From 39d1a7748e4edd781cc7b600f662cd9d5c3f1d92 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Arnaud Adant <>
Date: Mon, 11 Dec 2023 01:30:53 -0600
Subject: [PATCH 1/2] Allow for password less command lines

 sink-connector/python/db/        |  65 ++++
 .../python/{db_compare => db}/        |  32 +-
 .../db_compare/   | 109 ++----
 .../python/db_compare/ |  75 +++--
 .../python/db_load/       | 177 +++++-----
 .../         | 315 +++++++++---------
 sink-connector/python/requirements.txt        |   1 +
 7 files changed, 426 insertions(+), 348 deletions(-)
 create mode 100644 sink-connector/python/db/
 rename sink-connector/python/{db_compare => db}/ (50%)

diff --git a/sink-connector/python/db/ b/sink-connector/python/db/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..14bd95522
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sink-connector/python/db/
@@ -0,0 +1,65 @@
+import logging
+import warnings 
+from clickhouse_driver import connect
+import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET
+import yaml
+import os
+def clickhouse_connection(host, database='default', user='default',  password='', port=9000,
+                          secure=False):
+    conn = connect(host=host,
+                   user=user,
+                   password=password,
+                   port=port,
+                   database=database,
+                   connect_timeout=20,
+                   secure=secure
+                   )
+    return conn
+def clickhouse_execute_conn(conn, sql):
+    logging.debug(sql)
+    cursor = conn.cursor()
+    cursor.execute(sql)
+    result = cursor.fetchall()
+    return result
+def execute_sql(conn, strSql):
+    """
+    # -- =======================================================================
+    # -- Connect to the SQL server and execute the command
+    # -- =======================================================================
+    """
+    logging.debug("SQL="+strSql)
+    rowset = None
+    with warnings.catch_warnings(record=True) as w:
+        warnings.simplefilter('always')
+        rowset = clickhouse_execute_conn(conn, strSql)
+        rowcount = len(rowset)
+    if len(w) > 0:
+        logging.warning("SQL warnings : "+str(len(w)))
+        logging.warning("first warning : "+str(w[0].message))
+    return (rowset, rowcount)
+def resolve_credentials_from_config(config_file):
+    assert config_file is not None, "A config file --clickhouse_config_file must be passed if --password is not specified"
+    assert os.path.isfile(config_file), f"Path {config_file} must exist"
+    assert config_file.endswith(".xml") or config_file.endswith(".yml") or config_file.endswith(".yaml"), f"Supported configuration extensions .xml or .yaml or .yml"
+    if config_file.endswith(".xml"):
+        tree = ET.parse(config_file)
+        root = tree.getroot()
+        clickhouse_user = root.findtext('user')
+        clickhouse_password = root.findtext('password')
+    elif config_file.endswith(".yml") or config_file.endswith(".yaml"):
+        with open(config_file, 'r') as f:
+            valuesYaml = yaml.load(f, Loader=yaml.FullLoader)
+            clickhouse_user = valuesYaml['config']['user']
+            clickhouse_password = valuesYaml['config']['password']
+    logging.debug(f"clickhouse_user {clickhouse_user} clickhouse_password {clickhouse_password}")
+    return (clickhouse_user, clickhouse_password)
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/sink-connector/python/db_compare/ b/sink-connector/python/db/
similarity index 50%
rename from sink-connector/python/db_compare/
rename to sink-connector/python/db/
index 0347abc20..4a9ee6932 100644
--- a/sink-connector/python/db_compare/
+++ b/sink-connector/python/db/
@@ -1,14 +1,20 @@
 from sqlalchemy import create_engine
 import logging
 import warnings
+import os
+import configparser
+config = configparser.ConfigParser()
+binary_datatypes = ('blob', 'varbinary', 'point', 'geometry', 'bit', 'binary', 'linestring',
+                    'geomcollection', 'multilinestring', 'multipolygon', 'multipoint', 'polygon')
-binary_datatypes = ('blob', 'varbinary', 'point', 'geometry', 'bit', 'binary', 'linestring', 'geomcollection', 'multilinestring', 'multipolygon', 'multipoint', 'polygon')
 def is_binary_datatype(datatype):
-   if "blob" in datatype or "binary" in datatype or "varbinary" in datatype or "bit" in datatype:
-       return True
-   else:
-     return datatype.lower() in binary_datatypes
+    if "blob" in datatype or "binary" in datatype or "varbinary" in datatype or "bit" in datatype:
+        return True
+    else:
+        return datatype.lower() in binary_datatypes
 def get_mysql_connection(mysql_host, mysql_user, mysql_passwd, mysql_port, mysql_database):
