- Extract from BTCLOTTERY Frontend Interface the General Acccess CCIP
- Cleanup dead code and enhance wallets & network logic from BTCLP UI
- Migrate multichain RPC wallet balances logic from backend to frontend
- Start rebranding with Chainlinks Logo, Colors, Fonts
- Make Fee token selectable for both Mainnet/Testnet
- [] Create a toggle logic to switch between Mainnet/Testnet
- [] Create a toggle logic to switch between CCIP Private Beta & General Access
- [] Create modal with supported tokens on each chain
- [] Create Chainlinks Private Beta Hooks for the whitelisted CCIP Sender contracts
- [] Enhance approve button to either select MAX_INT or the given input amount
- [] Track CCIP Transfers
- [] Add notifications
- [] We need to create the smart contracts that will be whitelisted for the Chainlink Private Beta
- [] We should use CREATE2 to create the same deterministic address on all 7 Mainnet / Testnet Chains
- [] Deploy on all 7 Testnets at once or just the ones users configure