Leadership has always been a rough topic and difficult one to hammer down effectively, but let’s try to remember that it’s all about “The Team”.
“There are times in every commander’s life when he must yield the stick of authority to a subordinate.
Sometimes the reason is one of expertise, when the subordinate has skills the commander lacks. Sometimes it is positional, when the subordinate is in the right place at the right time and the commander is not. Often it is anticipated there will be loss of direct communication, which means the subordinate may be given general instructions but must then carry them out on his own initiative as the situation flows around him.
No commander enjoys those moments. Most subordinates fear them, as well. Those who do not fear already betray the overconfidence that nearly always leads to disaster.
But the moments must be faced. And all will learn from them, whether to satisfaction or to sorrow.”
--- Grand Admiral Thrawn
- Required Reading
- SL+ Orientation
- SL Buddy Phase
- PLT+ Orientation
- PLT Buddy Phase
Orientations are similar to recruit orientation. Schedule a time with an instructor to go over the baseline materials for each position. There will be two orientations. One that focuses on Infantry and very basic combined arms and will be the only requirement for SLs/TvT Leads. A second will focus on complex combined arms. Both the infantry, basic and complex combined arms will be required by PLT/COY for COOPs. If active group population goes up, large scale TvTs may require PLT/COY qualed leadership.
Leadership Buddies
Members who have completed their qualifications may be vetted buddies for members entering the leadership process. You may view complete/in-progress on the leadership spreadsheet. Members are expected to advise staff when their tracker should be changed to complete.
- For Long Co-Ops, Leadership Qual slotting will be skipped for SL and PLT buddy phase. (in interest of time, smoothing play, etc. - just save it for the other 7 sessions in a month)
- "Qual Call" will be done before SLs slot in regular CO-OPS, anyone who needs their SL buddy phase should speak up in this time
Designed to lay out leadership responsibilities so that members know what they are expected to do during the session.
1. Read all the Briefing Tabs
2. Ensure none of your team members bother the command briefing.
3. Be prepared to ask questions during the squad briefing.
4. If requested or urgent, offer suggestions - do not lead from FTL. Good orders or bad, follow your SL to the best of your ability and have fun whether it goes well or not. Offer constructive, positive critique on relevant leadership threads following the session.
5. Confirm radios are on the proper channels with a radio check.
6. Assign Buddy Team colors before planning ends if needed.
7. Assign vehicle drivers/teams before planning ends if needed.
1. Ensure your team understands the mission in the event of your untimely demise.
2. Designate vehicle drivers/teams. Ensure proper convoy spacing is followed.
3. If mounted in a crewed helo/vehicle that vehicle commander's word is final; the squad answers to their orders while inside.
4. If the squad’s fire teams are in separate vehicles for transportation purposes it is the squad leader's job to ensure vehicle spacing is maintained for the vehicles under their control. If the fire teams’ members are split between two vehicles it is the fire team leader's job to maintain the spacing.
1. Ensure your team are not overusing their radios and keeping the squad net as clear as possible.
2. Coordinate Medical assistance for team casualties.
3. Ensure your team members are utilizing proper cover and spacing individually and as a fireteam.
4. Keep track of your team's ammo, AT, and casualties/deaths for status reports.
5. Notify SL of any scavenged enemy assets that may cause PID confusion.
6. Coordinate your team in engaging the enemy, providing contact reports and map markings to the SL as soon as possible.
7. Coordinate your team for tactical maneuvers, formations and bounding overwatch.
8. Coordinate with the SL for extraction/retreat upon mission conditions being achieved/failed.
9. Keep track of team assigned assets - transport vehicles, etc.
10. Ensure your team is aware of the current immediate commander’s intent.
While it is expected that almost everyone who takes a fire team leader slot is capable of leading the squad in case of squad lead death/DC, it is NOT expected that they will perform the exact same as a comfortable squad lead. The expectation is to be able to follow the pre-set squad plan, and communicate at the same level as a normal squad lead.
Fire team leaders are front line leaders, they are a combination of leadership and death distribution. It is okay to be in the line of fire, just remember that you also have a responsibility to keep people alive.
