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File metadata and controls

246 lines (236 loc) · 7.64 KB

About cli-directive

How to figure out the name for group, operation, parameter, type and property in cli directives

For groupName, operationName, parameterName, typeName, propertyName, usually you can find them at swagger at:

  • Usually the operationId is in format {groupName}_{operationName}, and the parameterName is the parameters->name group, operation and parameter's name
  • TypeName is the name under definitions, and the propertyName is the name under properties group, operation and parameter's name

Name convention used in directive

so please make sure snake_naming_convention is used for 'name' and 'alias' clause in directive so that the naming convention configured in clicommon can be applied correctly when generating the output

Supported clause in directive

  • select:
    • the target object type of directive
    • optional (then will be figured out automatically from where clause)
    • possible value: 'operationGroup' | 'operation' | 'parameter' | 'objectSchema' | 'property' | 'choiceSchema' | 'choiceValue'
  • where:
    • conditions to locate the object to apply directive
    • required
    • regex is supported in the value
    • possible search condition, refer to sample below for more detail usage:
      • search for operatoinGroup, operation or parameter
        • 'operationGroup' | 'group' | 'resource': 'operationGroupName'
        • 'operation' | 'op': 'operationName'
        • 'parameter' | 'param': 'parameterName'
      • search for schema or properties
        • 'schemaObject' | 'type' | 'object': 'schemaName'
        • 'property' | 'prop': 'propertyName'
      • search for enum or enumValue
        • 'choiceSchema' | 'enum': 'choiceName'
        • 'choiceValue' | 'value': 'choiceName'
      • search for example and path in it
        • 'exampleName'
        • 'path' | 'dotPath' | 'exampleParameterPath': 'dotPath'
  • set:
    • set anything property in the selected object(s)
    • optional
  • name:
    • add 'name: ...' under 'language->cli'. Please make sure snake_naming_convention is used
    • optional
  • description:
    • add 'description: ...' under 'language->cli'.
    • optional
  • default-value:
    • add 'default-value: ...' under 'language->cli'
    • optional
  • hidden:
    • add 'hidden: ...' under 'language->cli'.
    • optional
  • removed:
    • add 'removed: ...' under 'language->cli'.
    • optional
  • required:
    • add 'required: ...' under 'language->cli'.
    • optional
  • alias:
    • add 'alias: ...' under 'language->cli'. Please make sure snake_naming_convention is used
    • optional
  • json:
    • add 'json: ...' under 'language->cli'.
    • add 'x-ms-client-flatten: false' under 'extensions' and 'cli-flatten: false' under 'language->cli' if 'json: true'.
  • flatten:
    • add 'cli-flatten: ..." under 'language->cli'
  • formatTable:
    • add properties information under 'language->cli'.
    • optional
    • value format:
      • properties:
        • prop1Name
        • prop2Name
        • ...
  • replace:
    • do replacement
    • optional
    • value format:
      • field: 'name'
      • old: 'old_value'
      • new: 'new_value'
      • isRegex: true | false
  • split-operation-names
    • split operation into multiple operations with given names
    • add 'split-operation-names" under 'language->cli'
    • optional
    • value format:
      • opName1
      • opName2
      • ...
  • min-api:
    • add 'min-api: ..." under 'language->cli'
  • max-api:
    • add 'max-api: ..." under 'language->cli'
  • resource-type:
    • add 'resource-type: ..." under 'language->cli'
  • value:
    • set static value for example dotPath
  • eval:
    • set dynamic value for example dotPath with an evaluatable script

How to troubleshooting

Add --debug in your command line to have more intermedia output files for troubleshooting


    # directive on operationGroup
      - select: 'operationGroup'
            operationGroup: 'OldName'
        name: 'new_name'   
        description: 'new description'
      - where:
            resource: 'OldName'
        hidden: true
      - where:
            group: 'OldName'
        removed: 'true
    # add hidden property for operation
      - where:
            group: 'GroupName'
            operation: 'OperationName'
        hidden: true
      - where:
            group: 'groupName'
            op: 'OperationName'
        hidden: true
    # add removed property for parameter
      - where:
            group: 'groupName'
            op: 'OperationName'
            parameter: 'ParameterName'
        removed: true
      - where:
            group: 'groupName'
            op: 'OperationName'
            param: 'ParameterName'
        required: true
        default-value: 'default value of the param'
    # add hidden property for all parameter start with 'abc'
      - where:
            parameter: '^abc.*$'
        hidden: true
    # set table format under for schema
      - where:
            schemaObject: 'SchemaName'
              - 'p1'
              - 'p2'
      - where:
            type: 'SchemaName'
              - 'p1'
              - 'p2'
      - where:
            object: 'SchemaName'
              - 'p1'
              - 'p2'
    # set anything for schema property
      - where:
            type: 'SchemaName'
            property: 'PropertyName'
            key1: 'value1'
            key2: true
              - v1
              - v2
      - where:
            type: 'SchemaName'
            prop: 'PropertyName'
            key1: 'value1'
            key2: true
              - v1
              - v2
    # replac 'name_a' with 'name_b' (whole word match) in operation's name
      - where:
            group: 'GroupName'
            op: 'OperationName'
            field: 'name'
            old: 'name_a'
            new: 'name_b'
            isRegex: false
    # replace with regex
      - where:
            group: 'GroupName'
            op: 'OperationName'
            field: 'description'
            old: '(startByThis)(.*)'
            new: 'startByThat$2'
            isRegex: true
    # add alias for enum value
      - where:
            choiceSchema: 'choiceType'
            choiceValue: 'choiceValue'
        alias: NewAlias
      - where:
            enum: 'enumTyp'
            value: 'enumValue'
        alias: NewAlias
    # split operation into multiple operations
      - where:
          group: OperationGroupName
          op: CreateOrUpdate
          - Create
          - Update
    # flatten parameter
      - where:
          group: OperationGroupName
          op: CreateOrUpdate#Update
          param: properties
        cli-flatten: true
    # set resource-type/max-api/min-api
      - where:
          group: OperationGroupName
          op: Delete
      - max-api: '2019-01-01'
      - max-api: '2018-01-01'
      - resource-type: 'DATA_STORAGE_BLOB'
    # set example content with static value
      - where:
          exampleName: TheExampleName
          exampleParameterPath: parameters.hostPool.location
        value: Shanghai
    # set example content with dynamic script
      - where:
          exampleName: TheExampleName
          exampleParameterPath: parameters.registration-info.expiration-time
        eval: "var d = new Date(); d.setDate(d.getDate()+15); var ye = new Intl.DateTimeFormat('en', { year: 'numeric' }).format(d); var mo = new Intl.DateTimeFormat('en', { month: '2-digit' }).format(d); var da = new Intl.DateTimeFormat('en', { day: '2-digit' }).format(d); `${ye}-${mo}-${da}T00:00:00.000Z` "