It is only necessary to install libraries for those cameras, robots, or input devices that you intend to use.
On Ubuntu 18 install azure kinect SDK with apt
On Ubuntu 20 download libk4a*(-dev) and libk4abt*(-dev) from and k4atools from
Install withsudo dpkg -i
Install Open3D in your Python env with
pip install open3d
For default usage, start
$ python robot_io/cams/kinect4/
First follow installation instructions for librealsense2 here
pip install pyrealsense2
python robot_io/cams/realsense/ # to test
groups | grep video # user must be in video group, otherwise ask Michael K.
file /usr/src/librealsense2 # (see below a)
diff misc/framos_setup_files/ /usr/src/librealsense2/
cp -r /usr/src/librealsense2 .
cd librealsense2
pip uninstall pyrealsense2
pip install -e .
cd ../robot_io/cams/realsense
python # test script
- a) If
does not exist, download FRAMOS software package from Follow installation instructions, make sure to use local admin user (e.g. xam2) to install (file system may NOT be network mounted). - b) Use Ethernet sockets on the ceiling for PoE.
Make sure OpenCV and Eigen are installed:
sudo apt install libopencv-dev python3-opencv
sudo apt install libeigen3-dev
pip install Cython
cd robot_io/marker_detection/apriltag_detection
python build_ext --inplace
Clone Kuka Java Repository on aisgit
git clone
is a ROS free python controller for KUKA iiwa. It sends UDP messages to the iiwa_java_controller.
Supported control modes:
- Joint position control
- degrees / radians
- Cartesian position control
- PTP / LIN motions
- with / without impedance
- absolute / relative coordinates
For more information please read README of kuka_java_interface_no_ros
IK fast is an analytic IK solver. In order to use IK fast, first install ikfast-pybind
git clone --recursive
cd ikfast_pybind
# copy panda IK solution .cpp and .h to ikfast_pybind
cp ../robot_io/misc/ik_fast_files/ikfast.h ./src/franka_panda/
cp ../robot_io/misc/ik_fast_files/ikfast0x10000049.Transform6D.0_1_2_3_4_5_f6.cpp ./src/franka_panda/
pip install .
For creating different IK solutions (e.g. in case of a different gripper) please refer to:
git clone
cd frankx
git clone
git clone
cd affx; git checkout -b frankx_version dabe0ba; cd ..
cd ruckig; git checkout -b frankx_version 31f50f0; cd ..
conda install pybind11
vim # add "-DFranka_DIR=/opt/ros/noetic/share/franka/cmake/"
pip install -e .
firefox # unlock joints
export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/opt/ros/noetic/lib/:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH
cd robot_io/robot_interface
python # test robot
sudo apt install libspnav-dev spacenavd
conda activate robot
pip install spnav
Next test if it works, some common pitfalls are:
- Turn on SpaceMouse in the back
- May not work while charging.
- Wireless range is quite limited.
- Comment the following two lines in
#pythonapi.PyCObject_AsVoidPtr.restype = c_void_p
#pythonapi.PyCObject_AsVoidPtr.argtypes = [py_object]
To test execute the following program. When moving the mouse you should see numbers scrolling by.
python robot_io/input_devices/
Please see (here.)[docs/]
This is for installing the Facebook Digit Sensor
pip install digit-interface