Add the package reference to your project file.
dotnet add package Bandwidth.Sdk
using Bandwidth.Standard;
var client = new BandwidthClient.Builder()
.MessagingBasicAuthCredentials("username", "password")
.VoiceBasicAuthCredentials("username", "password")
.TwoFactorAuthBasicAuthCredentials("username", "password")
.WebRtcBasicAuthCredentials("username", "password")
using Bandwidth.Standard;
using Bandwidth.Standard.Voice.Models;
var request = new ApiCreateCallRequest()
ApplicationId = "abc12345-6def-abc1-2345-6defabc12345",
To = "+19999999999",
From = "+18888888888",
AnswerUrl = ""
var createCallResponse = await client.Voice.APIController.CreateCallAsync("1111111", request);
using Bandwidth.Standard;
using Bandwidth.Standard.Messaging.Models;
var request = new MessageRequest()
ApplicationId = "abc12345-6def-abc1-2345-6defabc12345",
To = new List<string> { "+19999999999" },
From = "+18888888888",
Text = "Hello from Bandwidth!"
var response = await client.Messaging.APIController.CreateMessageAsync("1111111", request);
using Bandwidth.Standard.Voice.Bxml;
var speakSentence = new SpeakSentence();
speakSentence.Sentence = "Hello from Bandwidth!";
speakSentence.Voice = "susan";
speakSentence.Gender = "female";
speakSentence.Locale = "en_US";
var response = new Response();
// Returns XML allowing your application to handle call events.
using Bandwidth.Standard;
using Bandwidth.Standard.TwoFactorAuth.Models;
var codeRequest = new TwoFactorCodeRequestSchema
ApplicationId = "abc12345-6def-abc1-2345-6defabc12345",
To = "+19999999999",
From = "+18888888888",
Scope = "sample",
Digits = 6,
Message = "Your temporary {NAME} {SCOPE} code is {CODE}."
// Create a code request to later be verified by the user.
var codeResponse = await client.TwoFactorAuth.MFAController.CreateMessagingTwoFactorAsync("1111111", codeRequest);
var verifyRequest = new TwoFactorVerifyRequestSchema
ApplicationId = "abc12345-6def-abc1-2345-6defabc12345",
To = "+19999999999",
Scope = "sample",
Code = "123345",
ExpirationTimeInMinutes = 3
// The verification response contains a Data.Valid boolean indicating success or failure.
var verifyResponse = await _client.TwoFactorAuth.MFAController.CreateVerifyTwoFactorAsync("1111111", verifyRequest);
using Bandwidth.Standard;
using Bandwidth.Standard.WebRtc.Models;
var accountId = TestConstants.AccountId;
var session = new Session();
session.Tag = "new-session";
// Create a new session for participants to connect to.
var createSessionResponse = await _client.WebRtc.APIController.CreateSessionAsync("1111111", session);
var sessionId = createSessionResponse.Data.Id;
var participant = new Participant()
PublishPermissions = new List<PublishPermissionEnum>() { PublishPermissionEnum.AUDIO, PublishPermissionEnum.VIDEO },
CallbackUrl = ""
// Create a new participant to join to the session.
var createParticipantResponse = await _client.WebRtc.APIController.CreateParticipantAsync("1111111", participant);
var participantId = createParticipantResponse.Data.Participant.Id;
// Add the newly created participant to the session.
_client.WebRtc.APIController.AddParticipantToSessionAsync("1111111", sessionId, participantId);
This package can be used with .NET Standard 1.3.
Documentation for this package can be found at
Information for credentials for this package can be found at