diff --git a/RELEASE.md b/RELEASE.md index de2d8fa..aff204f 100644 --- a/RELEASE.md +++ b/RELEASE.md @@ -36,11 +36,10 @@ git tag v${TAG} -u D33FAA16B937F3B2 -m "v${TAG}" git push origin v${TAG} ``` -- Create a release on GitHub, copy / paste release notes from the changelog and sign the auto-generated source tarball: +- Create a release on GitHub, download and sign the auto-generated source tarball: ```bash cd ~/Downloads -curl https://github.com/Antiz96/arch-update/archive/refs/tags/v${TAG}.tar.gz -o arch-update-${TAG}.tar.gz gpg --local-user D33FAA16B937F3B2 --armor --detach-sign arch-update-${TAG}.tar.gz sha256sum arch-update-${TAG}.tar.gz > arch-update-${TAG}.tar.gz.sha256 gpg --local-user D33FAA16B937F3B2 --armor --detach-sign arch-update-${TAG}.tar.gz.sha256