You can assign your 343 radio net to one ear so you can hear local better. This makes radio comms far less cluttered, and you ensure you hear important messages on the 343.
If you leave your transportation vehicles at an unmarked location on the map, it may be wise to mark them for later recovery.
Responsibilities During Slotting & Map Screen
Pay attention to who is occupying which slots in the squad. There might be assets beyond the normal fireteam such as medium machine gun or medium anti tank tucked into the fireteams. Squad leaders should have an idea of their fireteams’ relative strength and capabilities based on slotting and the briefing.
Always read the briefing fully. Squad leaders are directly below platoon in the chain of command. If the platoon leader dies or drops off comms for an extended period of time, a squad leader will need to take charge. Squad leaders will also need to summarize the relevant parts of the briefing for their squad members during planning.
1. Read all the Briefing Tabs.
2. Ensure your fireteams do not bother the command briefing.
3. Attend the command briefing and ensure you know all relevant portions of the commander’s intent.
4. Check your FTLs' radios and check your LR.
5. Conduct a squad briefing following the command briefing, and explain what any supporting elements will be doing. Explain what the ROE for the mission will be. Explain the commander’s intent.
6. Assign vehicles and other assets to your fireteams and/or attachments if relevant.
1. If vehicles are used, ensure proper convoy spacing is followed by the squad.
2. If mounted in a crewed helo/vehicle that vehicle commander's word is final; the squad answers to their orders while inside.
3. If the squad’s fireteams are in separate vehicles for transportation purposes it is the squad leader's job to ensure vehicle spacing is maintained for the vehicles under their control. If the fire teams’ members are split between two vehicles it is the fire team leader's job to maintain the spacing.
4. Coordinate initial formations and movements for your fireteams, maintaining good spacing.
1. Ensure your fireteams are not overusing their radios and keeping the squad net as clear as possible.
2. Coordinate Medical assistance for team casualties.
3. Ensure your fireteams are utilizing proper cover and spacing.
4. Keep track of your squad's ammo, AT, and casualties/deaths for status reports.
5. Notify Platoon of any scavenged enemy assets that may cause PID confusion.
6. Coordinate your squad in engaging the enemy, providing contact reports and map markings to Platoon as soon as possible.
7. Coordinate your squad for tactical maneuvers, formations and bounding overwatch.
8. Maintain proper distance from direct fighting when able to coordinate fireteams and minimize risk to SL and Medic.
9. Coordinate with Platoon for extraction/retreat upon mission conditions being achieved/failed.
10. Keep track of team assigned assets - transport vehicles, etc.
While it is expected that everyone who takes a squad leader slot is capable of leading the platoon in case of platoon lead death/DC, it is NOT expected that they will perform the exact same as a comfortable platoon lead. The expectation is to be able to follow the pre-set platoon plan, and communicate at the same level as a normal platoon lead.
While squad leaders are frontline leaders, they should avoid direct combat unless necessary. Unlike a fireteam lead, squad leaders have added knowledge and responsibility that makes them important to the platoon. Squad leaders should attempt to stay alive, and should leave the fighting to their fireteams where reasonable.
It is not imperative that you maintain oversight on every single thing your subordinates do. In most cases your fireteams will have the knowledge and experience to be trusted to do what they need to do. You shouldn’t normally have to make sure individuals are in positions where they are most effective. However, if your fireteam leads are newer you may want to keep a closer eye on them, and help guide them as they learn.
You can assign your 343 radio net to one ear, and your 148 radio net to another ear. This makes radio comms far less cluttered, and you ensure you hear important messages on the 148.
While it is the squad medics’ duty to monitor the 343 net and treat called out casualties, squad leaders can also order them when to move, or assign them a team to follow. Sometimes the platoon may need to borrow your squad medic as well.
If you leave your transportation vehicles at an unmarked location on the map, it may be wise to mark them for later recovery.
Make sure to share on the local net what the rest of the platoon is doing, as fireteam members do not have long range comms.
