This is the official repository for [iftar app](link to the app), which is a react native app that helps you find the nearest al-rahma restaurant to break your fasting during ramadan
First, make sure to set up your environment for react-native app development by following the instructions in the docs. (Stop when you get to the part 'Creating a new application
'), after that clone this repo and start your project.
Also, you need to have docker
and docker-compose
installed on your machine.
Refer to the download page to get them.
npm install
npm start
This will allow The app to reload if you make edits.
You will also see any lint errors in the console.
Pull the backend image from docker hub and setup the database locally by running the following command:
npm run docker:backend
You can check the data in the database by going to http://localhost:8081, and choosing the iftar
npm run android
npm run ios
The IOS version is not developed yet, so you will get an error when you run the app on IOS. We will be happy to accept your contribution to develop the IOS version.
Runs the storybook and see the components.
Open http://localhost:7007 to view it in the browser.
Run this command everytime you create a new story, (it's gonna load the new story file and add it to the stories list).
Output a static Storybook in the storybook-static directory, which can then be deployed to any static site hosting service.
Please read for details on our code of conduct, and the process for submitting pull requests to us.