signal-cli-dbus - A commandline and dbus interface for the Signal messenger
signal-cli [--verbose] [--config CONFIG] [-a ACCOUNT] [-o {plain-text,json}] daemon [--dbus] [--dbus-system]
dbus-send [--system | --session] [--print-reply] --type=method_call --dest="org.asamk.Signal" /org/asamk/Signal[/_<phonenumber>] org.asamk.Signal.<method> [string:<string argument>] [array:<type>:<array argument>]
Note: when daemon was started without explicit -a ACCOUNT
, the dbus-send
command requires adding the phone number in /org/asamk/Signal/_<phonenumber>
See signal-cli (1) for details on the application.
This documentation handles the supported methods when running signal-cli as a DBus daemon.
The method are described as follows:
method(arg1<type>, arg2<type>, …) → return<type>
Where <type> is according to DBus specification:
<a> : Array of … (comma-separated list) (array:)
(…) : Struct (cannot be sent via
) -
<b> : Boolean (false|true) (boolean:)
<i> : Signed 32-bit (int) integer (int32:)
<o> : DBusPath object (objpath:)
<s> : String (string:)
<x> : Signed 64-bit (long) integer (int64:)
<y> : Unsigned 8-bit (byte) integer (byte:)
<> : no return value
The final parenthetical value (such as "boolean:") is the type indicator used by dbus-send
Exceptions are the names of the Java Exceptions returned in the body field. They typically contain an additional message with details. All Exceptions begin with "org.asamk.Signal.Error." which is omitted here for better readability.
Phone numbers always have the format +<countrycode><regional number>
These methods are available if the daemon is started in multi-account mode (without an explicit -a ACCOUNT
The exported /org/asamk/Signal
object provides a SignalControl interface, with methods to manage accounts.
Individual accounts are exported as separate objects and provide a Signal interface, that’s described below.
e.g. /org/asamk/Signal/_441234567890
where the + dialing code is replaced by an underscore (_).
- link() → deviceLinkUri<s>
- link(newDeviceName<s>) → deviceLinkUri<s>
newDeviceName : Name to give new device (defaults to "cli" if no name is given)
deviceLinkUri : URI of newly linked device
Returns a URI of the form "sgnl://linkdevice?uuid=…". This can be piped to a QR encoder to create a display that can be captured by a Signal smartphone client.
For example:
dbus-send --session --dest=org.asamk.Signal --type=method_call --print-reply /org/asamk/Signal string:"My secondary client" | tr '\n' '\0' | sed 's/.*string //g' | sed 's/\"//g' | qrencode -s10 -tANSI256
- listAccounts() → accountList<as>
accountList : Array of all attached accounts in DBus object path form
Exceptions: None
- register(number<s>, voiceVerification<b>) → <>
number : Phone number
voiceVerification : true = use voice verification; false = use SMS verification
Exceptions: Failure, InvalidNumber, RequiresCaptcha
- registerWithCaptcha(number<s>, voiceVerification<b>, captcha<s>) → <>
number : Phone number
voiceVerification : true = use voice verification; false = use SMS verification
captcha : Captcha string
Exceptions: Failure, InvalidNumber, RequiresCaptcha
- verify(number<s>, verificationCode<s>) → <>
number : Phone number
verificationCode : Code received from Signal after successful registration request
Command fails if PIN was set after previous registration; use verifyWithPin instead.
Exceptions: Failure, InvalidNumber
- verifyWithPin(number<s>, verificationCode<s>, pin<s>) → <>
number : Phone number
verificationCode : Code received from Signal after successful registration request
pin : PIN you set with setPin command after verifying previous registration
Exceptions: Failure, InvalidNumber
- version() → version<s>
version : Version string of signal-cli
Exceptions: None
The following methods listen to the account’s object path, which is constructed as follows:
for single-account mode: "/org/asamk/Signal/"
for multi-account mode: "/org/asamk/Signal/" + DBusNumber
DBusNumber: account’s phone number, with underscore (_) replacing plus (+)
- getContactName(number<s>) → name<s>
number : Phone number
name : Contact’s name in local storage (from the primary device for a linked account, or the one set with setContactName); if not set, contact’s profile name is used
Exceptions: None
- getContactNumber(name<s>) → numbers<as>
numbers : Array of phone number
name : Contact or profile name ("firstname lastname")
Searches contacts and known profiles for a given name and returns the list of all known numbers. May result in e.g. two entries if a contact and profile name is set.
