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Enchant Template

AnchyDev edited this page Nov 11, 2023 · 6 revisions


The Id column is the enchantment id. You can find enchantment ids by visiting and selecting an enchant. Your id is visible in the url.

Example: - where Id = 74.


The iLvlMin & iLvlMax columns are for stating the itemlevel range that your enchant can be applied onto. Both of these column values are inclusive.


When adding an entry to the enchant template table you have to provide a value to the RoleMask column to appropriately assign enchants to items when analyzed. To create your RoleMask you need to create a sum of all the roles that are able to use the enchant. The values for each role are:

  • All: 0
  • Tank: 1
  • Phys: 2
  • Hybrid: 4
  • Spell: 8

Example: Tank + Phys + Hybrid = 7 Hybrid + Spell = 12

To have all of the roles use the enchant, set the RoleMask to 0.


Like RoleMask you have to create a sum of all of the item classes able to use the enchant.

  • All: 0
  • Weapon: 4
  • Armor: 16

To have all of the classes use the enchant, set the ClassMask to 0.


Same as above. However you must use the correct ClassMask in conjunction with the SubClassMask or you may experience issues.

Weapon Armor
AXE = 1 MISC = 1
AXE2H = 2 CLOTH = 2
GUN = 8 MAIL = 8
MACE = 16 PLATE = 16
MACE2H = 32 BUCKLER = 32
SWORD = 128 LIBRAM = 128
SWORD2H = 256 IDOL = 256
OBSOLETE = 512 TOTEM = 512
STAFF = 1024 SIGIL = 1024
EXOTIC = 2048 -
EXOTIC2H = 4096 -
FIST = 8192 -
MISC = 16384 -
DAGGER = 32768 -
THROWN = 65536 -
SPEAR = 131072 -
CROSSBOW = 262144 -
WAND = 524288 -
FISHING POLE = 1048576 -

Again to mark the item to use all subclasses, set the SubClassMask to 0.


Same as above.

Bit Mask Equipment Type
1 Non equipable
2 Head
4 Neck
8 Shoulder
16 Shirt
32 Chest (see also Robe = 20)
64 Waist
128 Legs
256 Feet
512 Wrists
1024 Hands
2048 Finger
4096 Trinket
8192 One-Hand (not to confuse with Off-Hand = 22)
16384 Shield (class = armor, not weapon even if in weapon slot)
32768 Ranged (Bows) (see also Ranged right = 26)
65536 Back
131072 Two-Hand
262144 Bag
524288 Tabard
1048576 Robe (see also Chest = 5)
2097152 Main hand
4194304 Off Hand weapons (see also One-Hand = 13)
8388608 Held in Off-Hand (tome, cane, flowers, torches, orbs etc... See also Off-Hand = 22) (class = armor, not weapon even if in weapon slot)
16777216 Ammo
33554432 Thrown
67108864 Ranged right (Wands, Guns) (see also Ranged = 15)
134217728 Quiver
268435456 Relic (class = armor, not weapon even if in weapon slot)

Decription & Note

These are both optional columns that just help with reading/tracking enchants.

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