- Please refere to about page:
- JavaScript/jQuery
- Materialize
- Ruby on Rails
- Stripe( for payment )
- Devise
- Paperclip
- Rspec ( for testing )
- Items/ Orders
- Items/ Orders/ Payments
- Items/ Orders/ Payments/ Quantity
- Items/ Orders/ Payments/ Quantity/ Users/ Location
- User can add items to a cart without being logged in
- When logged in,
- User can view their profile page and past orders
- User must be logged-in in order to checkout
- User can enter credit card information to finalize purchase and view receipt upon completion of payment
- User can browse for candy on the home page
- User can add a specific candy to the cart by adding the 'Add to Cart' button
- User can specify the quantity of that candy to be added
- User can sign up for a store account via the 'Sign Up' button
- User can log in to their store account in the Nav Bar
- User can store their address (to be accessed when shipping is implemented)
- User can see how much stock remains for a certain item
- User can view Item name, description, stock, image
- User can add Item to cart via the 'Add to Card' button
- User can view a list of other items offered by the store
- User can go back to main store page via the 'Back' button
- User can view a summary of their order
- User can view the item's page by clicking on the item name
- User can edit the amount of each item or remove item from cart
- User can empty the full cart via 'Trash' button
- User can proceed to checkout via 'Credit Card' button
adding features:
- Mail confirmation
- PDF for receipe
- Finishing the OmniAuth
- Add edit profile feature for users
- Adding categories and brands
- Adding order by price feature