Exceptions: None
- getSelfNumber() → number<s>
number : Your phone number
Exceptions: None
- isContactBlocked(number<s>) → blocked<b>
number : Phone number
blocked : true=blocked, false=not blocked
For unknown numbers false is returned but no exception is raised.
Exceptions: InvalidPhoneNumber
- isRegistered() → result<b>
- isRegistered(number<s>) → result<b>
- isRegistered(numbers<as>) → results<ab>
number : Phone number
numbers : String array of phone numbers
result : true=number is registered, false=number is not registered
results : Boolean array of results
For unknown numbers, false is returned, but no exception is raised. If no number is given, returns true (indicating that you are registered).
Exceptions: InvalidNumber
- listNumbers() → numbers<as>
numbers : String array of all known numbers
This is a concatenated list of all defined contacts as well of profiles known (e.g. peer group members or sender of received messages)
Exceptions: None
- removePin() → <>
Removes registration PIN protection.
Exceptions: Failure
- sendEndSessionMessage(recipients<as>) → <>
recipients : Array of phone numbers
Exceptions: Failure, InvalidNumber, UntrustedIdentity
- sendMessage(message<s>, attachments<as>, recipient<s>) → timestamp<x>
- sendMessage(message<s>, attachments<as>, recipients<as>) → timestamp<x>
message : Text to send (can be UTF8)
attachments : String array of filenames to send as attachments (passed as filename, so need to be readable by the user signal-cli is running under)
recipient : Phone number of a single recipient
recipients : String array of phone numbers
timestamp : Long, can be used to identify the corresponding Signal reply
Depending on the type of the recipient field this sends a message to one or multiple recipients.
Exceptions: AttachmentInvalid, Failure, InvalidNumber, UntrustedIdentity
- sendMessageReaction(emoji<s>, remove<b>, targetAuthor<s>, targetSentTimestamp<x>, recipient<s>) → timestamp<x>
- sendMessageReaction(emoji<s>, remove<b>, targetAuthor<s>, targetSentTimestamp<x>, recipients<as>) → timestamp<x>
emoji : Unicode grapheme cluster of the emoji
remove : Boolean, whether a previously sent reaction (emoji) should be removed
targetAuthor : String with the phone number of the author of the message to which to react
targetSentTimestamp : Long representing timestamp of the message to which to react
recipient : String with the phone number of a single recipient
recipients : Array of strings with phone numbers, should there be more recipients
timestamp : Long, can be used to identify the corresponding Signal reply
Depending on the type of the recipient(s) field this sends a reaction to one or multiple recipients.
Exceptions: Failure, InvalidNumber
- sendPaymentNotification(receipt<ay>, note<s>, recipient<s>) → timestamp<x>
receipt : Byte array with the payment receipt blob
note : String with a note for the payment
recipient : String with the phone number of a single recipient
timestamp : Long, can be used to identify the corresponding Signal reply
Exceptions: Failure
- sendNoteToSelfMessage(message<s>, attachments<as>) → timestamp<x>
message : Text to send (can be UTF8)
attachments : String array of filenames to send as attachments (passed as filename, so need to be readable by the user signal-cli is running under)
timestamp : Long, can be used to identify the corresponding Signal reply
Exceptions: Failure, AttachmentInvalid
- sendReadReceipt(recipient<s>, targetSentTimestamps<ax>) → <>
recipient : Phone number of a single recipient
targetSentTimestamps : Array of Longs to identify the corresponding Signal messages
Exceptions: Failure, UntrustedIdentity
- sendViewedReceipt(recipient<s>, targetSentTimestamp<ax>) → <>
recipient : Phone number of a single recipient
targetSentTimestamp : Array of Longs to identify the corresponding signal messages
Exceptions: Failure, UntrustedIdentity
- sendRemoteDeleteMessage(targetSentTimestamp<x>, recipient<s>) → timestamp<x>
- sendRemoteDeleteMessage(targetSentTimestamp<x>, recipients<as>) → timestamp<x>
targetSentTimestamp : Long representing timestamp of the message to delete
recipient : String with the phone number of a single recipient
recipients : Array of strings with phone numbers, should there be more recipients
timestamp : Long, can be used to identify the corresponding signal reply
Depending on the type of the recipient(s) field this deletes a message with one or multiple recipients.
