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Telemetry Tracking Using Customer Usage Attribution (PID)

Microsoft can identify the deployments of the Azure Resource Manager and Bicep templates with the deployed Azure resources. Microsoft can correlate these resources used to support the deployments. Microsoft collects this information to provide the best experiences with their products and to operate their business. The telemetry is collected through customer usage attribution. The data is collected and governed by Microsoft's privacy policies, located at the trust center.

To disable this tracking, we have included a parameter called parTelemetryOptOut to every bicep module in this repo with a simple boolean flag. The default value false which does not disable the telemetry. If you would like to disable this tracking, then simply set this value to true and this module will not be included in deployments and therefore disables the telemetry tracking.

If you are happy with leaving telemetry tracking enabled, no changes are required. Please do not edit the module name or value of the variable varCuaid in any module.

For example, in the managementGroups.bicep file, you will see the following:

@description('Set Parameter to True to Opt-out of deployment telemetry')
param parTelemetryOptOut bool = true

The default value is false, but by changing the parameter value true and saving this file, when you deploy this module either via PowerShell, Azure CLI, or as part of a pipeline the module deployment below will be ignored and therefore telemetry will not be tracked.

// Optional Deployment for Customer Usage Attribution
module modCustomerUsageAttribution '../../CRML/customerUsageAttribution/cuaIdTenant.bicep' = if (!parTelemetryOptOut) {
  name: 'pid-${varCuaid}-${uniqueString(deployment().location)}'
  params: {}

Module PID Value Mapping

The following are the unique ID's (also known as PIDs) used in each of the modules:

Module Name PID
customRoleDefinitions 032d0904-3d50-45ef-a6c1-baa9d82e23ff
getManagementGroupName cff0ca56-5d8c-4594-bf79-5c046809b017
hubNetworking 2686e846-5fdc-4d4f-b533-16dcb09d6e6c
logging f8087c67-cc41-46b2-994d-66e4b661860d
managementGroups 9b7965a0-d77c-41d6-85ef-ec3dfea4845b
mgDiagSettings 5d17f1c2-f17b-4426-9712-0cd2652c4435
policy-definitions 2b136786-9881-412e-84ba-f4c2822e1ac9
policy-assignments 78001e36-9738-429c-a343-45cc84e8a527
alzDefaultPolicyAssignments 98cef979-5a6b-403b-83c7-10c8f04ac9a2
publicIp 3f85b84c-6bad-4c42-86bf-11c233241c22
resourceGroup b6718c54-b49e-4748-a466-88e3d7c789c8
roleAssignments 59c2ac61-cd36-413b-b999-86a3e0d958fb
spokeNetworking 0c428583-f2a1-4448-975c-2d6262fd193a
subscriptionPlacement 3dfa9e81-f0cf-4b25-858e-167937fd380b
virtualNetworkPeer ab8e3b12-b0fa-40aa-8630-e3f7699e2142
vwanConnectivity 7f94f23b-7a59-4a5c-9a8d-2a253a566f61
vnetPeeringVwan 7b5e6db2-1e8c-4b01-8eee-e1830073a63d
privateDnsZones 981733dd-3195-4fda-a4ee-605ab959edb6
hubSpoke - Orchestration 50ad3b1a-f72c-4de4-8293-8a6399991beb
hubPeeredSpoke - Orchestration 8ea6f19a-d698-4c00-9afb-5c92d4766fd2
SubPlacementAll - Orchestration bb800623-86ff-4ab4-8901-93c2b70967ae
mgDiagSettingsAll - Orchestration f49c8dfb-c0ce-4ee0-b316-5e4844474dd0