From 8e6e38e91aaa58e907759f43e8301c7cc6173036 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Pierre Kancir <>
Date: Fri, 21 Jan 2022 23:29:41 +0100
Subject: [PATCH 1/2] Readme: re init readme

--- |  56 ------------------  | 169 +++++++++++++++++++----------------------------------
 2 files changed, 59 insertions(+), 166 deletions(-)
 delete mode 100644

diff --git a/ b/
deleted file mode 100644
index d384b22b..00000000
--- a/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,56 +0,0 @@
-# Install
-## Ubtunu 18.04
-Gazebo11 is required.
-$ sudo apt-get update
-$ sudo apt-get upgrade
-$ sudo apt-get install libgazebo11
-$ sudo apt-get install libgazebo11-dev
-$ sudo apt-get install gazebo11
-If you are seeing errors like:
-$ gazebo --verbose
-Gazebo multi-robot simulator, version 11.3.0
-Copyright (C) 2012 Open Source Robotics Foundation.
-Released under the Apache 2 License.
-[Msg] Waiting for master.
-Gazebo multi-robot simulator, version 11.3.0
-Copyright (C) 2012 Open Source Robotics Foundation.
-Released under the Apache 2 License.
-[Msg] Waiting for master.
-[Msg] Connected to gazebo master @
-[Msg] Publicized address:
-[Err] [] Unable to find shader lib. Shader generating will fail.[Wrn] [] File or path does not exist [""] [worlds/]
-[Err] [] Could not open file[worlds/]
-[Wrn] [] Falling back on worlds/
-[Wrn] [] File or path does not exist [""] [worlds/]
-[Err] [] Could not open file[worlds/]
-[Msg] Connected to gazebo master @
-[Msg] Publicized address:
-[Err] [] Unable to find shader lib. Shader generating will fail.
-You may need to update your `~/.bashrc`:
-# Gazebo
-- source /usr/share/gazebo-9/
-+ source /usr/share/gazebo-11/
-RapidJSON is required:
-$ sudo apt-get update
-$ sudo apt-get install rapidjson-dev
diff --git a/ b/
index 1e014360..327affe2 100644
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -1,135 +1,84 @@
-# Ardupilot Gazebo plugin 
+# ArduPilot Ignition Gazebo plugin
+This is ArduPilot official plugin for Ignition Gazebo.
+It replaces the old Gazebo plugin to bring support of the next gen Gazebo simulator.
+It also brings support for more features :
+- more flexible data exchange between SITL and Ignition with JSON data sharing.
+- more sensors supported.
+- true Simulation lockstepping. It is now possible to use GDB to stop the Ignition time for debugging.
+- Better 3D rendering
-## Requirements :
-Native Ubuntu able to run full 3D graphics.
-Gazebo version 8.x or greater
-The dev branch will works on gazebo >= 8.x  
-For Gazebo 7 use branch gazebo7
+The project is composed of an Ignition plugin to connect to ArduPilot SITL (Software In The Loop) and some example models and worlds.
-## Disclamer : 
-This is a playground until I get some time to push the correct patch to gazebo master (I got hard time to work with mercurial..)!  
-So you can expect things to not be up-to-date.  
-This assume that your are using Ubuntu 16.04 or Ubuntu 18.04
+## Disclaimer :
+The plugin is currently working, but we are working into bringing support for more feature and refine the API.
-## Usage :
-I assume you already have Gazebo installed with ROS (or without).  
-If you don't have it yet, install ROS with `sudo apt install ros-melodic-desktop-full`
-(follow instruction here  
-Due to a bug in current gazebo release from ROS, please update gazebo with OSRF version from
+## Prerequisites :
+Ignition Fortress is supported on Ubuntu Bionic, Focal and Jammy. If you are running Ubuntu as a virtual machine you will need at least Ubuntu 20.04 (Focal) in order to have the OpenGL support required for the `ogre2` render engine.
-libgazeboX-dev must be installed, X be your gazebo version (9 on ROS melodic).
+Follow the instructions for a [binary install of ignition fortress]( and verify that ignition gazebo is running correctly.
-For Gazebo X
-sudo apt-get install libgazeboX-dev
+Set up an [ArduPilot development environment]( In the following it is assumed that you are able to
+run ArduPilot SITL using the [MAVProxy GCS](
-git clone
-cd ardupilot_gazebo
-mkdir build
-cd build
-cmake ..
-make -j4
-sudo make install
+## Installation :
+Install Ignition Gazebo Fortress development libs and rapidjson:
-echo 'source /usr/share/gazebo/' >> ~/.bashrc
+sudo apt install rapidjson-dev libignition-gazebo6-dev
-Set Path of Gazebo Models (Adapt the path to where to clone the repo)
-echo 'export GAZEBO_MODEL_PATH=~/ardupilot_gazebo/models' >> ~/.bashrc
+Clone the repo and build with:
+git clone -b ignition-fortress
+cd ardupilot_gazebo
+mkdir build && cd build
