- Do not attempt to register Microsoft.Monitor and Microsoft.Dashboard resource providers if they are already registered.
- microsoft.workloadiam: Enhanced security by utilizing protected configuration settings for the join token instead of regular configuration settings.
- microsoft.azuremonitor.containers.metrics: Expanded support to all clouds, excluding air-gapped environments, for microsoft.azuremonitor.containers.metrics in ARC clusters.
- Removed dependency on the msrestazure library.
- minor fixes to dataprotection aks ext CLI
- Rename WorkloadIAM to EntraWorkloadIAM
- AAD related changes in dataprotection aks ext CLI
- microsoft.azuremonitor.containers: Make containerlogv2 as default as true and remove region dependency for ARC
- microsoft.workloadiam: Refactor subcommand invocation
- Add WorkloadIAM extension support and tests.
- Update help text on configuration-settings and configuration-protected-settings properties.
- microsoft.kubernetes.azuredefender: Fixed installation bug where LogAnalytics Workspace details were not being fetched correctly.
- add support for extensionsType api
- Breaking change introduced with API version 2023-05-01 adds validation will begin rejecting calls (PUT and PATCH) that provide a version for the extension and also set autoUpgradeMinorVersion to true
- microsoft.openservicemesh: Update OSM-Arc version check for beta and CI tags
- fix bugs while dropping 'azure-mgmt-relay'
- drop 'azure-mgmt-relay' sdk dependency
- microsoft.azuremonitor.containers: Extend ContainerInsights Extension dataCollectionSettings with streams and containerlogv2 field. Also, add a kind tag in DCR creation for the ContainerInsights extension.
- microsoft.dapr: Use semver instead of packaging
- microsoft.azuremonitor.containers.metrics: update logic to sanitize cluster name for dc* objects
- microsoft.openservicemesh: Fix osm-arc version check for CI tags
- add support to skip provisioning of prerequisites for Azure Monitor K8s extensions
- microsoft.azuremonitor.containers: ContainerInsights Extension Managed Identity Auth Enabled by default
- microsoft.azureml.kubernetes: Fix sslSecret parameter in update operation
- microsoft.azuremonitor.containers.metrics : public preview support for managed prometheus in ARC clusters
- microsoft.dapr: Update version comparison logic to use semver based comparison
- microsoft.azuremonitor.containers: Make ContainerInsights DataCollectionRuleName consistent with portal and other onboarding clients
- Deprecating --config-settings alias for --configuration-settings
- Deprecating --configuration-protected-settings alias for --config-protected-settings
- Deprecating --configuration-settings-file alias for --config-settings-file
- Deprecating --configuration-protected-settings-file alias for --config-protected-file
- Fixes to address the bug with msi auth mode for azuremonitor-containers extension version >= 3.0.0
- microsoft.dapr: disable apply-CRDs hook if auto-upgrade is disabled
- microsoft.azuremonitor.containers: ContainerInsights Extension add dataCollectionSettings to configuration settings
- k8s-extension Adding GA api version 2022-11-01 exposing isSystemExtension and support
- microsoft.dapr: prompt user for existing dapr installation during extension create
- Update the api version and add tests for extension type calls
- Fix the TypeError: cf_k8s_extension() takes 1 positional argument but 2 were given while running all az k8s-extension extension-types commands
- microsoft.azuremonitor.containers: Update DCR creation to Clusters resource group instead of workspace
- microsoft.dataprotection.kubernetes: Authoring a new k8s partner extension for the BCDR solution of AKS clusters
- Use the api-version 2022-04-02-preview in the CLI command az k8s-extension extension-types list
- Fix to address the error TypeError: cf_k8s_extension() takes 1 positional argument but 2 were given while running command az k8s-extension extension-types list
- microsoft.azuremonitor.containers: add condition to use different api version for provisioned clusters
- Create identity for Appliances clusters
- microsoft.azureml.kubernetes: Always show TSG link for AzureMLKubernetes extension at the head.
- microsoft.azuremonitor.containers: add omsagent rename changes
- microsoft.azuremonitor.containers: fix script to support provisionedClusters
- Add support for provisionedClusters
- k8s-extension new sub command group for extension types
- microsoft.azuremonitor.containers: ContainerInsights Extension Managed Identity Auth Onboarding related bug fixes.