1. Decide on what assets to bring with full knowledge of how many people/the ratio of what you have to work with.
2. Fully read and understand the briefing, asking any relevant questions to the mission maker before mission load.
1. Read all the Briefing Tabs.
2. Make a plan for all assets under your direct command. For example, COY will make a plan for 1PLT, 2PLT, and other assets. Platoon leads will make a plan for their squads and attachments. In the case of a TvT, 1PLT will be in charge of making the plan for everyone.
3. Ensure the commander's intent is communicated to all members of the platoon/company during brief downs.
4. Assign radio channels if necessary.
5. Do radio checks to confirm communication will be possible.
1. If vehicles are used, ensure proper convoy spacing is followed by the platoon/company.
2. If mounted in a crewed helo/vehicle that vehicle commander's word is final; the squad answers to their orders while inside.
3. Coordinate initial formations and movements for your squads and assets, maintain good spacing.
1. Ensure your subordinates are not overusing their radios and keeping the squad net as clear as possible.
2. Keep track of your platoon and asset's ammo, AT, and casualties/deaths. You will have to make a decision to relieve a squad or asset if needed.
3. Coordinate your platoon/company in engaging the enemy, providing contact reports and map markings as soon as possible.
4. Maintain proper distance from direct fighting when able, if you die the chances of mission success diminish rapidly.
Please read the following for a more in-depth view of responsibilities that you may have at this level of leadership.
Many of our foundations were built on the Folk ARPS platoon, which Shacktac also utilizes. The TTP3 is a very good resource for many things that can apply directly or indirectly to our sessions. Some additional reading to reinforce the above is the following:
Squad and TvT Leadership Orientation - Infantry and Basic Combined Arms Focused:
Orientations preferably will be small affairs, so that 1 on 1 time can be accomplished. No max is set, but having more than 2 trainees could hinder things more than help. Goal is to provide a baseline guide for what is expected of each position and then employ those ideas in a mock wargame scenario at the end. Times are estimates to keep things on pace. If someone has questions or needs more work on a topic then spend the time. Familiar topics will take less time. The idea is to spend no longer than 60 minutes on the entire orientation, although this will be challenging depending on discussion and questions. All topics will have supplemental material for people to review at their own pace.
Connect to the BW Server (there is also a training server) and vote yourself admin.
BW_SquadandTvTLeadership_v5.altis is the mission used.
Instructors and Trainees should have ACRE on during the entire orientation. Trainee’s should slot in SL slots and the instructor should slot PLT, but will eventually join the Shacktac group of one of the trainees, preferably whichever trainee seems more comfortable with leadership (mainly because this trainee will go first for practical testing and map marking.) This setup is to allow the trainees to be tested without overhearing the answers/plans of the other trainee.
Once the orientation has reached the map marking phase, the trainees should be separated out of local voice range or asked to drop down to whisper to ensure that no accidental “cheating” occurs. If the trainees are able to complete the section with no major issues, any tips/comments may be held until both trainees are brought back together to go over the next section.
This format should be followed for;
Maps and Distances #4 (Map reading test)
Infantry Tactics #8 (Galati Infantry Tactics test)Final Practical (Frini Assault TvT attack test)
Responsibilities and ROE (5 minutes)
- Part of required reading, so the discussion here will be light. Just make sure they’ve read at least the forum post.
- https://forums.bourbonwarfare.com/viewtopic.php?f=24&t=4535
Basic Slotting
- Use the ratio calculator for TvTs to figure out numbers.
- Ask for a rough idea of expected count if first TvT
- Reduced squad is 10, full is 14, take at least one medic
- Take recommended/required assets, slot them first.
- Slot counters to enemy assets when possible.
- Use the ratio calculator for TvTs to figure out numbers.
Radios (5 minutes)
- Use of the long range radios
- Setting second Push-to-Talk
- Change what ear the radio is on
- Proper radio calls. (Alpha, Command -> This is Alpha/Send -> Message)
- Know what you’re going to say before you say it. Don’t drag it out. If you feel like you’re talking too long, break your comms to make sure you’re not missing traffic.
