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208 lines (154 loc) · 5.76 KB
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Choropleth Map for PM2.5 Emissions Data
Saturday, January 31, 2015

I have a high interest in mapping geospatial data and wanted to work with the data from the Exploratory Data Analysis Project 2 further so I created this additonal code which creates a Choropleth, a type of heat map, based on the total PM2.5 Emissions by each FIPS county. For more information on FIPS county code see this page

The original Course Project is here -

This is almost entirely drawn from the code of others found on the internet - many different sources contributed.

First, I check to see if the data is loaded to R and if not, I set the working directory and read in the data. Because this data is in RDS format we use the readRDS function:

  if(!exists("NEI")) {
    print("Reading NEI file")
    setwd("C:/Users/rr046302/Documents/Bill's Stuff/Coursera/Exploratory Data Analysis/Project 2")
    NEI <- readRDS("summarySCC_PM25.rds")

Next I require several R packages - require checkes to see if the packages are loaded and if not loads them:

## Loading required package: maps
## Warning: package 'maps' was built under R version 3.1.2
## Loading required package: ggmap
## Warning: package 'ggmap' was built under R version 3.1.2
## Loading required package: ggplot2
## Warning: package 'ggplot2' was built under R version 3.1.2
## Loading required package: doBy
## Warning: package 'doBy' was built under R version 3.1.2
## Loading required package: survival
## Loading required package: splines

Next I set the color for the color bands - here I have chosen a set of magenta colors to indicate that the Emissions is a measure of a deleterious substance in the environment:

colors = c("#F1EEF6", "#D4B9DA", "#C994C7", "#DF65B0", "#DD1C77", 

Using the doBy package I summarize Emissions by fips and year, using the FUNction sum:

  fipssum <- summaryBy(Emissions ~fips + year, data = NEI, keep.names = TRUE, FUN = sum) 

Usign the cut and breaks function I cut the Emissions sum into 6 equal parts. Note that I do this prior to filtering on the year as I want all 4 years to use the same color buckets so that the comparisons across all 4 years are appropriate:

  fipssum$colorBuckets <- cut(fipssum$Emissions, breaks=c(quantile(fipssum$Emissions, probs = seq(0, 1, by = 0.2))),
                              labels=c(1,2,3,4,5), include.lowest=TRUE)

We'll start with the data for 1999 (you can fork the repo on Github that has the following code set up as a function):

NEIyear <- 1999

And filter on year:

  year <- subset (fipssum, year == NEIyear) 

I create an object of the colorBuckets that will be used for setting colors when I make the plot

  colorsmatched <- year$colorBuckets 

A title is created using the NEIyear that was called by the user in the function call:

  title <- paste("NEI PM2.5 Emissions by county ", NEIyear)  

The penultimate step is to create the plot:


plot of chunk unnamed-chunk-10

  map("county", col = colors[colorsmatched], fill = TRUE, resolution = 0, 
      lty = 0, projection = "polyconic")
## Loading required package: mapproj
## Warning: package 'mapproj' was built under R version 3.1.2
  leg.txt <- c("bottom", "2nd", "3rd", "4th", "5th quintile")
  legend("topright", leg.txt, horiz = TRUE, fill = colors)

plot of chunk unnamed-chunk-10

We'll run it again for 2002 data:

NEIyear <- 2002
  year <- subset (fipssum, year == NEIyear) 
  colorsmatched <- year$colorBuckets
  title <- paste("NEI PM2.5 Emissions by county ", NEIyear)  
  map("county", col = colors[colorsmatched], fill = TRUE, resolution = 0, 
      lty = 0, projection = "polyconic")
  leg.txt <- c("bottom", "2nd", "3rd", "4th", "5th quintile")
  legend("topright", leg.txt, horiz = TRUE, fill = colors)

plot of chunk unnamed-chunk-11

And again for 2005 data:

NEIyear <- 2005
  year <- subset (fipssum, year == NEIyear)
  colorsmatched <- year$colorBuckets
  title <- paste("NEI PM2.5 Emissions by county ", NEIyear)  
  map("county", col = colors[colorsmatched], fill = TRUE, resolution = 0, 
      lty = 0, projection = "polyconic")
  leg.txt <- c("bottom", "2nd", "3rd", "4th", "5th quintile")
  legend("topright", leg.txt, horiz = TRUE, fill = colors)

plot of chunk unnamed-chunk-12

And finally for 2008 data:

NEIyear <- 2008
  year <- subset (fipssum, year == NEIyear) 
  colorsmatched <- year$colorBuckets
  title <- paste("NEI PM2.5 Emissions by county ", NEIyear)  
  map("county", col = colors[colorsmatched], fill = TRUE, resolution = 0, 
      lty = 0, projection = "polyconic")
  leg.txt <- c("bottom", "2nd", "3rd", "4th", "5th quintile")
  legend("topright", leg.txt, horiz = TRUE, fill = colors)

plot of chunk unnamed-chunk-13

Lastly, because this was a function and the dataset exists within the function environment I check to see if the dataset is in the global environment; if it is not I assign the NEI object to the global environment:

if(!exists("NEI")) {
  print("Assigning NEI to Global Environment")
  assign("NEI", NEI, envir=globalenv())

This code is avaialble in a Github repo as a function. Find the repo here