## Installing the package from GitHub
## Installing the package from CRAN
R package for the Application: Here
Current Rshiny Application: Here
- Binomial Outcome data can be fitted by the binomial distribution, however when there is overdispersion, that is means there is correlation among the binomial random variables.
- That means we need better distributions to fit the overdispersed big data.
- These better distributions are Alternate Binomial and Binomial Mixture distributions.
- In this application we fit these distributions for the binomial outcome datasets in the R package “fitODBOD”.
- From the seven datasets select a dataset.
- Based on the selection fitted results for the Alternate Binomial and Binomial Mixture distributions are shown in as plots in the tabs.
- Methods that require maximum likelihood estimation are repeated fifty times for accuracy and their estimated model parameters are also plotted.
- To compare the methods we use a table for each of distribution type.
- After observing these tables we have written a few points of the results, possibly the best method as well.