u = undo o/O insert new line below above and enter insert mode ctrl + b page up ctrl + f page down gg = top of document G = bottom of document b = back word w = next word e = end of word E = end of word after whitespace H = screen top L = screen bottom :vsplit filename ctrl + ww to switch buffers a = append insert mode A = append to end of line 0 = beginning of line $ = end of line ^ = beginning of text / = search n = next find in search mode N = search backwards in search mode 3dd = cut x lines where 3 = x 3yy = copy x lines where 3 = x p = paste buffer cw = change word - deletes word and enters edit dw = delete word, leave space daw = delete a word and takes space yiw = yank inner word SHIFT + Arrow = move word more here: http://vim.wikia.com/wiki/All_the_right_moves ): Move to start of next sentence (: Move to start of last sentence }: Move to start of next paragraph (as delimited by a blank line) {: Move to start of last paragraph (as delimited by a blank line) :sp: split :vs: vertical split :%s/search/replace