Releases: BranchMetrics/android-branch-deep-linking-attribution
Releases · BranchMetrics/android-branch-deep-linking-attribution
Release 4.0.0
- Switched to using Android X from the Android Support Library
- Added new standard event type: customer_event_alias
- Implemented support for pre-install analytics
- Added the option to set a custom base URL
Release 3.2.0
- Allow short link creation while privacy is enabled
Release 3.1.2
- Hardware ID is now included in every request
- Cleaned up compiler warnings, and updated tools to the latest versions
Release 3.1.1
- v3.1.1
- Added support for push notifications while the application is in the foreground
Release 3.1.0
- v3.1.0
- Fixed a synchronization issue around the event queue saving preferences while in a synchronized block.
- Added new standard events for parity with Tune.
- Ensure that Google Aid is present in all requests.
- Refactored how Debug works, including making sure all Debug messages can be turned off if not in debug mode.
Release 3.0.4
- v3.0.4
- Fixed a TLS1.2 issue with HttpsURLConnection on API Level 16~19 devices
- Add SDK version tag to the Android SDK to aid Google Scanning APIs
- The SDK now supports deeplinking with enableForcedSession() for apps which choose to finish the Launcher Activity within onStart() method
Release 3.0.3
- v3.0.3
- Master Release - December 6, 2018
- Fixed Android InstallListener exception when not on UI thread. SDK-87
Release 3.0.2
- v3.0.2
- Master Release - November 30, 2018
- Fix DeadSystemException crash in System Observer. INTENG-4460
Release 3.0.1
- v3.0.1
- Master Release - November 8, 2018
- Fix unstable share sheet row height. DEVEX-835
- Added new method to force init session. INTENG-4322
- Support untagged sockets. DEVEX-888
Release 3.0.0
- v3.0.0
- Master Release - October 26, 2018
- Upgrade to for TLS 1.2+ support. DEVEX-809
- Breaking Change Min SDK version is now 16. If you want to support minimum sdk level 9 please consider using version 1.14.5. If you want to to support a minimum SDK of 15, use the 2.x versions.