-wallet Restore wallet by image file
/rescan-wallet Trigger to rescan block information into related wallet
/wallet-info Return the information of wallet

2.Token related API (Token验证相关接口)

API Description
/create-access-token Create access token
/list-access-tokens Returns the list of all available access tokens
/delete-access-token Delete existed access token
/check-access-token Check access token is valid

3.Transaction related API (交易相关接口)

API Description
/submit-transaction Submit transaction
/estimate-transaction-gas Submit transactions used for batch submit transactions
/get-unconfirmed-transaction Estimate consumed neu(1BTM = 10^8NEU) for the transaction
/list-unconfirmed-transactions Query mempool transaction by transaction ID
/decode-raw-transaction Decode a serialized transaction hex string into a JSON object describing the transaction

4. Block related API (块信息相关接口)

API Description
/get-block Returns the detail block by block height or block hash
/get-block-hash Returns the current block hash for blockchain
/get-block-header Returns the detail block header by block height or block hash
/get-block-count Returns the current block height for blockchain
/get-difficulty Returns the block difficulty by block height or block has
/get-hash-rate Returns the block hash rate by block height or block hash
/is-mining Returns the mining status
/set-mining Start up node mining

5. Mining Pool related API (矿池相关接口)

API Description
/get-work Get the proof of work in Varint format
/get-work-json Get the proof of work by JSON
/submit-work Submit the proof of work in Varint format
/submit-work-json Submit the proof of work by JSON
/is-mining Returns the mining status
/set-mining Start up node mining

6. Contract related API (合约相关接口)

API Description
/verify-message Verify a signed message with derived pubkey of the address
/decode-program Decode program
/compile Compile equity contract

7. P2P related API (P2P网络相关接口)

API Description
/net-info Returns the information of current network node
/list-peers Returns the list of connected peers
/disconnect-peer Disconnect to specified peer
/connect-peer Connect to specified peer

4.6 API Tools (API接口调用工具)

​ API needs to be tested when developing a public blockchain. There are many test tools, curl commandline and postman platform are recommended here. We take the create-key as an example in the following part.


4.6.1 Call API via curl commandline (使用curl命令行调用API接口)

curl is a command line tool and library for transferring data with URLs. Use curl commandline to send request in the network, then get and collect data and finally show it in the standard output.


​ Here we use curl commandline to call create-key to create private key and return it. Here is the code:


$ curl -X POST http://localhost:9888/create-key -d '{ "alias" :"user1" , "password":"123456"}'


​ Here are the arguments of curl commandline:

  • -X: Set the method of request, such as GET, POST, DELETE, etc.
  • -d: Use POST to send ApiServer data.
  • Others can be learn on the internet.


  • -X:指定请求方式,请求方式包括GET、POST、DELETE等。
  • -d:使用POST方式向ApiServer发送数据。
  • 其他参数请读者自行学习。

​ Fields of the API result:

  • alias: The alias of the account is user1.
  • xpub: Public key.
  • file: The path of keystore.


  • alias:别名user1。
  • xpub:公钥。
  • file:密钥文件的存储路径。

4.6.2 Call API via Postman (使用Postman调用API接口)

​ Postman is a collaboration platform for API development. Its features simplify each step of building an API and streamline collaboration so you can create better APIs—faster.

​ Dowland Postman on



​ Use Postman to call API by POST method. Enter request URL ( ) , enter {"alias": "user0", "password": "123456" in raw under Body in Text format, and click send button. It returns information that is as same curl above:

使用postman调用API接口,选择POST请求方式,输入http://;在Body标签下raw,选择Text格式,输入:{"alias": "user0", "password": "123456"};点击send,返回如上述curl下create-key相同格式内容:

4-2 The Postman

​ Call create-access-token via postman is as same. Moreover, the list of all available keys will be returned by list-keys.


Note: Everytime create an account needs to change the alias, or it will return fail message that the alias has been created.

4.7 Bytom Error Code (比原链HTTP错误码一览)


  • 0xx—— API errors
  • 1xx—— network errors
  • 2xx—— signature related errors
  • 7xx—— transaction related errors
  • 72x - 73x—— transaction building errors
  • 73x - 75x—— transaction validation errors
  • 76x - 78x—— BVM errors
  • 8xx—— HSM related errors
  • 0xx——API错误。
  • 1xx——网络错误。
  • 2xx——签名相关的错误。
  • 7xx——交易相关的错误。
  • 72x - 73x——构建交易错误。
  • 73x - 75x——验证交易错误。
  • 76x - 78x——虚拟机错误。
  • 8xx——HSM相关错误。

4.8 Conclusion (本章总结)

​ This chapter makes a practical example to show the process of creating a simple HTTP Server in GoLang. It includes the principle and the working process (receiving, processing, responding ) of HTTP Server and shows a whole life cycle by a diagram. In the last place, more attention is paid to how public blockchain offers HTTP API service to users. Bytom API has covered most of public blockchain related API, and also developed some extra API compared with other public blockchains, such as mining pool related API, token related API, etc.

本章介绍了如何使用GO语言标准库实现一个简易的HTTP Server服务。其中包括HTTP服务的工作原理,接收、处理、响应等过程。并以图文的方式介绍了一个HTTP请求的完整生命周期。最后详解了作为公链如何提供HTTP相关的接口。比原链API接口中已经包含了大部分公链所具备的接口,相比其他公链中比原链扩展了其他接口,比如矿池相关接口、token验证相关接口等。