- http://www.stanag6001.com/radio-communication-rules/
- ACRE Radio Guide (Trainee can read on own time)
Default Equipment (5 minutes)
- Vectors
- Bearing/Range
- https://ace3mod.com/wiki/feature/vector.html
- GPS/microDAGR
- Tools to track fireteam markers and spacing.
- microDAGR Overview (main features)
- No detail. Up to trainee to learn on their own. https://ace3mod.com/wiki/feature/microdagr.html
- Maptools
- Getting accurate bearing and distance measurements from the map
- Reference Doc: https://ace3mod.com/wiki/feature/maptools.html
- Note: slightly out of date, default rotation bind is ALT + LMB
- Vectors
Map Reading (15 minutes)
- Contours and grid distances
- Hills/Valleys/Ridges/Saddles/Depressions/Treelines
- Identify terrain features in view on the map with estimated distances
Infantry Weapons Effective Ranges (5-10 minutes for weapons and vehicles)
- Effective ranges of weapon platforms:
{% hint style="info" %} General Max Effective Ranges:
- Typical Rifleman 300-500m
- Typical MMG 300-700m
- (volume of fire can extend these range by playing numbers games)
- Marksman/Sniper 400-800
- (conditions, scope, and rifle dependent)
- 60mm mortar 200-1000m
- 81mm mortar 400-4000m
- MAT is very launcher variable
- RPG 7VL 50-400m (pushable to 600m with a prayer)
- RPG 7VR 50-200m (pushable 250m with a bigger prayer)
- SMAW 50-600m (pushable to 1km with skill https://youtu.be/dMeYIYSDayM)
- MAAWs 50-700m (the sight ranges out to 700m, has a laser range finder, but has super fucked up ballistics). {% endhint %}
- Basic Vehicle Effective Ranges
- Figure out what ammo vehicles have been given
{% hint style="info" %} General Max Effective Ranges:
- MMG caliber vehicles: follow MMG effective ranges
- 50 caliber/14.5mm vehicles: 800-1200
- (pushable to over 1.5km but limited by view distance and optics for most)
- Autocannon IFVs/Tanks:
- main gun: 1.5-2km
- 50 caliber: 800-1200m
- Coaxial MMG caliber: 500-700m {% endhint %}
- Go over the in-game exercise and ask trainee if certain assets will be in range at different points. If running multiple trainees, follow methodology listed in Setup section to ensure both trainees are being tested properly
- Formations
- Focus on Platoon and Squad level formations such as Platoon Wedge/Line, Squad column/line
- Platoon and Squad Cohesion
- Squads and fireteams should make an effort to never be more than 300m apart. Effective ranges of a typical rifleman are 300-400m. If the platoon is too spread out then mutual support is impractical.
- Weapons need to be in the right terrain to support squads
- High ground not always the most viable or effective, especially for MAT teams, a closer low ground area may provide better support due to ranges.
- Do not leave support elements outside of the range of infantry support unless absolutely necessary
- Ensure that Squad contact reports are radioed up and marked on the map.
- Bounding
- Emphasize the importance of this on squad level and platoon levels. In platoon movements squads should be overwatching each other. If a squad is moving then they should also be bounding if needed. (Marks made on mission are excessive and just for training, normally it’d just be two waypoint markers.)
- Attack
- BOF + Maneuver element. Important at SL and PLT levels.
- Defend
- Defense in depth
- There is some good info in here on defending. http://ttp3.dslyecxi.com/8_tactics.php
- Main principles should be that every unit should be able to cover other units. Enemies should be slowed down by a forward element. A forward element should be able to retreat quickly. If a forward element is killed then a second element should have eyes on their old position to engage enemies moving through them. This is obviously very terrain dependent. You don’t want to be so spread that units cannot support one another. Again, cohesion.
- Hard points
- Utilize bunkers, and other defense points with good eyes and bullet resistance.
- Defense in depth
- Breaking Contact
- One squad or element screens while the other retreats. Utilize smoke.
- Gates
- Essentially overwatch on a key piece of terrain allowing friendlies to move through. Road, clearing, etc.
- Go to Tactics area on Map.
