- Getting Started
- Acquiring TestFramework
- Setup prior to Record/Playback tests
- Record/Playback tests
- Change Test Environment settings at run-time
- Troubleshooting
- Supported Key Value pairs in ConnectionString
- Environment Variable Reference
- Double click
shortcut- This starts the VS Developer command prompt in PowerShell inside the
- This starts the VS Developer command prompt in PowerShell inside the
- Import the
module that helps to perform basic repository tasks- Run the command
Import-Module .\Repo-Tasks.psd1
- Run the command
The TestFramework
library is available on NuGet at https://www.nuget.org/packages/Microsoft.Rest.ClientRuntime.Azure.TestFramework/ .
Instructions on manually downloading the library are available on NuGet, however, TestFramework
will automatically be downloaded as part of the build process, so the manual download is usually not necessary.
In order to Record/Playback a test, you need to setup a connection string that consists of various key/value pairs that provide information to the test environment.
You have three options to set up the connection string:
- Run the
cmdlet (recommended for PowerShell development) - Run the
cmdlet - Manually set the environment variables.
This cmdlet, located in the Repo-Tasks
module, which pulls in the TestFx-Tasks
module and Build-Tasks
module, will allow you to create a credentials file (located in C:/Users/\<currentuser\>/.azure/testcredentials.json
) that will be used to set the environment variable when scenario tests are run. This credentials file will be used in all future sessions unless it is deleted or the environment variables are manually set. This cmdlet is not currently available for .NET SDK development.
Using a service principal is the preferred option for recording tests because it works with both .NET Framework and .NET Core. In order to create a new service principal, run this command with an unused service principal display name:
New-TestCredential -ServicePrincipalDisplayName "ScenarioTestCredentials" -ServicePrincipalSecret `
"testpassword" -SubscriptionId <subscriptionId> -TenantId <tenantId> -RecordMode "Record"
This command will create a new service principal, set the correct role assignment for this service principal based upon the subscription provided, and place the service principal id and secret into the credentials file.
Alternatively, to create a service principal, follow the Azure AD guide to create a Application Service Principal. The application type should be Web app / API
and the sign-on URL value is irrelevant (you can set any value).
If you would like to use an existing service principal, run this command with an existing service principal display name and secret:
New-TestCredential -ServicePrincipalDisplayName "Existing Service Principal" -ServicePrincipalSecret `
"testpassword" -SubscriptionId <subscriptionId> -TenantId <tenantId> -RecordMode "Record"
This is no longer the preferred option because it only works when running on .NET Framework. When running on .NET Core you may get an error like Interactive Login is supported only in NET45 projects
. Additionally, you will have to manually log in when running the scenario tests rather than being automatically validated.
New-TestCredential -UserId "exampleuser@microsoft.com" -SubscriptionId <subscriptionId> `
-TenantId <tenantId> -RecordMode "Record"
This cmdlet, located in the Repo-Tasks
module, will directly set the environment variable for the session.
This is the preferred option for recording tests because it works with both .NET Framework and .NET Core.
Set-TestEnvironment -ServicePrincipalId <servicePrincipalId> -ServicePrincipalSecret `
"testpassword" -SubscriptionId <subscriptionId> -TenantId <tenantId> -RecordMode "Record"
This is no longer the preferred option because it only works when running on .NET Framework. When running on .NET Core you may get an error like Interactive Login is supported only in NET45 projects
Set-TestEnvironment -UserId "exampleuser@microsoft.com" -SubscriptionId <subscriptionId> `
-TenantId <tenantId> -RecordMode "Record"
- This is the connection string that determines how to connect to Azure. This includes both your authentiation and the Azure environment to connect to.
- This specifies whether the test framework will
test sessions orPlayback
previously recorded test sessions.
The default test mode is Playback
mode, so setting up the connection string is not required. You can optionally set environment variables:
This is no longer the preferred option because it only works when running on .NET Framework. When running on .NET Core you may get an error like Interactive Login is supported only in NET45 projects
To use this option, set the following environment variables before starting Visual Studio:
This is the preferred option for recording tests because it works with both .NET Framework and .NET Core.
