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File metadata and controls

139 lines (92 loc) · 3.68 KB

How to run the examples

Make sure you have Docker and sbt installed, and that Docker client is running. Tested using docker 20.10.0, sbt 1.4.1

Clone this repository:

git clone

If running examples on Windows, make sure that all scripts in the repository are correctly encoded:

  • .bat scripts as Windows (CR LF)
  • .sh scripts as Unix (LF).

Prior to running the same test again, or switching to another test example, make sure to perform cleanup and containers tear down procedure after each run.

Note: The instructions for running the S3, Sparklyr, Kerberos and PySpark examples are different. If you would like to run those examples, please see their respective READMEs.

Prepare test environment

From the docker folder in the project's root directory (spark-connector/docker), run:


On Windows, you can run the equivalent batch file:


This will:

  1. Create a docker image for a client container and docker containers for a sandbox client environment and single-node clusters for both Vertica and HDFS.
  2. Update the HDFS configuration files and restart HDFS
  3. Enter the sandbox client environment (i.e. command prompt of docker_client container).

Run test

The following steps assume you are in the client sandbox environment.

Proceed running tests using one of the following methods:

Using 'sbt run'

Change your working directory to one in spark-connector/examples/[EXAMPLE], such as spark-connector/examples/basic-read, then enter:

sbt run

If you decide to run the demo example from the /spark-connector/examples/demo directory, run:

sbt "run [CASE]"

Cases to choose from:

  • columnPushdown
  • filterPushdown
  • writeAppendMode
  • writeOverwriteMode
  • writeErrorIfExistsMode
  • writeIgnoreMode
  • writeCustomStatement
  • writeCustomCopyList

Running Application in Spark Cluster

Note: This method is required for the S3-example.

In the example's root directory (spark-connector/examples/[EXAMPLE]) run:

sbt assembly

From the docker directory in spark-connector/docker, run:


On Windows, you can run the equivalent batch file:


The following steps assume you are in the client sandbox environment.

Change your working directory to spark-connector/examples, then run:


Example argument: basic-read-example

If using Thin Jar

If you are using the thin jar and running into an error similar to the following: java.lang.NoSuchMethodError: 'void cats.kernel.CommutativeSemigroup.$init$(cats.kernel.CommutativeSemigroup)', you may need to shade the cats dependency in your project.

This can be done by adding the following to your build.sbt file:

assembly / assemblyShadeRules := {
    val shadePackage = "com.azavea.shaded.demo"
        ShadeRule.rename("cats.kernel.**" -> s"$shadePackage.cats.kernel.@1").inAll

Output file

To only see the example output without sbt logs, you can write the result to a file by appending the following to any run command:

[run command] > output.txt

You may then view this file using the command cat output.txt.

Tear down containers

Once you're finished running the example, exit out of the interactive terminal by running exit.

Make sure you are still in the docker directory, then run:

docker-compose down

This will shut down and remove the containers safely.


There are additional prerequisites to run the S3, Pyspark, Sparklyr, or Kerberos examples. If you want to run these, please take a look at their respective README files.