KingPin Bowling App -> See Wiki page for additional information.
KingPin is a bowling app made in Android Studio using Java and Google Firebase authentication. Google Firebase authentication is a backend service that keeps tracks of users information such as, email, login, password, past and present game scores. The app contains 7 different pages you can visit.
: User email, password, and show password box
Create Account
: User email, password, confirm password, and confirm password box
: Stats button, add game button, and sign out button
Add Game
: Enter name, frame number, roll 1, roll 2, save button, total button, and sign out button
Score Saved
: Notification of game save with home button and sign out button
: Pick what game user would like to see and sign out button
Pie Chart
: Displays a colored pie chart with total score in middle, back button, next button (See a different view with all the frames), and sign out button
Pie Chart Next
: Shows users game in a different view
Clone the repository and import into Android Studio:
git clone
Changes Needed Step by step to adding firebase
Create a Firebase project to connect to your Android app. To do this, go to Firebase Console.
Register your app with Firebase.
Add a Firebase configuration file.
Add Firebase SDKs to your app.
Android Studio - IDE
Java - Programming language used
Google Firebase Authentication - Back End Service