diff --git a/client/landing/custom-editor/editor.js b/client/landing/custom-editor/editor.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 67c1551e5090c..0000000000000
--- a/client/landing/custom-editor/editor.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,159 +0,0 @@
- * External dependencies
- */
-import memize from 'memize';
-import { size, map, without } from 'lodash';
- * WordPress dependencies
- */
-import { withSelect, withDispatch } from '@wordpress/data';
-import { EditorProvider, ErrorBoundary, PostLockedModal } from '@wordpress/editor';
-import { StrictMode, Component } from '@wordpress/element';
-import { KeyboardShortcuts, SlotFillProvider, DropZoneProvider } from '@wordpress/components';
-import { compose } from '@wordpress/compose';
- * Internal dependencies
- */
-import preventEventDiscovery from '@wordpress/edit-post/build-module/prevent-event-discovery';
-import Layout from '@wordpress/edit-post/build-module/components/layout';
-import EditorInitialization from '@wordpress/edit-post/build-module/components/editor-initialization';
-import EditPostSettings from '@wordpress/edit-post/build-module/components/edit-post-settings';
-// We need a core/edit-post store
-import '@wordpress/edit-post/build-module/store';
-class Editor extends Component {
- constructor() {
- super( ...arguments );
- this.getEditorSettings = memize( this.getEditorSettings, {
- maxSize: 1,
- } );
- }
- getEditorSettings(
- settings,
- hasFixedToolbar,
- showInserterHelpPanel,
- focusMode,
- hiddenBlockTypes,
- blockTypes,
- preferredStyleVariations,
- __experimentalLocalAutosaveInterval,
- updatePreferredStyleVariations
- ) {
- settings = {
- ...settings,
- __experimentalPreferredStyleVariations: {
- value: preferredStyleVariations,
- onChange: updatePreferredStyleVariations,
- },
- hasFixedToolbar,
- focusMode,
- showInserterHelpPanel,
- __experimentalLocalAutosaveInterval,
- };
- // Omit hidden block types if exists and non-empty.
- if ( size( hiddenBlockTypes ) > 0 ) {
- // Defer to passed setting for `allowedBlockTypes` if provided as
- // anything other than `true` (where `true` is equivalent to allow
- // all block types).
- const defaultAllowedBlockTypes =
- true === settings.allowedBlockTypes
- ? map( blockTypes, 'name' )
- : settings.allowedBlockTypes || [];
- settings.allowedBlockTypes = without( defaultAllowedBlockTypes, ...hiddenBlockTypes );
- }
- return settings;
- }
- render() {
- const {
- settings,
- hasFixedToolbar,
- focusMode,
- post,
- postId,
- initialEdits,
- onError,
- hiddenBlockTypes,
- blockTypes,
- preferredStyleVariations,
- __experimentalLocalAutosaveInterval,
- showInserterHelpPanel,
- updatePreferredStyleVariations,
- ...props
- } = this.props;
- if ( ! post ) {
- return null;
- }
- const editorSettings = this.getEditorSettings(
- settings,
- hasFixedToolbar,
- showInserterHelpPanel,
- focusMode,
- hiddenBlockTypes,
- blockTypes,
- preferredStyleVariations,
- __experimentalLocalAutosaveInterval,
- updatePreferredStyleVariations
- );
- return (
- );
- }
-export default compose( [
- withSelect( ( select, { postId, postType } ) => {
- const { isFeatureActive, getPreference } = select( 'core/edit-post' );
- const { getEntityRecord } = select( 'core' );
- const { getBlockTypes } = select( 'core/blocks' );
- return {
- showInserterHelpPanel: isFeatureActive( 'showInserterHelpPanel' ),
- hasFixedToolbar: isFeatureActive( 'fixedToolbar' ),
- focusMode: isFeatureActive( 'focusMode' ),
- post: getEntityRecord( 'postType', postType, postId ),
- preferredStyleVariations: getPreference( 'preferredStyleVariations' ),
- hiddenBlockTypes: getPreference( 'hiddenBlockTypes' ),
- blockTypes: getBlockTypes(),
- __experimentalLocalAutosaveInterval: getPreference( 'localAutosaveInterval' ),
- };
- } ),
- withDispatch( dispatch => {
- const { updatePreferredStyleVariations } = dispatch( 'core/edit-post' );
- return {
- updatePreferredStyleVariations,
- };
- } ),
-] )( Editor );
diff --git a/client/landing/custom-editor/index.tsx b/client/landing/custom-editor/index.tsx
index b21932966d0c3..0cacb9e1c5ea2 100644
--- a/client/landing/custom-editor/index.tsx
+++ b/client/landing/custom-editor/index.tsx
@@ -1,38 +1,13 @@
* External dependencies
-import '@automattic/calypso-polyfills';
-import React from 'react';
-import ReactDom from 'react-dom';
-import { BrowserRouter } from 'react-router-dom';
import config from '../../config';
- * Internal dependencies
- */
-import CustomEditor from './editor';
-// import { setupWpDataDebug } from './devtools'; // Currently only available in Gutenboarding
-import accessibleFocus from 'lib/accessible-focus';
- * Style dependencies
- */
-import 'assets/stylesheets/gutenboarding.scss';
-import 'components/environment-badge/style.scss';
+import { initialize } from '@wordpress/edit-site';
window.AppBoot = () => {
if ( ! config.isEnabled( 'custom-editor' ) ) {
window.location.href = '/';
} else {
- // setupWpDataDebug();
- // Add accessible-focus listener.
- accessibleFocus();
- ReactDom.render(
- ,
- document.getElementById( 'wpcom' )
- );
+ initialize( 'wpcom', {} );