Exceptions: Failure, InvalidNumber
- sendTyping(recipient<s>, stop<b>) → <>
recipient : Phone number of a single recipient
stop : True, if typing state should be stopped
Exceptions: Failure, UntrustedIdentity
- setContactBlocked(number<s>, block<b>) → <>
number : Phone number affected by method
block : false=remove block, true=blocked
Messages from blocked numbers will no longer be forwarded via DBus.
Exceptions: InvalidNumber
- setContactName(number<s>,name<>) → <>
number : Phone number
name : Name to be set in contacts (in local storage with signal-cli)
Exceptions: InvalidNumber, Failure
- deleteContact(number<s>) → <>
number : Phone number
Exceptions: Failure
- deleteRecipient(number<s>) → <>
number : Phone number
Exceptions: Failure
- setExpirationTimer(number<s>, expiration<i>) → <>
number : Phone number of recipient
expiration : int32 for the number of seconds before messages to this recipient disappear. Set to 0 to disable expiration.
Exceptions: Failure, InvalidNumber
- setPin(pin<s>) → <>
pin : PIN you set after registration (resets after 7 days of inactivity)
Sets a registration lock PIN, to prevent others from registering your number.
Exceptions: Failure
- submitRateLimitChallenge(challenge<s>, captcha<s>) → <>
challenge : The challenge token taken from the proof required error.
captcha : The captcha token from the solved captcha on the Signal website. Can be used to lift some rate-limits by solving a captcha.
Exception: IOErrorException
- updateProfile(name<s>, about<s>, aboutEmoji <s>, avatar<s>, remove<b>) → <>
- updateProfile(givenName<s>, familyName<s>, about<s>, aboutEmoji <s>, avatar<s>, remove<b>) → <>
name : Name for your own profile (empty if unchanged)
givenName : Given name for your own profile (empty if unchanged)
familyName : Family name for your own profile (empty if unchanged)
about : About message for profile (empty if unchanged)
aboutEmoji : Emoji for profile (empty if unchanged)
avatar : Filename of avatar picture for profile (empty if unchanged)
remove : Set to true if the existing avatar picture should be removed
Exceptions: Failure
- uploadStickerPack(stickerPackPath<s>) → url<s>
stickerPackPath : Path to the manifest.json file or a zip file in the same directory
url : URL of sticker pack after successful upload
Exceptions: Failure
- version() → version<s>
version : Version string of signal-cli
Exceptions: None
- createGroup(groupName<s>, members<as>, avatar<s>) → groupId<ay>
groupName : String representing the display name of the group
members : String array of new members to be invited to group
avatar : Filename of avatar picture to be set for group (empty if none)
groupId : Byte array representing the internal group identifier
Exceptions: AttachmentInvalid, Failure, InvalidNumber;
- getGroup(groupId<ay>) → objectPath<o>
groupId : Byte array representing the internal group identifier
objectPath : DBusPath for the group
- getGroupMembers(groupId<ay>) → members<as>
groupId : Byte array representing the internal group identifier
members : String array with the phone numbers of all active members of a group
Exceptions: None, if the group name is not found an empty array is returned
- joinGroup(inviteURI<s>) → <>
inviteURI : String starting with
Behavior of this method depends on the requirePermission
parameter of the enableLink
If permission is required, joinGroup
adds you to the requesting members list.
Permission may be granted based on the group’s PermissionAddMember
property (ONLY_ADMINS
If permission is not required, joinGroup
admits you immediately to the group.
