diff --git a/UICatalog/Scenarios/DimAndPosLayout.cs b/UICatalog/Scenarios/DimAndPosLayout.cs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..f1f543a575
--- /dev/null
+++ b/UICatalog/Scenarios/DimAndPosLayout.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,82 @@
+using System;
+using System.Collections.Generic;
+using System.Linq;
+using System.Text;
+using Terminal.Gui;
+namespace UICatalog {
+ ///
+ /// This Scenario demonstrates how to use Termina.gui's Dim and Pos Layout System.
+ /// [x] - Using Dim.Fill to fill a window
+ /// [x] - Using Dim.Fill and Dim.Pos to automatically align controls based on an initial control
+ /// [ ] - ...
+ ///
+ [ScenarioMetadata (Name: "DimAndPosLayout", Description: "Demonstrates using the Dim and Pos Layout System")]
+ [ScenarioCategory ("Layout")]
+ class DimAndPosLayout : Scenario {
+ public override void Setup ()
+ {
+ Top.LayoutStyle = LayoutStyle.Computed;
+ // Demonstrate using Dim to create a ruler that always measures the top-level window's width
+ // BUGBUG: Dim.Fill returns too big a value sometimes.
+ //const string rule = "|123456789";
+ //var labelRuler = new Label ("ruler") {
+ // X = 0,
+ // Y = 0,
+ // Width = Dim.Fill (1), // BUGBUG: I don't think this should be needed; DimFill() should respect container's frame. X does.
+ // ColorScheme = Colors.Error
+ //};
+ //Application.OnResized += () => {
+ // labelRuler.Text = rule.Repeat ((int)Math.Ceiling((double)(labelRuler.Bounds.Width) / (double)rule.Length))[0..(labelRuler.Bounds.Width)];
+ //};
+ //win.Add (labelRuler);
+ // Demonstrate using Dim to create a window that fills the parent with a margin
+ int margin = 20;
+ var subWin = new Window ($"Sub Windoww with {margin} character margin") {
+ X = margin,
+ Y = 2,
+ Width = Dim.Fill (margin),
+ Height = Dim.Fill ()
+ };
+ Win.Add (subWin);
+ int i = 1;
+ string txt = "Hello world, how are you doing today";
+ var labelList = new List