This directory contains the PowerShell module for the BackupAdmin service.
- Modifiable: yes
- Generated: all
- Committed: yes
- Packaged: yes
This module was primarily generated via AutoRest using the PowerShell extension.
AutoRest does not generate authentication code for the module. Authentication is handled via Az.Accounts by altering the HTTP payload before it is sent.
For information on how to develop for Azs.Backup.Admin
, see
Use of the beta version of autorest.powershell
generator requires the following:
- NodeJS LTS (10.15.x LTS preferred)
- Note: It will not work with Node < 10.x. Using 11.x builds may cause issues as they may introduce instability or breaking changes.
If you want an easy way to install and update Node, NVS - Node Version Switcher or NVM - Node Version Manager is recommended.
- AutoRest v3 beta
npm install -g autorest@beta
- PowerShell 6.0 or greater
- If you don't have it installed, you can use the cross-platform npm package
npm install -g pwsh
- If you don't have it installed, you can use the cross-platform npm package
- .NET Core SDK 2.0 or greater
- If you don't have it installed, you can use the cross-platform npm package
npm install -g dotnet-sdk-2.2
- If you don't have it installed, you can use the cross-platform npm package
In this directory, run AutoRest:
- $(this-folder)/../
- $(repo)/specification/azsadmin/resource-manager/backup/
description: 'Microsoft AzureStack PowerShell: Backup Admin cmdlets'
subject-prefix: ''
module-version: 1.0.1
service-name: BackupAdmin
### File Renames
### IMPORTANT - Note that the following settings are case sensitive ###
module-name: Azs.Backup.Admin
csproj: Azs.Backup.Admin.csproj
psd1: Azs.Backup.Admin.psd1
psm1: Azs.Backup.Admin.psm1
# Default to Format-List for the Backup and BackupLocation model as there are many important fields
- where:
model-name: Backup
suppress-format: true
- where:
model-name: BackupLocation
suppress-format: true
- where:
model-name: PruneList
suppress-format: true
# Rename model property names
# Remove "ExternalStoreDefault" from properties InfoStatus, InfoCreatedDateTime, InfoEncryptionCertThumbprint, etc.
- where:
model-name: BackupLocation
property-name: ^ExternalStoreDefault(.+)
property-name: $1
- where:
model-name: BackupLocation
property-name: BackupFrequencyInHour
property-name: BackupFrequencyInHours
- where:
model-name: BackupLocation
property-name: BackupRetentionPeriodInDay
property-name: BackupRetentionPeriodInDays
# Remove "Info" from properties ExternalStoreDefaultPath, ExternalStoreDefaultUserName, ExternalStoreDefaultPassword, etc.
- where:
model-name: Backup
property-name: ^Info(.+)
property-name: $1
# Default value for ResourceGroupName
- where:
parameter-name: ResourceGroupName
script: '"system.$((Get-AzLocation)[0].Location)"'
# Rename parameter Backup to Name
- where:
subject: Backup
parameter-name: Backup
parameter-name: Name
# Rename Get/Set-AzsBackupLocation to Get/Set-AzsBackupConfiguration
- where:
subject: BackupLocation
subject: BackupConfiguration
# Rename cmdlet parameter names in Set-AzsBackupConfiguration
# Remove "ExternalStoreDefault" from parameters ExternalStoreDefaultPath, ExternalStoreDefaultUserName, ExternalStoreDefaultPassword, etc.
- where:
verb: Set
subject: BackupConfiguration
parameter-name: ^ExternalStoreDefault(.+)
parameter-name: $1
- where:
verb: Set
subject: BackupConfiguration
parameter-name: BackupFrequencyInHour
parameter-name: BackupFrequencyInHours
- where:
verb: Set
subject: BackupConfiguration
parameter-name: BackupRetentionPeriodInDay
parameter-name: BackupRetentionPeriodInDays
# Hide the auto-generated Set-AzsBackupConfiguration and expose it through customized one
- where:
verb: Set
subject: BackupConfiguration
hide: true
# Hide the auto-generated Restore-AzsBackup and expose it through customized one
- where:
verb: Restore
subject: Backup
hide: true
# Hide the auto-generated Get-AzsBackup and expose it through customized one
- where:
verb: Get
subject: Backup
hide: true
# Rename New-AzsBackupLocationBackup to Start-AzsBackup
- where:
verb: New
subject: BackupLocationBackup
verb: Start
subject: Backup
# Add release notes
- from: Azs.Backup.Admin.nuspec
where: $
transform: $ = $.replace('<releaseNotes></releaseNotes>', '<releaseNotes>AzureStack Hub Admin module generated with</releaseNotes>');
# Add Az.Accounts/Az.Resources as dependencies
- from: Azs.Backup.Admin.nuspec
where: $
transform: $ = $.replace('<dependency id="Az.Accounts" version="2.2.3" />', '<dependency id="Az.Accounts" version="[2.2.8]" />\n <dependency id="Az.Resources" version="[0.11.0]" />');
# PSD1 Changes for RequiredModules
- from: source-file-csharp
where: $
transform: $ = $.replace('sb.AppendLine\(\$@\"\{Indent\}RequiredAssemblies = \'\{\"./bin/Azs.AzureBridge.Admin.private.dll\"\}\'\"\);', 'sb.AppendLine\(\$@\"\{Indent\}RequiredAssemblies = \'\{\"./bin/Azs.AzureBridge.Admin.private.dll\"\}\'\"\);\n sb.AppendLine\(\$@\"\{Indent\}RequiredModules = @\(@\{\{ModuleName = \'Az.Accounts\'; RequiredVersion = \'2.2.8\'; \}\}, @\{\{ModuleName = \'Az.Resources\'; RequiredVersion = \'0.11.0\'; \}\}\)\"\);');
# PSD1 Changes for ReleaseNotes
- from: source-file-csharp
where: $
transform: $ = $.replace('sb.AppendLine\(\$@\"\{Indent\}\{Indent\}\{Indent\}ReleaseNotes = \'\'\"\);', 'sb.AppendLine\(\$@\"\{Indent\}\{Indent\}\{Indent\}ReleaseNotes = \'AzureStack Hub Admin module generated with\'\"\);' );