Exceptions: Failure
- listGroups() → groups<a(oays)>
groups : Array of Structs(objectPath, groupId, groupName)
objectPath : DBusPath
groupId : Byte array representing the internal group identifier
groupName : String representing the display name of the group
- sendGroupMessage(message<s>, attachments<as>, groupId<ay>) → timestamp<x>
message : Text to send (can be UTF8)
attachments : String array of filenames to send as attachments (passed as filename, so need to be readable by the user signal-cli is running under)
groupId : Byte array representing the internal group identifier
timestamp : Long, can be used to identify the corresponding Signal reply
Exceptions: GroupNotFound, Failure, AttachmentInvalid, InvalidGroupId
- sendGroupTyping(groupId<ay>, stop<b>) → <>
groupId : Byte array representing the internal group identifier
stop : True, if typing state should be stopped
Exceptions: Failure, GroupNotFound, UntrustedIdentity
- sendGroupMessageReaction(emoji<s>, remove<b>, targetAuthor<s>, targetSentTimestamp<x>, groupId<ay>) → timestamp<x>
emoji : Unicode grapheme cluster of the emoji
remove : Boolean, whether a previously sent reaction (emoji) should be removed
targetAuthor : String with the phone number of the author of the message to which to react
targetSentTimestamp : Long representing timestamp of the message to which to react
groupId : Byte array representing the internal group identifier
timestamp : Long, can be used to identify the corresponding signal reply
Exceptions: Failure, InvalidNumber, GroupNotFound, InvalidGroupId
- sendGroupRemoteDeleteMessage(targetSentTimestamp<x>, groupId<ay>) → timestamp<x>
targetSentTimestamp : Long representing timestamp of the message to delete
groupId : Byte array with base64 encoded group identifier
timestamp : Long, can be used to identify the corresponding signal reply
Exceptions: Failure, GroupNotFound, InvalidGroupId
- addDevice(deviceUri<s>) → <>
deviceUri : URI in the form of "sgnl://linkdevice?uuid=…" (formerly "tsdevice:/?uuid=…") Normally displayed by a Signal desktop app, smartphone app, or another signal-cli instance using the
control method.
- getDevice(deviceId<x>) → devicePath<o>
deviceId : Long representing a deviceId
devicePath : DBusPath object for the device
Exceptions: DeviceNotFound
- listDevices() → devices<a(oxs)>
devices : Array of structs (objectPath, id, name)
objectPath : DBusPath representing the device’s object path
id : Long representing the deviceId
name : String representing the device’s name
Exceptions: InvalidUri
- sendContacts() → <>
Sends a synchronization message with the local contacts list to all linked devices. This command should only be used if this is the primary device.
Exceptions: Failure
- sendSyncRequest() → <>
Sends a synchronization request to the primary device (for group, contacts, …). Only works if sent from a secondary device.
Exceptions: Failure
- listIdentities() → identities<a(oss)>
identities : Array of structs (objectPath, id, name)
objectPath : DBusPath representing the identity object path
uuid : Internal uuid of the identity
number : Phone number of the identity
Lists all know identities
- getIdentity(Number<s>) → identityPath<o>
Number : Phone number
identityPath : DBusPath object for the identity
Gets the identity Dbus path for a given phone number
Exceptions: Failure
The following methods listen to the group’s object path, which can be obtained from the listGroups() method and is constructed as follows:
<ACCOUNT_PATH> + "/Groups/" + DBusGroupId
DBusGroupId : groupId in base64 format, with underscore (_) replacing plus (+), equals (=), or slash (/)
Groups have the following (case-sensitive) properties:
Id<ay> (read-only) : Byte array representing the internal group identifier
Name<s> : Display name of the group
Description<s> : Description of the group
Avatar<s> (write-only) : Filename of the avatar
IsBlocked<b> : true=member will not receive group messages; false=not blocked
IsMember<b> (read-only) : always true (object path exists only for group members)
IsAdmin<b> (read-only) : true=member has admin privileges; false=not admin
MessageExpirationTimer<i> : int32 representing message expiration time for group
Members<as> (read-only) : String array of group members' phone numbers
PendingMembers<as> (read-only) : String array of pending members' phone numbers
RequestingMembers<as> (read-only) : String array of requesting members' phone numbers
Admins<as> (read-only) : String array of admins' phone numbers
PermissionAddMember<s> : String representing who has permission to add members ONLY_ADMINS, EVERY_MEMBER
PermissionEditDetails<s> : String representing who may edit group details ONLY_ADMINS, EVERY_MEMBER
PermissionSendMessage<s> : String representing who post messages to group ONLY_ADMINS, EVERY_MEMBER (note that ONLY_ADMINS is equivalent to IsAnnouncementGroup)
GroupInviteLink<s> (read-only) : String of the invitation link (starts with
To get a property, use (replacing --session
with --system
if needed):
dbus-send --session --dest=org.asamk.Signal --print-reply $OBJECT_PATH org.freedesktop.DBus.Properties.Get string:org.asamk.Signal.Group string:$PROPERTY_NAME
To set a property, use:
dbus-send --session --dest=org.asamk.Signal --print-reply $OBJECT_PATH org.freedesktop.DBus.Properties.Set string:org.asamk.Signal.Group string:$PROPERTY_NAME variant:$PROPERTY_TYPE:$PROPERTY_VALUE
To get all properties, use:
dbus-send --session --dest=org.asamk.Signal --print-reply $OBJECT_PATH org.freedesktop.DBus.Properties.GetAll string:org.asamk.Signal.Group
- addAdmins(recipients<as>) → <>
recipients : String array of phone numbers
Grant admin privileges to recipients.
