~~ An app to manage and plan different types of events between groups of friends (birthdays, meetings, get-togethers, etc...), in which you can invite friends and specify the date, time, place and all the necessary information to plan the event. ~~
~~ Una app para gestionar y planificar diferentes tipos de eventos entre grupos de amigos (cumpleaños, reuniones, quedadas, etc…), en la cual puedes invitar a amigos y concretar la fecha, hora, sitio y toda la información necesaria para planificar el evento. ~~
- IntelliJ IDEA. -- https://www.jetbrains.com/idea
- MySQL. -- https://www.mysql.com
- Visual Studio Code. -- https://code.visualstudio.com
- Browser.
FriendCity Frontend - FriendCity Frontend
FriendCity Backend - FriendCity Backend
Suitable for color blind people.
- Sign up / Registrarse. 🆔 🔒
- Log in / Loguearse. 👍 🔓
- Log out / Cerrar Sesión. ⛔
- CRUD Events:
- Add or Create Events / Añadir o Crear Eventos.
- See or Read Events in a Calendar / Ver o Leer Eventos en un Calendario. 📅
- Modify or Edit Events (All group members will be able to edit) / Modificar o Editar Eventos (Todos los miembros del grupo podrán editar).
- Delete Events (Solo el creador del evento podrá eliminar) / Eliminar Eventos (Only the creator of the event can delete). 🔐
- Receive event invitations by email / Recibir invitaciones de los eventos por email. 📫
- Make groups of friends / Hacer Grupos de amigos.
- Password recovery button / Botón de recuperar la contraseña. 🔜
- Add Payment Platform / Añadir Plataforma de pago. 💳
- Git / Github - Git version control system.
- Java - Programming Language.
- JavaScript - Programming Language.
- Spring Boot - Java programming language framework
- Spring Data JPA - Simplify data persistence for the developer against different information repositories.
- Spring Security - Java / Java EE framework that provides authentication, authorization and other security features for applications.
- MySQL - Relational database management system.
- Trello - Project Organization. Agile Methodology. User stories.
- Balsamiq - Wireframe.
- Figma - Design.
- Canva - Simplified Graphic Design.
- XAMPP - MySQL database management system and Apache web server.
- PhpMyAdmin - MySQL Administration through web pages, using a web browser.
- Visual Studio Code - Code Editor.
- IntelliJ IDEA - IDE (Integrated Development Environment)
Frameworks: 📚
- Angular - Framework for web applications developed in open source TypeScript.
- Bootstrap - Cross-platform library or open source toolkit for web site and application design.
Click here to see the Pages 👀
We are a group of friends and enthusiastic coders. We like to hang out with each other and never miss an opportunity to plan get-togethers and parties.
However, on many occasions we have had problems in agreeing on dates, places or what to bring.
One day, we wondered how we could organize ourselves better. Hence the idea of FriendCity was born, an app that allows you to plan meetings between friends. From your closest contacts you can: invite your friends, find and set addresses where to meet, decide who is going to bring the items.
Click methodology 👀
We use the Scrum methodology to carry out the project.
We have a Scrum Master and a Product Owner.
We work collaboratively to improve our organization.
We do dailies and retros every day.
We set tasks by sprints with attainable objectives
and in order to achieve the delivery of the project on time.
We work with branches and make small commits, to organize the work and tasks properly.
- Scrum Master / Developer: Ana María Adalid Meri - https://github.com/Anitameri
- Product Owner / Developer: Jesús Otero Devesa - https://github.com/jesusod
- Developer: Miguel Ángel Íñiguez Pérez - https://github.com/maip202
- Developer: Bea Robledillo Gómez - https://github.com/BeitxuelaWEB
- Developer: Pablo Ruíz Cascón - https://github.com/pruizcas
- Developer: Carlos Laurie Díaz - https://github.com/CarlitosHunter
Visit https://www.tutorialspoint.com/html5/index.htm - HTML5
Visit https://www.tutorialspoint.com/css/css3_tutorial.htm - CSS3
Visit https://www.javascript.com - JavaScript
Visit https://angular.io/ - Angular
Visit https://www.typescriptlang.org - TypeScript
Visit https://git-scm.com/ - Git
Visit https://nodejs.org/en/ - NodeJS
Visit https://www.npmjs.com/ - npm
Visit https://www.apachefriends.org/download.html - XAMPP
Visit https://www.mysql.com - MySQL
Visit https://getbootstrap.com - Bootstrap
Visit https://www.phpmyadmin.net - PhpMyAdmin
Angular Google Maps (AGM) -- https://angular-maps.com/guides/getting-started
FullCalendar -- https://fullcalendar.io
MailThis -- https://mailthis.to
Java Mail APIhttps - https://www.oracle.com/java/technologies/javamail-api.html
This project was generated with Angular CLI version 13.3.6.
Run ng serve
for a dev server. Navigate to http://localhost:4200/
. The application will automatically reload if you change any of the source files.
Run ng generate component component-name
to generate a new component. You can also use ng generate directive|pipe|service|class|guard|interface|enum|module
Run ng build
to build the project. The build artifacts will be stored in the dist/
Run ng test
to execute the unit tests via Karma.
Run ng e2e
to execute the end-to-end tests via a platform of your choice. To use this command, you need to first add a package that implements end-to-end testing capabilities.
To get more help on the Angular CLI use ng help
or go check out the Angular CLI Overview and Command Reference page.
- Comment your friends and colleagues about this project. 📢
- Thank the team. 🙂
- Invite the team for a beer. 🍺 or a coffee ☕ .