- microsoft.openservicemesh: Fix osm-arc installations for non-connectedClusters
- k8s-extension azuredefender namespace to mdc
- microsoft.azureml.kubernetes: Do not invoke create_or_update for already existed resources.
- microsoft.azuremonitor.containers: ContainerInsights Extension Managed Identity Auth Onboarding updates.
- Fix warning message returned on PATCH
- microsoft.azureml.kubernetes: remove deprecated warning message.
- microsoft.azureml.kubernetes: Use cluster scale to control clusterPurpose and inferenceRouterHA
- microsoft.azureml.kubernetes: Disable service bus by default, do not create relay for managed clusters.
- microsoft.azureml.kubernetes: Rename inferenceLoadBalancerHA to inferenceRouterHA and unify related logic.
- Provide no default values for Patch of Extension
- microsoft.azureml.kubernetes: clusterip
- microsoft.azureml.kubernetes: Update AzureMLKubernetes install parameters on inferenceRouterServiceType and internalLoadBalancerProvider
- microsoft.openservicemesh: Change extension validation logic osm-arc
- microsoft.azuremonitor.containers: Add Managed Identity Auth support for ContainerInsights Extension
- microsoft.azuremonitor.containers: Bring back containerInsights solution addition in MSI mode
- Migrate Extensions api-version to 2022-03-01
- microsoft.azureml.kubernetes: Remove inference private review warning message
- microsoft.openservicemesh: Enable System-assigned identity
- microsoft.azureml.kubernetes: Support SSL secret
- Remove identity creation for calls to Microsoft.ResourceConnector
- Update api-version for calls to Microsoft.ResourceConnector to 2021-10-31-preview
- Update api-version for calls to Microsoft.ContainerService to 2021-10-01
- Update api-version for calls to Microsoft.Kubernetes to 2021-10-01
- microsoft.azureml.kubernetes: Add one more prompt for amlarc extension update
- microsoft.azureml.kubernetes: Retrieve relay and service bus connection string when update the configuration protected settings of the extension.
- Switch to GA api-version of Extensions (2021-09-01)
- Support Extensions PATCH
- Enable Dapr extension type
- Enable ManagedClusters clusterType
- Fix DF resource manager endpoint check
- Enable identity by default for extensions
- Use custom delete confirmation for partners
- microsoft.azureml.kubernetes: Adding a flag for AKS to AMLARC migration and set up corresponding FE helm values
- microsoft.openservicemesh: Remove version requirement and auto upgrade minor version check
- Adds -t as alternative to --cluster-type
- Remove sending identity for clusters in Dogfood
- Provide fix for getting tested distros for microsoft.openservicemesh
- Add location to model for identity
- Update extension resource models to Track2
- Remove pyhelm dependency
- Add microsoft.openservicemesh customization to check distros
- Delete customization for partners
- Add SSL support for AzureML
- Hotfix servicebus namespace creation for Track 2 changes
- Change resource tag from 'amlk8s' to 'Azure Arc-enabled ML' in microsoft.azureml.kubernetes
- Add compatible logic for the track 2 migration of resource dependence
- Release customization for microsoft.openservicemesh
- Add provider registration to check to validations
- Only validate scoring fe settings when inference is enabled in microsoft.azureml.kubernetes
- Release customization for microsoft.azureml.kubernetes
- Remove k8s-extension update until PATCH is supported
- Improved logging for overwriting extension name with default
- Refactor for clear separation of extension-type specific customizations
- OpenServiceMesh customization.
- Fix clusterType of Microsoft.ResourceConnector resource
- Update clusterType validation to allow 'appliances'
- Update identity creation to use the appropriate parent resource's type and api-version
- Throw error if cluster type is not one of the 3 supported types
- Rename azuremonitor-containers extension type to microsoft.azuremonitor.containers
- Move CLI errors to non-deprecated error types
- Remove support for update
- Customization for microsoft.openservicemesh
- Add support for Arc Appliance cluster type
- Add support for microsoft-azure-defender extension type
- Initial release.