Exceptions: Failure
- addMembers(recipients<as>) → <>
recipients : String array of phone numbers
Add recipients to group if they are pending members; otherwise add recipients to list of requesting members. This command is also used to accept group invitations by adding yourself to a group.
Exceptions: Failure
- disableLink() → <>
Disables the group’s invitation link.
Exceptions: Failure
- enableLink(requiresApproval<b>) → <>
requiresApproval : true=add numbers using the link to the requesting members list
Enables the group’s invitation link.
Exceptions: Failure
- quitGroup() → <>
Exceptions: Failure, LastGroupAdmin
- removeAdmins(recipients<as>) → <>
recipients : String array of phone numbers
Remove admin privileges from recipients.
Exceptions: Failure
- removeMembers(recipients<as>) → <>
recipients : String array of phone numbers
Remove recipients from group.
Exceptions: Failure
- resetLink() → <>
Resets the group’s invitation link to a new random URL starting with
Exceptions: Failure
The following methods listen to the device’s object path, which is constructed as follows:
<ACCOUNT_PATH> + "/Devices/" + deviceId
deviceId : Number representing the device identifier (obtained from listDevices() method)
Devices have the following (case-sensitive) properties:
Id<x> (read-only) : Long representing the device identifier
Created<x> (read-only) : Long representing the number of milliseconds since the Unix epoch
LastSeen<x> (read-only) : Long representing the number of milliseconds since the Unix epoch
Name<s> : String representing the display name of the device
To get a property, use (replacing --session
with --system
if needed):
dbus-send --session --dest=org.asamk.Signal --print-reply $OBJECT_PATH org.freedesktop.DBus.Properties.Get string:org.asamk.Signal.Device string:$PROPERTY_NAME
To set a property, use:
dbus-send --session --dest=org.asamk.Signal --print-reply $OBJECT_PATH org.freedesktop.DBus.Properties.Set string:org.asamk.Signal.Device string:$PROPERTY_NAME variant:$PROPERTY_TYPE:$PROPERTY_VALUE
To get all properties, use:
dbus-send --session --dest=org.asamk.Signal --print-reply $OBJECT_PATH org.freedesktop.DBus.Properties.GetAll string:org.asamk.Signal.Device
- removeDevice() → <>
Exceptions: Failure
The following methods listen to the Identities object path, which is constructed as follows:
<ACCOUNT_PATH> + "/Identities/" + identity
identity : Either the phone number of a contact with underscore (_) replacing plus (+) , or if not known its uuid
Identities have the following (case-sensitive) properties:
Number<s> (read-only) : Phone number of the contact
Uuid<x> (read-only) : Internal uuid representing the contact
Fingerprint<x> (read-only) : Byte array representing the fingerprint
SafetyNumber<s> (read-only) : String representation of the safety number used to verify trust
TrustLevel<s> (read-only) : Current trust level (UNSTRUSTED, TRUSTED_UNVERIFIED, TRUSTED_VERIFIED)
AddedDate<x> (read-only) : Long representing the number of milliseconds since the Unix epoch
ScannableSafetyNumber<x> (read-only) : Byte array representation of the safety number
To get a property, use (replacing --session
with --system
if needed):
dbus-send --session --dest=org.asamk.Signal --print-reply $OBJECT_PATH org.freedesktop.DBus.Properties.Get string:org.asamk.Signal.Identity string:$PROPERTY_NAME
To get all properties, use:
dbus-send --session --dest=org.asamk.Signal --print-reply $OBJECT_PATH org.freedesktop.DBus.Properties.GetAll string:org.asamk.Signal.Identity
- trust() → <>
Establish trust with the given identity. TrustLevel will become TRUSTED_UNVERFIED
Exceptions: Failure
- trustVerified(SafetyNumber<s>) → <>
