This sample demonstrates how to play a single clip on an animated character.
It uses a Spawner MonoBehaviour which needs a Rig Prefab (the animated character) and a Graph Prefab (the animation source that drives the rig).
The Spawner converts the Rig Prefab which has a RigComponent to a Rig Entity prefab with an Unity.Animation.RigDefinition.
The Spawner also converts the Graph Prefab to convert all embedded Unity assets (UnityEngine.AnimationClip) into DOTS animation asset (Unity.Animation.Clip).
The RigSpawnerSystem is a ComponentSystem that handles the instantiation of the Rig Entity Prefab.
The PerformanceGraphSystem is a ComponentSystem that handles 2 operations:
- Creation of the DFG (DataFlowGraph) with an Unity.Animation.MixerNode.
- Destruction of DFG data.