     url = 'mysql+pymysql://{user}:{passwd}@{host}:{port}/{db}?charset=utf8mb4'.format(
@@ -17,6 +23,7 @@ def get_mysql_connection(mysql_host, mysql_user, mysql_passwd, mysql_port, mysql
     conn = engine.connect()
     return conn
 def execute_mysql(conn, strSql):
     # -- =======================================================================
@@ -34,3 +41,18 @@ def execute_mysql(conn, strSql):
         logging.warning("first warning : "+str(w[0].message))
     return (rowset, rowcount)
+def resolve_credentials_from_config(config_file):
+    assert config_file is not None, "A config file --default_file must be passed if --password is not specified"
+    config_file = os.path.expanduser(config_file)
+    assert os.path.isfile(config_file), f"Path {config_file} must exist"
+    assert config_file.endswith(".cnf"), f"Supported configuration extensions .cnf"
+    # ini file read
+    config = configparser.ConfigParser()
+    assert  'client' in config, f"Expected a [client] section in f{config_file}"
+    mysql_user = config['client']['user']
+    mysql_password = config['client']['password']
+    logging.debug(f"mysql_user {mysql_user} mysql_password {mysql_password}")
+    return (mysql_user, mysql_password)
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/sink-connector/python/db_compare/ b/sink-connector/python/db_compare/
index 86af84e39..f640a9b18 100644
--- a/sink-connector/python/db_compare/
+++ b/sink-connector/python/db_compare/
@@ -16,77 +16,24 @@
 import re
 import os
 import hashlib
-from clickhouse_driver import connect
 import concurrent.futures
+from db.clickhouse import *
 runTime ="%Y.%m.%d-%H.%M.%S")
-def clickhouse_connection(host, database='default', user='default', port=9000, password='',
-                          secure=False):
-    conn = connect(host=host,
-                   user=user,
-                   password=password,
-                   port=port,
-                   database=database,
-                   connect_timeout=20,
-                   secure=secure
-                   )
-    return conn
-def clickhouse_execute_conn(conn, sql):
-    logging.debug(sql)
-    cursor = conn.cursor()
-    cursor.execute(sql)
-    result = cursor.fetchall()
-    return result
-def get_connection():
+def get_connection(clickhouse_user, clickhouse_password):
     conn = clickhouse_connection(args.clickhouse_host, database=args.clickhouse_database,
-                                 user=args.clickhouse_user, password=args.clickhouse_password,
+                                 user=clickhouse_user, password=clickhouse_password,
     return conn
-def execute_sql(conn, strSql):
-    """
-    # -- =======================================================================
-    # -- Connect to the SQL server and execute the command
-    # -- =======================================================================
-    """
-    logging.debug("SQL="+strSql)
-    rowset = None
-    with warnings.catch_warnings(record=True) as w:
-        warnings.simplefilter('always')
-        rowset = clickhouse_execute_conn(conn, strSql)
-        rowcount = len(rowset)
-    if len(w) > 0:
-        logging.warning("SQL warnings : "+str(len(w)))
-        logging.warning("first warning : "+str(w[0].message))
+def compute_checksum(table, clickhouse_user, clickhouse_password, statements):
-    return (rowset, rowcount)
-def execute_statement(strSql):
-    """
-    # -- =======================================================================
-    # -- Connect to the SQL server and execute the command
-    # -- =======================================================================
-    """
-    conn = get_connection()
-    (rowset, rowcount) = execute_sql(conn, strSql)
-    conn.close()
-    return (rowset, rowcount)
-def compute_checksum(table, statements):
-    conn = get_connection()
+    conn = get_connection(clickhouse_user, clickhouse_password)
     debug_out = None
     if args.debug_output:
@@ -132,7 +79,7 @@ def compute_checksum(table, statements):
-def get_primary_key_columns(table_schema, table_name):
+def get_primary_key_columns(conn, table_schema, table_name):
     sql = """
@@ -140,7 +87,7 @@ def get_primary_key_columns(table_schema, table_name):
     WHERE (database = '{table_schema}') AND (table = '{table_name}') AND (is_in_primary_key = 1)
     ORDER BY position ASC
 """.format(table_schema=table_schema, table_name=table_name)
-    (rowset, count) = execute_statement(sql)
+    (rowset, count) = execute_sql(conn, sql)
     res = []
     for row in rowset:
         if row[0] is not None:
@@ -148,7 +95,7 @@ def get_primary_key_columns(table_schema, table_name):
     return res
-def get_table_checksum_query(table):