+cmake .. -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=RelWithDebInfo
+make -j4
-Set Path of Gazebo Worlds (Adapt the path to where to clone the repo)
-echo 'export GAZEBO_RESOURCE_PATH=~/ardupilot_gazebo/worlds:${GAZEBO_RESOURCE_PATH}' >> ~/.bashrc
+## Running :
-source ~/.bashrc
+Set the ignition environment variables in your `.bashrc` or `.zshrc` or in  the terminal used to run gazebo:
+### In terminal
+Assuming that you have clone the repository in `$HOME/ardupilot_gazebo`:
+export IGN_GAZEBO_RESOURCE_PATH=$HOME/ardupilot_gazebo/models:$HOME/ardupilot_gazebo/worlds:IGN_GAZEBO_RESOURCE_PATH
-Now launch a world file with a copter/rover/plane and ardupilot plugin, and it should work! 
-(I will try to add some world file and model later)
+### In .bashrc
+Assuming that you have clone the repository in `$HOME/ardupilot_gazebo`:
+echo 'export IGN_GAZEBO_SYSTEM_PLUGIN_PATH=$HOME/ardupilot_gazebo/build:${IGN_GAZEBO_SYSTEM_PLUGIN_PATH}' >> ~/.bashrc
+echo 'export IGN_GAZEBO_RESOURCE_PATH=$HOME/ardupilot_gazebo/models:$HOME/ardupilot_gazebo/worlds:${IGN_GAZEBO_RESOURCE_PATH}' >> ~/.bashrc
-## HELP
+Reload your terminal with source ~/.bashrc
-How to Launch :  
-Launch Ardupilot Software In the Loop Simulation for each vehicle.
-On new terminal, launch Gazebo with basic demo world.
+### Run Gazebo
-#####ROVER (no model provided for now)
+ign gazebo -v 4 -r
-On 1st Terminal (Launch Ardupilot SITL)
-```` -v APMrover2 -f gazebo-rover --map --console
+The `-v 4` parameter is not mandatory, it shows the debug informations.
-On 2nd Terminal (Launch Gazebo with demo Rover model)
-gazebo --verbose worlds/ (Please Add if there is one.)
+### Run ArduPilot SITL
+To run an ArduPilot simulation with Gazebo, the frame should have `gazebo-` in it and have `JSON` as model. Other commandline parameters are the same as usal on SITL.
+```bash -v ArduCopter -f gazebo-iris --model JSON --map --console
-##### COPTER
+### Arm and takeoff
-On 1st Terminal (Launch Ardupilot SITL)
-```` -v ArduCopter -f gazebo-iris --map --console
-On 2nd Terminal (Launch Gazebo with demo 3DR Iris model)
-gazebo --verbose worlds/
-##### PLANE
-On 1st Terminal (Launch Ardupilot SITL)
-```` -v ArduPlane -f gazebo-zephyr --map --console
-On 2nd Terminal (Launch Gazebo with demo Zephyr flying wing model)
-gazebo --verbose worlds/
-In addition, you can use any GCS of Ardupilot locally or remotely (will require connection setup).
-If MAVProxy Developer GCS is uncomportable. Omit --map --console arguments out of SITL launch and use APMPlanner 2 or QGroundControl instead.
-Local connection with APMPlanner2/QGroundControl is automatic, and recommended.
+STABILIZE> mode guided
+GUIDED> arm throttle
+GUIDED> takeoff 5
 ## Troubleshooting
-### Missing etc 
-In case you see this message when you launch gazebo with demo worlds, check you have no error after sudo make install.  
-If no error use "ls" on the install path given to see if the plugin is really here.  
-If this is correct, check with `cat /usr/share/gazebo/` the variable `GAZEBO_PLUGIN_PATH`. It should be the same as the install path. If not use `cp` to copy the lib to right path. 
-For Example
-sudo cp -a /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/gazebo-7.0/plugins/ /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/gazebo-7/
-path mismatch is confirmed as ROS's glitch. It will be fixed.
-### Future(not activated yet)
-To use Gazebo gps, you must offset the heading of +90° as gazebo gps is NWU and ardupilot is NED 
-(I don't use GPS altitude for now)  
-example : for SITL default location
-    <spherical_coordinates>
-      <surface_model>EARTH_WGS84</surface_model>
-      <latitude_deg>-35.363261</latitude_deg>
-      <longitude_deg>149.165230</longitude_deg>
-      <elevation>584</elevation>
-      <heading_deg>87</heading_deg>
-    </spherical_coordinates>
+### Gazebo issues
+Ignition documentation is already providing some help on most frequents issues

From 2cdcb06747246e004b1b17b31a2662569c011d88 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Pierre Kancir <>
Date: Fri, 25 Feb 2022 23:03:24 +0100
Subject: [PATCH 2/2] IrlockPluging: fix port as per

 src/ | 2 +-
 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-)

diff --git a/src/ b/src/
index 5b98eef1..72526989 100755
--- a/src/
+++ b/src/
@@ -169,7 +169,7 @@ void ArduCopterIRLockPlugin::Load(sensors::SensorPtr _sensor,
   this->dataPtr->irlock_addr =
           _sdf->Get("irlock_addr", static_cast<std::string>("")).first;
-  this->dataPtr->irlock_addr =
+  this->dataPtr->irlock_port =
           _sdf->Get("irlock_port", 9005).first;