- Talk through a platoon attack on Galati with marked BOF. If running multiple trainees, follow methodology listed in Setup section to ensure both trainees are being tested properly Instructor will make PLT plan and trainee will create mark fireteam marks for both squads.
- Setup Gates in the town on the 3 main entrances
- Defend Galati
- Convoys
- Reinforce spacing at the squad level. ~50-100m, alternating sides of roads if possible.
- Spacing out armed vehicles (all armed vehicles at front may be bad)
- Dealing with contact
- Highest level leader decides how to react to contact, may depend on type of contact.
- Thunder run is just pushing through the contact and exiting the engagement zone at the highest possible safe speed. If element gets left behind, leader may decide to push back or not.
- Herringbone is when every other vehicle pulls to opposite sides of the road, infantry dismount, and gunners/infantry provide 360 security.
- Highest level leader decides how to react to contact, may depend on type of contact.
- When possible take a transport vehicle per map element (for ex ASL, A1, A2 would be three vehicles) shoot for a minimum of 1 transport per squad.
- Vehicles as Base of Fire
- Vehicles may be left slightly further back then infantry support assets due to ability to rapidly move, but if left alone too long near uncleared areas enemy infantry may sneak up and AT them.
- Vehicle Limitations
- Some vehicles have bad optics, others can’t move up hills well, BW often limits vehicle ammo, trainee should know to ask crews what they can/can’t do.
- Vehicle crews have final say on vehicle operation, if something is unsafe they will not do it, and they may break off marked routes at times. SLs/TvT Leads can be more hands off with vehicle crews vs infantry.
- Helicopters
- Trainee at this level is not expected to fully understand helicopter usage
- Trainee should know to work with pilot to pick out good LZs, and know pilot has final say once in air.
Focus of this section is to prioritize important information in a mission briefing and quickly sculpt a plan as we generally only have 10-15 minutes to formulate a plan and brief down during missions. During that time the commander must read all pertinent information and come up with a clear understandable intent for all elements below them.
SL level ability is taking a plan given from that intent, offering suggestions/feedback and then putting that plan into action. If not done during briefing, SLs should make a point to place waypoints for their squads, so that the plan can be followed in the event of the loss of a SL.
TvT Leads should be able to completely plan through an objective, as well as make a rough plan beyond the first objective in the event of the loss of a higher leader. TvT Leads should know to try to avoid cheesy strategies like completely avoiding all contact and crawling a small element towards an objective or hugging the edge of a map.
SL//TvT leads must understand that as some of the only individuals with long range radios, it’s important that they communicate what the rest of the platoon is doing or why their Squad/TvT element is doing a specific action. Doing so helps cohesiveness and player fun.
This section is high level discussion and may take a while based on trainee aptitude.
*If running multiple trainees, follow methodology listed in Setup section to ensure both trainees are being tested properly
- SL/TvT Lead trainee will make a plan to assault Frini with input from the instructor about whether or not the trainee’s plan will allow all elements to work together in a cohesive manner.
- Assume 2 Squads, 1 MAT, and 1 Guntruck (emulating TvT numbers)
- Assume 10 minute safestart with 40 minutes total mission time.
- Focus on giving SLs waypoints to follow as well as keeping platoon cohesion and MAT/Guntruck within effective engagement ranges.
- Following creation of TvT assault plan, the SL/TvT Lead Trainee will “brief down” to mock FTLs and create detailed FT waypoints for at least one squad with the instructor providing feedback or guidance.
Instructor will walk through the entire plan after brief.
- Teleport players to terrain to walk through. Does it change the trainee’s waypoints? Does their plan accomplish their own commander's intent, and can they explain why?
- If the trainee struggles with then FT briefing section, practice the theory of a squad attack on assigned objectives.
- Walk through any other scenarios the trainee or instructor deem necessary in the moment. (Ie. Squad is ambushed. Squad is combat ineffective, etc.)
Reading Supplements
This orientation is entirely for PLT+ trainees and should be done before the PLT Leadership Buddy phase. Focus is on getting PLT+ comfortable with managing multiple assets in a mission and delegating responsibilities.