+def get_table_checksum_query(conn, table):"Excluded columns before join, {args.exclude_columns}")
     excluded_columns = "','".join(args.exclude_columns)
     excluded_columns = [f'{column}' for column in excluded_columns.split(',')]
@@ -157,7 +104,7 @@ def get_table_checksum_query(table):
     excluded_columns_str = ','.join((f"'{col}'" for col in excluded_columns))
     checksum_query="select name, type, if(match(type,'Nullable'),1,0) is_nullable, numeric_scale from system.columns where database='" + args.clickhouse_database+"' and table = '"+table+"' and name not in ("+ excluded_columns_str +") order by position"
-    (rowset, rowcount) = execute_statement(checksum_query)
+    (rowset, rowcount) = execute_sql(conn, checksum_query)"CHECKSUM QUERY: {checksum_query}")
     select = ""
@@ -223,7 +170,7 @@ def get_table_checksum_query(table):
     query = "select "+select+"||','  as query from " + \
-    primary_key_columns = get_primary_key_columns(
+    primary_key_columns = get_primary_key_columns(conn,
         args.clickhouse_database, table)
     order_by_columns = ""
@@ -284,7 +231,7 @@ def select_table_statements(table, query, select_query, order_by, external_colum
     return statements
-def get_tables_from_regex(strDSN):
+def get_tables_from_regex(conn, strDSN):
     if args.no_wc:
         return [[args.tables_regex]]
@@ -292,12 +239,12 @@ def get_tables_from_regex(strDSN):
     strCommand = "select name from system.tables where database = '{d}' and match(name,'{t}') order by 1".format(
         d=schema, t=args.tables_regex)"REGEX QUERY: {strCommand}")
-    (rowset, rowcount) = execute_statement(strCommand)
+    (rowset, rowcount) = execute_sql(conn, strCommand)
     x = rowset
     return x
-def calculate_checksum(table):
+def calculate_checksum(table, clickhouse_user, clickhouse_password):
     if args.ignore_tables_regex:
         rex_ignore_tables = re.compile(args.ignore_tables_regex, re.IGNORECASE)
         if rex_ignore_tables.match(table):
@@ -316,7 +263,8 @@ def calculate_checksum(table):
     if args.where:
         sql = sql + " where " + args.where
-    (rowset, rowcount) = execute_statement(sql)
+    conn = get_connection(clickhouse_user, clickhouse_password)
+    (rowset, rowcount) = execute_sql(conn, sql)
     if rowcount == 0:"No rows in ClickHouse. Nothing to sync.")"Checksum for table {schema}.{table} = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e count 0".format(
@@ -325,10 +273,10 @@ def calculate_checksum(table):
     # generate the file from ClickHouse
     (query, select_query, distributed_by,
-     external_table_types) = get_table_checksum_query(table)
+     external_table_types) = get_table_checksum_query(conn, table)
     statements = select_table_statements(
         table, query, select_query, distributed_by, external_table_types)
-    compute_checksum(table, statements)
+    compute_checksum(table, clickhouse_user, clickhouse_password, statements)
 # hack to add the user to the logger, which needs it apparently
@@ -356,9 +304,11 @@ def main():
                         help='ClickHouse host', required=True)
-                        help='ClickHouse user', required=True)
+                        help='ClickHouse user', required=False)
-                        help='ClickHouse password', required=True)
+                        help='CH password (discouraged option use a configuration file)', required=False, default=None)
+    parser.add_argument('--clickhouse_config_file',
+                        help='CH config file either xml or yaml', required=False, default='./clickhouse-client.xml')
                         help='ClickHouse database', required=True)
@@ -405,17 +355,26 @@ def main():
-    thisScript = argv[0]
+    clickhouse_user = args.clickhouse_user
+    clickhouse_password = args.clickhouse_password
+    # check parameters
+    if args.clickhouse_password:
+        logging.warning("Using password on the command line is not secure, please specify a config file ")
+        assert args.clickhouse_user is not None, "--clickhouse_user must be specified"
+    else:
+        config_file = args.clickhouse_config_file
+        (clickhouse_user, clickhouse_password) = resolve_credentials_from_config(config_file)
-        tables = get_tables_from_regex(args.tables_regex)
+        conn =  get_connection(clickhouse_user, clickhouse_password)
+        tables = get_tables_from_regex(conn, args.tables_regex)
         # CH does not print decimal with trailing zero, we need a custom function
-        execute_statement(create_function_format_decimal)
+        execute_sql(conn, create_function_format_decimal)
         with concurrent.futures.ThreadPoolExecutor(max_workers=args.threads) as executor:
