diff --git a/.github/sla.yml b/.github/sla.yml
index 8e79d8c1d9a3..cb0be38b7751 100644
--- a/.github/sla.yml
+++ b/.github/sla.yml
@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@
- Azure/azure-rest-api-specs
- booleanFilterExpression: "!(WaitForARMFeedback||WaitingForAzureAPIBoard)"
+ booleanFilterExpression: "!(WaitForARMFeedback||WaitingForAzureAPIBoard||(DoNotMerge&&(ARMSignedOff||Approved)))"
limit: 48h
message: '
Dear Swagger reviewer,
Please response to the PR ${PR_URL}. The PR isn''t updated in 48 hours.
Quick info. - If no response from ARM review board, please send email to armapireview@microsoft.com.
- If need immediate ARM review, please get ARM review oncall contact point from ICM https://icm.ad.msft.net/imp/v3/oncall/current under Service "Azure Resource Manager" and Team "RP Manifest Approvers"
- If no response from Azure API review board, please send email to azureapirbcore@microsoft.com.
- If you have problem to fix CI task errors, please send email to Visual Studio China Swagger and Tool team vscswagger@microsoft.com.
- If you want to opt out from Swagger reviewing for out of office period, please set vacation date at https://inframonitorweb1.azurewebsites.net/Home/MyView.
- Pls refer to Swagger review process (onenote) for more about Swagger review process.
Best regards,
Azure Management Experience '
subject: "Action Required: Please respond to PR ${PR_URL}"
@@ -16,7 +16,7 @@
- Azure/azure-rest-api-specs-pr
- booleanFilterExpression: "!(WaitForARMFeedback||WaitingForAzureAPIBoard||Approved-OkToMerge)"
+ booleanFilterExpression: "!(WaitForARMFeedback||WaitingForAzureAPIBoard||Approved-OkToMerge||(DoNotMerge&&(ARMSignedOff||Approved))"
limit: 48h
message: ' Dear Swagger reviewer,
Please response to the PR ${PR_URL}. The PR isn''t updated in 48 hours.
Quick info. - If no response from ARM review board, please send email to armapireview@microsoft.com.
- If need immediate ARM review, please get ARM review oncall contact point from ICM https://icm.ad.msft.net/imp/v3/oncall/current under Service "Azure Resource Manager" and Team "RP Manifest Approvers"
- If no response from Azure API review board, please send email to azureapirbcore@microsoft.com.
- If you have problem to fix CI task errors, please send email to Visual Studio China Swagger and Tool team vscswagger@microsoft.com.
- If you want to opt out from Swagger reviewing for out of office period, please set vacation date at https://inframonitorweb1.azurewebsites.net/Home/MyView.
- Pls refer to Swagger review process (onenote) for more about Swagger review process.
Best regards,
Azure Management Experience '
subject: "Action Required: Please respond to PR ${PR_URL}"