- Squads can hold 10 or 14 in regular layout. (9 in MSV)
- A reduced platoon is 33 players.
- A full platoon is 45 players.
- For COOPs, take the current player count on the server, subtract Zeus(es) and yourself. The remainder if the number is what you have to work with. Decide if you want 2 platoons or not. Two reduced platoons is 66 players and two full platoons is 90 players. You can cut the platoons down to 2 squads each (46 for reduced or 62 for full) if you want, but of course this depends on assets available.
- Take some time to practice asset distribution with a certain player count. 50 vs 60
- Decide if you plan on thunder running through certain areas or clearing through.
- Does your convoy have armored support or HMG/GMG assets?
- Decide on how to stage, convoy speed and spacing.
- Let Platoon leaders lead, but make sure they are supporting each other. (No farther than 500m apart if possible. This may depend on the mission objectives.)
- Many of the principles of platoon cohesion apply here. Platoons spread too far apart cannot support each other.
- Factor in their strength. A reduced platoon (generally 2 squads) will not be able to handle the same threats as a full platoon.
- Protecting your force multipliers and importance of infantry protection.
- Positioning them in places they can support the infantry quickly and efficiently.
- Establish who is in command of armor assets. COY? COY XO? 1PLT, 2PLT? What radio nets should they be on?
- Transport birds
- Planning LZs and LZ security
- Organizing infantry transportation.
- Maximize lift capacities for minimal downtime
- Establish the ROE. Are they weapons free or do they need to be called in?
- Identify anti-air threats that can take one of your most powerful assets out of play.
- Keep CAS at a safe distance
- Have infantry clear out positions
- Assign radio nets and responsibilities. Ideally in an air mission you will have a JTAC.
Fun - As COY or PLT, your decisions will ultimately dictate how much fun your underlings might have. Consider swapping elements out from BOF and Assault duties between objectives, or otherwise be mindful of an element having a repetitive role.
COY and Zeus both are the most impactful on everyone else’s enjoyment in session, which is a lot of responsibility to hold and can be daunting to consider. Try and have fun yourself, but ensuring that those you’re in charge of have fun!
Also, avoid overplanning. If you slot as COY and have a 1PLT and 2PLT, then don’t feel the need to breakdown your expectation of each squad under them. Task each Platoon leader with your expectations and give them the freedom to position their squads as they see fit to achieve your expectations.
Assets for each section are in the Administration portion of the Leadership Mission’s briefing. Trainee will put their plan together and walk through it with the instructor. Trainee will need to assign radio nets (if necessary) and responsibilities. Instructor may at any time throw curveballs at the trainee during plan walk-through.
- Make a plan for a convoy and brief down
- Make a plan with armor support and brief down
- Make a plan with air assets and brief down (Blackhawks seat 16)
- Make a plan with infantry, air and armor assets then brief down.
Buddy program will last 6 missions per phase and limiting one mission per session that “counts”. The program is designed and intended to not be intrusive or tedious, but to foster learning and constructive feedback. By limiting to 1 mission per session, it will allow time for feedback in between sessions and time for thoughts and ideas to sink in. The entire process from SL to PLT eligibility will take at minimum 6 sessions, which should be negligible time to invest considering the recruit phase. Vetted leaders will be volunteers during slotting, OR a trainee may reach out directly to someone they would like to learn from.
*Note - Members need SL Quals to be able to take TvT Lead slots
- Slot medic under vetted SL for one mission. Be aware you will not have a LR radio, but the focus is to pay attention to 343 chatter, SLs decisions, and ask questions whenever there is a break. Instructor/Trainee will post in trainee’s leadership thread to document the process. A COOP is preferred (but not required) because TvTs tend to be frantic time crunches.
- Vetted leader slot medic under SL trainee over 2 sessions. Provide guidance during briefing and decisions. Assist with any issues they may have. Instructor/Trainee will post in trainee’s leadership thread to document the process. At least one COOP is preferred (but not required) because TvTs tend to be frantic time crunches.
