- Your program should prompt for a positive integer in decimal representation, convert the integer to a hexadecimal number string and print it.
- Then your program should prompt for a hexadecimal number string, convert the string into a regular decimal integer and print the result.
Here is a simple interaction:
Lab 03
From decimal to hexadecimal
Give a positive integer in decimal representation: 1027298
The hexadecimal representation of 1027298 is 0xface2
From hexadecimal to decimal
Give a positive integer in hexadecimal representation: 0xface2
The decimal representation of 0xface2 is 1027298
Thanks for using this program.
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How do we get a hexadecimal string from a positive decimal integer? The easiest method uses integer division by 16 on successive quotients and then collects the remainders. It is best illustrated by an example. Consider the decimal number 1564.
- 1564 divided by 16 gives the quotient 97 and remainder 12 (which is
in hexadecimal). - 97 divided by 16 gives the quotient 6 and remainder 1.
- 6 divided by 16 gives the quotient 0 and remainder 6.
Stop at reaching a quotient of 0. The hexadecimal string equivalent is given by concatenating the remainders, in reverse (so the last remainder is the most significant digit and the first is the least). In this example: "61c"
You are not allowed to use the Python function calls: int(..., 16)
Happy programming! 'Met ngoding!
L. Y. Stefanus
Taken from lab03_fprog2017.pdf
(Tutorial Lab 3 DDP1 F -- 13 September 2017)