Establish trust with the given identity using their safety number. TrustLevel will become TRUSTED_VERIFIED
Exceptions: Failure
The configuration’s object path, which exists only for primary devices, is constructed as follows: <ACCOUNT_PATH> + "/Configuration"
Configurations have the following (case-sensitive) properties:
ReadReceipts<b> : should send read receipts (true/false)
UnidentifiedDeliveryIndicators<b> : should show unidentified delivery indicators (true/false)
TypingIndicators<b> : should send/show typing indicators (true/false)
LinkPreviews<b> : should generate link previews (true/false)
To get a property, use (replacing --session
with --system
if needed):
dbus-send --session --dest=org.asamk.Signal --print-reply $OBJECT_PATH org.freedesktop.DBus.Properties.Get string:org.asamk.Signal.Configuration string:$PROPERTY_NAME
To set a property, use:
dbus-send --session --dest=org.asamk.Signal --print-reply $OBJECT_PATH org.freedesktop.DBus.Properties.Set string:org.asamk.Signal.Configuration string:$PROPERTY_NAME variant:$PROPERTY_TYPE:$PROPERTY_VALUE
To get all properties, use:
dbus-send --session --dest=org.asamk.Signal --print-reply $OBJECT_PATH org.freedesktop.DBus.Properties.GetAll string:org.asamk.Signal.Configuration
- SyncMessageReceived (timestamp<x>, sender<s>, destination<s>, groupId<ay>, message<s>, attachments<as>)
timestamp : Integer value that can be used to associate this e.g. with a sendMessage()
sender : Phone number of the sender
destination : DBus code for destination
groupId : Byte array representing the internal group identifier (empty when private message)
message : Message text
attachments : String array of filenames in the signal-cli storage (~/.local/share/signal-cli/attachments/)
The sync message is received when the user sends a message from a linked device.
- ReceiptReceived (timestamp<x>, sender<s>)
timestamp : Integer value that can be used to associate this e.g. with a sendMessage()
sender : Phone number of the sender
This signal is sent by each recipient (e.g. each group member) after the message was successfully delivered to the device
- MessageReceived(timestamp<x>, sender<s>, groupId<ay>, message<s>, attachments<as>)
timestamp : Integer value that is used by the system to send a ReceiptReceived reply
sender : Phone number of the sender
groupId : Byte array representing the internal group identifier (empty when private message)
message : Message text
attachments : String array of filenames in the signal-cli storage (~/.local/share/signal-cli/attachments/)
This signal is received whenever we get a private message or a message is posted in a group we are an active member
- Send a text message (without attachment) to a contact
dbus-send --print-reply --type=method_call --dest="org.asamk.Signal" /org/asamk/Signal org.asamk.Signal.sendMessage string:"Message text goes here" array:string: string:+123456789
- Send a group message
dbus-send --session --print-reply --type=method_call --dest=org.asamk.Signal /org/asamk/Signal org.asamk.Signal.sendGroupMessage string:'The message goes here' array:string:'/path/to/attachment1','/path/to/attachment2' array:byte:139,22,72,247,116,32,170,104,205,164,207,21,248,77,185
- Print the group name corresponding to a groupId; the daemon runs on system bus, and was started without an explicit
dbus-send --system --print-reply --type=method_call --dest='org.asamk.Signal' /org/asamk/Signal/_1234567890 org.asamk.Signal.getGroupName array:byte:139,22,72,247,116,32,170,104,205,164,207,21,248,77,185
Maintained by AsamK <>, who is assisted by other open source contributors. For more information about signal-cli development, see