- Trainee will go on their own at this point and will track how often they lead. After leading on their own in 3 additional sessions, they will be qualified to move on to PLT+ if they desire. This qualifier is contingent on feedback from the member base. The primary focus will be on how the trainee handles themselves in-game, accepts feedback (positive or negative), and delivers feedback.
- Slot XO under vetted PLT, COY excluded. The focus is to pay attention to PLTs decisions, and ask questions whenever there is a break. Will also be responsible for whatever tasks PLT assigns XO. Instructor/Trainee will post in trainee’s leadership thread to document the process. This stage will be much less passive than shadowing a SL due to the responsibilities an XO has. Only 1 mission as XO is required, but it is recommended trainee serve as XO multiple times until comfortable.
- @Staff to be added to the COY Leadership list
- Vetted leader slots XO under PLT trainee for 2 different sessions and provide guidance during briefing and decisions. The buddy will assist with any issues they may have. Instructor/Trainee will post in trainee’s leadership thread to document the process.
- Trainee will go on their own for 3 sessions with the goal to get legitimate feedback from SLs, their XO, and anyone else. Trainee will post in trainee’s leadership thread to document the process. Once trainee has led on their own as Platoon for at minimum 3 sessions, they will be eligible for the COOP High Leadership list, which opens up COY.
Figure out the logistics of tracking everything. It’s a lot of work to be mostly put on the membership.
Create additional forum threads necessary for tracking progress if necessary
TL;DR (For reference and note saving)
Squad Leader:
- Required to try out fire team leading first until comfortable with squad operations
- Attend basic leadership orientation.
- Run through the Leadership Buddy system.
- May now squad lead. Squad leaders must be able to GIVE and TAKE constructive feedback. Leadership forum activity is highly encouraged. Failure to take feedback will lead to squad leadership perms revoked.
Platoon Leader:
- Required to go through SL phase first.
- Must have attend both basic AND advanced leadership orientations.
- Spend one mission as a ‘shadow.’ (Platoon sgt)
- Lead two missions with a qualified shadow to help give advice, answer questions, and offer alternatives.
- Shadows give yes/no votes on if person is qualified. Qualified mainly means “isn’t going to freeze up” and knows how to use radios and what not, less so that they are army levels of proficient.
- PL perms can be revoked with failure to take or give constructive feedback.
In General:
Leadership should be posting on the threads of those just above and below them with anything good or bad to say. Everything needs to be constructive. If everything was smooth sailing - say so!
Ex: AACO, your plan was solid and well explained, but you often had an ‘army’ edge to your voice that can be discouraging or off putting to other players.
How to easily Track your progress (Fireblazers method)
SL qual
SL Orientation Complete - Montana1176
1/1 Slot under SL
-Slotted under Rooney for Assault - gn502_TvT40_Burnt_v1.FDF_Isle1_a
2/2 Slot with SL Qual buddy
-BSL with Mbxperez for Assault - gn502_co40_RedWave_v1.ruha
-BSL with Urist for Assault and Hold - gn502_co40_Hope_v1.pabst_yellowstone
3/3 Slot solo
-ASL Defend UST_SC40_Sherpas_v1.torabora
-BSL Assault gn502_co40_Gauntlet_v1.FDF_Isle1_a
-BSL Assault Korin_C50_Partisan_v5.chernarus
COY Qual
9/7/2021 Plt/COY Orientation
1/1 as XO/Plt Sargent
-Slotted under Rooney - Michi_co40_COD_v1.fallujah CQB Clearing to Hospital and Extract
2/2 As Plt w/ Qualified XO
-Mom_HCO_HelpfulNeighbor -Halloween Coop - Badwolf as XO
gn502_co40_Finned_v1.Altis - SAM team with 3 objectives to kill HVT's - Rooney as XO
1/3 As a Loner
-Korin_C35_Neighborly_v2.vt7 - Defensive with SF team
1.0 - Zerith
1.5 - Loadin - Clearer focus on giving SL Orientation a TVT Focus
1.6 - Loadin - 8/6/2023 - Added notes on Commander’s Intent, as well as radio information including info on possible addition of Full Duplex