After the service principal is created, you will need to give it access to Azure resources. This can be done with the following PowerShell command, with the Service Principal Application ID (this is a guid, not the display name of the service principal) substituted in for {clientId}
New-AzureRmRoleAssignment -ServicePrincipalName {clientId} -RoleDefinitionName Contributor
To use this option, set the following environment variable before starting Visual Studio. The following values are substituted into the below connection string:
- The AAD Tenant ID
- Run the tests and make sure that you got a generated
file that matches the test name in the bin folder under theSessionRecords
folder - Copy the
folder inside the test project and add all*.json
files in Visual Studio setting "Copy to Output Directory" property to "Copy if newer" - To assure that the records work fine, delete the connection string (default mode is Playback mode) OR change HttpRecorderMode within the connection string to "Playback" and run the tests
Add new key/value pair
TestEnvironment.ConnectionString.KeyValuePairs.Add("Foo", "FooValue");
Update Existing key/value pair
TestEnvironment.ConnectionString.KeyValuePairs["keyName"]="new value"
Accessing/Updating TestEndpoints
TestEnvironment.Endpoints.GraphUri = new Uri("https://newGraphUri.windows.net");
Changing the above properties at run-time has the potential to hard code few things in your tests. Best practice would be to use these properties to change values at run-time from immediate window at run-time and avoid hard-coding certain values.
Ensure that the HttpRecorderMode
environment variable is consistent with the value in AZURE_TEST_MODE
environment variable.
AADAuthUri = "https://login.microsoftonline.com"
GalleryUri = "https://gallery.azure.com/"
GraphUri = "https://graph.windows.net/"
IbizaPortalUri = "https://portal.azure.com/"
RdfePortalUri = "http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=254433"
ResourceManagementUri = "https://management.azure.com/"
ServiceManagementUri = "https://management.core.windows.net"
AADTokenAudienceUri = "https://management.core.windows.net"
GraphTokenAudienceUri = "https://graph.windows.net/"
DataLakeStoreServiceUri = "https://azuredatalakestore.net"
DataLakeAnalyticsJobAndCatalogServiceUri = "https://azuredatalakeanalytics.net"
AADAuthUri = "https://login.windows-ppe.net";
GalleryUri = "https://df.gallery.azure-test.net/";
GraphUri = "https://graph.ppe.windows.net/";
IbizaPortalUri = "http://df.onecloud.azure-test.net";
RdfePortalUri = "https://windows.azure-test.net";
ResourceManagementUri = "https://api-dogfood.resources.windows-int.net/";
ServiceManagementUri = "https://management-preview.core.windows-int.net";
AADTokenAudienceUri = "https://management.core.windows.net";
GraphTokenAudienceUri = "https://graph.ppe.windows.net/";
DataLakeStoreServiceUri = "https://caboaccountdogfood.net";
DataLakeAnalyticsJobAndCatalogServiceUri = "https://konaaccountdogfood.net";
AADAuthUri = "https://login.windows-ppe.net"
GalleryUri = "https://next.gallery.azure-test.net/"
GraphUri = "https://graph.ppe.windows.net/"
IbizaPortalUri = "http://next.onecloud.azure-test.net"
RdfePortalUri = "https://auxnext.windows.azure-test.net"
ResourceManagementUri = "https://api-next.resources.windows-int.net/"
ServiceManagementUri = "https://managementnext.rdfetest.dnsdemo4.com"
AADTokenAudienceUri = "https://management.core.windows.net"
GraphTokenAudienceUri = "https://graph.ppe.windows.net/"
DataLakeStoreServiceUri = "https://caboaccountdogfood.net"
DataLakeAnalyticsJobAndCatalogServiceUri = "https://konaaccountdogfood.net"
AADAuthUri = "https://login.windows-ppe.net"
GalleryUri = "https://df.gallery.azure-test.net/"
GraphUri = "https://graph.ppe.windows.net/"
IbizaPortalUri = "http://df.onecloud.azure-test.net"
RdfePortalUri = "https://windows.azure-test.net"
ResourceManagementUri = "https://api-dogfood.resources.windows-int.net/"
ServiceManagementUri = "https://management-preview.core.windows-int.net"
AADTokenAudienceUri = "https://management.core.windows.net"
GraphTokenAudienceUri = "https://graph.ppe.windows.net/"
DataLakeStoreServiceUri = "https://caboaccountdogfood.net"
DataLakeAnalyticsJoAbndCatalogServiceUri = "https://konaaccountdogfood.net"
When specified, test framework expect all Uri's to be provided by the user as part of the connection string.
What is also supported is as below (connections string example)
Which translates to, all Uri from pre-defined Prod environment will be used, but AADAuthUri and ResourceManagementUri will be overridden by the one provided in the connection string