This is the AutoRest configuration file for Subscription.
To build the SDK for Subscription, simply Install AutoRest and in this folder, run:
To see additional help and options, run:
autorest --help
- suppress: R2059
- suppress: PutResponseCodes
from: subscriptions.json
where: $.paths["/subscriptions/{subscriptionId}/providers/Microsoft.Subscription/changeTenantRequest/default"].put
reason: Not supposed to return 201 as the response code for the below API since existing api with new version change, got exceptions from ARM reviewer.
- suppress: PutRequestResponseSchemeArm
from: subscriptions.json
reason: The models designed in new version of this existing api in which put request, need not be same in response, but creating workitem - "", to take this item in future ref for next set of changes.
- suppress: LroExtension
from: subscriptions.json
where: $.paths["/providers/Microsoft.Subscription/subscriptionOperations/{operationId}"].get
reason: Avoid Lro changes on this api to return 202.
- suppress: GetOperation200
from: subscriptions.json
where: $.paths["/providers/Microsoft.Subscription/subscriptionOperations/{operationId}"].get.responses["202"]
reason: This api will return 200 and 202 response.
- suppress: DeleteResponseCodes
from: subscriptions.json
reason: The delete subscription changed directory expected to return 200 on every user's request, once it's deleted it will return 404, since it's a change on the existing api with new version, but creating workitem - "", to refactor the call on delete request and will return 204 as no content in such cases to take this item in future ref.
- suppress: DeleteOperationResponses
from: subscriptions.json
reason: The delete operation response for subscription changed directory expected to return 200 on every user's request, once it's deleted it will return 404, since it's a change on the existing api with new version, but creating workitem - "", to refactor the call on delete request and will return 204 as no content in such cases to take this item in future ref.
These are the global settings for the Subscription API.
openapi-type: arm
tag: package-2021-10
These settings apply only when --tag=package-2024-08-preview
is specified on the command line.
- Microsoft.Subscription/preview/2024-08-01-preview/subscriptions.json
title: Initiate, Get and Accept Subscription Changed Directory
description: Initiate, Get and Accept Subscription Changed Directory
These settings apply only when --tag=package-2021-10
is specified on the command line.
- Microsoft.Subscription/stable/2016-06-01/subscriptions.json
- Microsoft.Subscription/stable/2021-10-01/subscriptions.json
title: SubscriptionClient
description: The subscription client
These settings apply only when --tag=package-2020-09
is specified on the command line.
- Microsoft.Subscription/stable/2016-06-01/subscriptions.json
- Microsoft.Subscription/stable/2020-09-01/subscriptions.json
title: SubscriptionClient
description: The subscription client
These settings apply only when --tag=package-2020-01
is specified on the command line.
- Microsoft.Subscription/stable/2020-01-01/subscriptions.json
title: SubscriptionClient
description: The subscription client
These settings apply only when --tag=package-2019-10-preview
is specified on the command line.
- Microsoft.Subscription/stable/2016-06-01/subscriptions.json
- Microsoft.Subscription/preview/2019-10-01-preview/subscriptions.json
title: SubscriptionClient
description: The subscription client
These settings apply only when --tag=package-2019-03-preview
is specified on the command line.
- Microsoft.Subscription/preview/2019-03-01-preview/subscriptions.json
- Microsoft.Subscription/preview/2018-11-01-preview/subscriptions.json
- Microsoft.Subscription/preview/2018-03-01-preview/operations.json
- Microsoft.Subscription/stable/2016-06-01/subscriptions.json
title: SubscriptionClient
description: The subscription client
These settings apply only when --tag=package-2018-03-preview
is specified on the command line.
- Microsoft.Subscription/preview/2018-11-01-preview/subscriptions.json
- Microsoft.Subscription/stable/2016-06-01/subscriptions.json
title: SubscriptionClient
description: The subscription client
These settings apply only when --tag=package-2018-03-preview
is specified on the command line.
- Microsoft.Subscription/preview/2018-03-01-preview/subscriptions.json
- Microsoft.Subscription/stable/2016-06-01/subscriptions.json
title: SubscriptionClient
description: The subscription client
These settings apply only when --tag=package-2017-11-preview
is specified on the command line.
- Microsoft.Subscription/preview/2017-11-01-preview/subscriptionDefinitions.json
This section describes what SDK should be generated by the automatic system. This is not used by Autorest itself.
- repo: azure-sdk-for-net
- repo: azure-sdk-for-go
- repo: azure-sdk-for-python
- repo: azure-sdk-for-node
- repo: azure-sdk-for-js
- repo: azure-cli-extensions
- repo: azure-resource-manager-schemas
- repo: azure-powershell
See configuration in
See configuration in
These settings apply only when --java
is specified on the command line.
Please also specify --azure-libraries-for-java-folder=<path to the root directory of your azure-libraries-for-java clone>
azure-arm: true
fluent: true
payload-flattening-threshold: 1
output-folder: $(azure-libraries-for-java-folder)/azure-mgmt-subscription
- tag: package-2019-10-preview
- tag: package-2017-11-preview
These settings apply only when --tag=package-2019-10-preview --java
is specified on the command line.
Please also specify --azure-libraries-for-java=<path to the root directory of your azure-sdk-for-java clone>
output-folder: $(azure-libraries-for-java-folder)/sdk/subscription/mgmt-v2019_10_01_preview
regenerate-manager: true
generate-interface: true
These settings apply only when --tag=package-2017-11-preview --java
is specified on the command line.
Please also specify --azure-libraries-for-java=<path to the root directory of your azure-sdk-for-java clone>
output-folder: $(azure-libraries-for-java-folder)/sdk/subscription/mgmt-v2017_11_01_preview
regenerate-manager: true
generate-interface: true
These settings apply only when --tag=package-2016-06-01
is specified on the command line.
- Microsoft.Subscription/stable/2016-06-01/subscriptions.json
title: SubscriptionClient
description: The subscription client