For groupName, operationName, parameterName, typeName, propertyName, usually you can find them at swagger at:
- Usually the operationId is in format {groupName}_{operationName}, and the parameterName is the parameters->name
- TypeName is the name under definitions, and the propertyName is the name under properties
so please make sure snake_naming_convention is used for 'name' and 'alias' clause in directive so that the naming convention configured in clicommon can be applied correctly when generating the output
- select:
- the target object type of directive
- optional (then will be figured out automatically from where clause)
- possible value: 'operationGroup' | 'operation' | 'parameter' | 'objectSchema' | 'property' | 'choiceSchema' | 'choiceValue'
- where:
- conditions to locate the object to apply directive
- required
- regex is supported in the value
- possible search condition, refer to sample below for more detail usage:
- search for operatoinGroup, operation or parameter
- 'operationGroup' | 'group' | 'resource': 'operationGroupName'
- 'operation' | 'op': 'operationName'
- 'parameter' | 'param': 'parameterName'
- search for schema or properties
- 'schemaObject' | 'type' | 'object': 'schemaName'
- 'property' | 'prop': 'propertyName'
- search for enum or enumValue
- 'choiceSchema' | 'enum': 'choiceName'
- 'choiceValue' | 'value': 'choiceName'
- search for example and path in it
- 'exampleName'
- 'path' | 'dotPath' | 'exampleParameterPath': 'dotPath'
- search for operatoinGroup, operation or parameter
- set:
- set anything property in the selected object(s)
- optional
- name:
- add 'name: ...' under 'language->cli'. Please make sure snake_naming_convention is used
- optional
- description:
- add 'description: ...' under 'language->cli'.
- optional
- default-value:
- add 'default-value: ...' under 'language->cli'
- optional
- hidden:
- add 'hidden: ...' under 'language->cli'.
- optional
- removed:
- add 'removed: ...' under 'language->cli'.
- optional
- required:
- add 'required: ...' under 'language->cli'.
- optional
- alias:
- add 'alias: ...' under 'language->cli'. Please make sure snake_naming_convention is used
- optional
- json:
- add 'json: ...' under 'language->cli'.
- add 'x-ms-client-flatten: false' under 'extensions' and 'cli-flatten: false' under 'language->cli' if 'json: true'.
- flatten:
- add 'cli-flatten: ..." under 'language->cli'
- formatTable:
- add properties information under 'language->cli'.
- optional
- value format:
- properties:
- prop1Name
- prop2Name
- ...
- properties:
- replace:
- do replacement
- optional
- value format:
- field: 'name'
- old: 'old_value'
- new: 'new_value'
- isRegex: true | false
- split-operation-names
- split operation into multiple operations with given names
- add 'split-operation-names" under 'language->cli'
- optional
- value format:
- opName1
- opName2
- ...
- min-api:
- add 'min-api: ..." under 'language->cli'
- max-api:
- add 'max-api: ..." under 'language->cli'
- resource-type:
- add 'resource-type: ..." under 'language->cli'
- value:
- set static value for example dotPath
- eval:
- set dynamic value for example dotPath with an evaluatable script
Add --debug in your command line to have more intermedia output files for troubleshooting
# directive on operationGroup
- select: 'operationGroup'
operationGroup: 'OldName'
name: 'new_name'
description: 'new description'
- where:
resource: 'OldName'
hidden: true
- where:
group: 'OldName'
removed: 'true
# add hidden property for operation
- where:
group: 'GroupName'
operation: 'OperationName'
hidden: true
- where:
group: 'groupName'
op: 'OperationName'
hidden: true
# add removed property for parameter
- where:
group: 'groupName'
op: 'OperationName'
parameter: 'ParameterName'
removed: true
- where:
group: 'groupName'
op: 'OperationName'
param: 'ParameterName'
required: true
default-value: 'default value of the param'
# add hidden property for all parameter start with 'abc'
- where:
parameter: '^abc.*$'
hidden: true
# set table format under for schema
- where:
schemaObject: 'SchemaName'
- 'p1'
- 'p2'
- where:
type: 'SchemaName'
- 'p1'
- 'p2'
- where:
object: 'SchemaName'
- 'p1'
- 'p2'
# set anything for schema property
- where:
type: 'SchemaName'
property: 'PropertyName'
key1: 'value1'
key2: true
- v1
- v2
- where:
type: 'SchemaName'
prop: 'PropertyName'
key1: 'value1'
key2: true
- v1
- v2
# replac 'name_a' with 'name_b' (whole word match) in operation's name
- where:
group: 'GroupName'
op: 'OperationName'
field: 'name'
old: 'name_a'
new: 'name_b'
isRegex: false
# replace with regex
- where:
group: 'GroupName'
op: 'OperationName'
field: 'description'
old: '(startByThis)(.*)'
new: 'startByThat$2'
isRegex: true
# add alias for enum value
- where:
choiceSchema: 'choiceType'
choiceValue: 'choiceValue'
alias: NewAlias
- where:
enum: 'enumTyp'
value: 'enumValue'
alias: NewAlias
# split operation into multiple operations
- where:
group: OperationGroupName
op: CreateOrUpdate
- Create
- Update
# flatten parameter
- where:
group: OperationGroupName
op: CreateOrUpdate#Update
param: properties
cli-flatten: true
# set resource-type/max-api/min-api
- where:
group: OperationGroupName
op: Delete
- max-api: '2019-01-01'
- max-api: '2018-01-01'
- resource-type: 'DATA_STORAGE_BLOB'
# set example content with static value
- where:
exampleName: TheExampleName
exampleParameterPath: parameters.hostPool.location
value: Shanghai
# set example content with dynamic script
- where:
exampleName: TheExampleName
exampleParameterPath: parameters.registration-info.expiration-time
eval: "var d = new Date(); d.setDate(d.getDate()+15); var ye = new Intl.DateTimeFormat('en', { year: 'numeric' }).format(d); var mo = new Intl.DateTimeFormat('en', { month: '2-digit' }).format(d); var da = new Intl.DateTimeFormat('en', { day: '2-digit' }).format(d); `${ye}-${mo}-${da}T00:00:00.000Z` "