Just a list of syntax/implementation details or possible solutions. These haven't yet been implemented but its a way for me to show my ideas and store them in the same place. To simulate a function i'll use the x => ...
syntax that is known from C#. Also I'll remove any extraneous 'types' that currently need to be retrieved as we can't have var
return functions (and by making the variable fully var
it gets messy when we want to make it clear it should be a function).
while (Lazy.init(obj).orderByAscending(x => x.FirstName, buf).thenByDescending(x => x.LastName, buf)) |next| {
// Or
while (Lazy.init(obj)
.order((a, b) => Lazy.LessThanOr(a.FirstName, b.FirstName,
() => a.LastName > b.LastName))) |next| {
I'm currently settling on the first.