This repository accompanies Malware Analysis and Detection Engineering by Abhijit Mohanta and Anoop Saldanha (Apress, 2020).
Download the files as a zip using the green button, or clone the repository to your machine using Git.
The book contains exercises that involve both simulated and real world malware samples. For exercises which are simulated malwares we have provided the full sample in the above zip. For exercises which are real world malwares, we have instead provided the hashes of the malware samples. The malwares from these hashes are available for free download on and and you can download the samples from these websites for free using the hashes.
NOTE: You would need to create a free account on and by registering with your email id in order to download the samples. You can register in using following link Instructions to join is available on the following link :
NOTE: If you are having trouble obtaining the malware samples, please reach out to the authors - Abhijit Mohanta/Anoop Saldanha, through their emails - abhijit.mohanta.15.08[at]gmail[dot]com/anoopsaldanha[at]gmail[dot]com. More details about the book, including information about the malware samples is available here. Any updates regarding the book would be provided on the website.
For any queries reagrding the book, or if you are having trouble obtaining the malware samples, please reach out to the authors - Abhijit Mohanta/Anoop Saldanha, through their emails - abhijit.mohanta.15.08[at]gmail[dot]com/anoopsaldanha[at]gmail[dot]com.
The APIMiner tool developed by the authors can be downloaded from Updates and any other information about the tool would be provided on the book website
Release v1.0 corresponds to the code in the published book, without corrections or updates.
See the file for more information on how you can contribute to this repository.