             futures = []
             for table in tables:
-              futures.append(executor.submit(calculate_checksum, table[0]))
+              futures.append(executor.submit(calculate_checksum, table[0], clickhouse_user, clickhouse_password))
             for future in concurrent.futures.as_completed(futures):
               if future.exception() is not None:
                 raise future.exception()
diff --git a/sink-connector/python/db_compare/ b/sink-connector/python/db_compare/
index 94990c22f..16a860fda 100644
--- a/sink-connector/python/db_compare/
+++ b/sink-connector/python/db_compare/
@@ -16,7 +16,7 @@
 import os
 import hashlib
 import concurrent.futures
-from mysql import *
+from db.mysql import *
 runTime ="%Y.%m.%d-%H.%M.%S")
@@ -25,7 +25,7 @@ def compute_checksum(table, statements, conn):
     debug_out = None
     if args.debug_output:
         out_file = f"out.{table}.mysql.txt"
-"Debug output to {out_file}")
+        #"Debug output to {out_file}")
         debug_out = open(out_file, 'w')
         for statement in statements:
@@ -58,11 +58,11 @@ def compute_checksum(table, statements, conn):
 def get_table_checksum_query(table, conn, binary_encoding):
     (rowset, rowcount) = execute_mysql(conn, "select COLUMN_NAME as column_name, column_type as data_type, IS_NULLABLE as is_nullable from information_schema.columns where table_schema='" +
-                                               args.mysql_database+"' and table_name = '"+table+"' order by ordinal_position")
+                                       args.mysql_database+"' and table_name = '"+table+"' order by ordinal_position")
     select = ""
     nullables = []
@@ -76,11 +76,11 @@ def get_table_checksum_query(table, conn, binary_encoding):
         is_nullable = row['is_nullable']
         if not first_column:
-            select += ","  
+            select += ","
         if is_nullable == 'YES':
-        if 'datetime' == data_type or 'datetime(1)'== data_type or 'datetime(2)' == data_type or 'datetime(3)' == data_type:
+        if 'datetime' == data_type or 'datetime(1)' == data_type or 'datetime(2)' == data_type or 'datetime(3)' == data_type:
             # CH datetime range is not the same as MySQL
             select += f"case when {column_name} >  substr('{max_date_value} 23:59:59.999', 1, length({column_name})) then substr(TRIM(TRAILING '0' FROM CAST('{max_date_value} 23:59:59.999' AS datetime(3))),1,length({column_name})) else case when {column_name} <= '{min_date_value} 00:00:00' then TRIM(TRAILING '.' FROM TRIM(TRAILING '0' FROM CAST('{min_date_value} 00:00:00.000' AS datetime(3)))) else TRIM(TRAILING '.' FROM TRIM(TRAILING '0' FROM {column_name})) end end"
         elif 'datetime(4)' == data_type or 'datetime(5)' == data_type or 'datetime(6)' == data_type:
@@ -91,17 +91,19 @@ def get_table_checksum_query(table, conn, binary_encoding):
         elif 'timestamp' == data_type or 'timestamp(1)' == data_type or 'timestamp(2)' == data_type or 'timestamp(3)' == data_type or 'timestamp(4)' == data_type or 'timestamp(5)' == data_type or 'timestamp(6)' == data_type:
             select += f"substr(TRIM(TRAILING '.' from (TRIM(TRAILING '0' from cast({column_name} as char)))),1,length({column_name}))"
-            if 'date' == data_type: # Date are converted to Date32 in CH
+            if 'date' == data_type:  # Date are converted to Date32 in CH
               # CH date range is not the same as MySQL
                 select += f"case when {column_name} >='{max_date_value}' then CAST('{max_date_value}' AS {data_type}) else case when {column_name} <= '{min_date_value}' then CAST('{min_date_value}' AS {data_type}) else {column_name} end end"
                 if is_binary_datatype(data_type):
-                  binary_encode = "lower(hex(cast("+column_name+"as binary)))"
-                  if binary_encoding == 'base64':
-                    binary_encode = "replace(to_base64(cast("+column_name+" as binary)),'\\n','')"
-                  select += binary_encode
+                    binary_encode = "lower(hex(cast(" + \
+                        column_name+"as binary)))"
+                    if binary_encoding == 'base64':
+                        binary_encode = "replace(to_base64(cast(" + \
+                            column_name+" as binary)),'\\n','')"
+                    select += binary_encode
-                  select += column_name + ""
+                    select += column_name + ""
         first_column = False
         data_types[row['column_name']] = data_type
@@ -176,34 +178,33 @@ def select_table_statements(table, query, select_query, order_by, external_colum
     return statements
-def get_tables_from_regex(strDSN):
+def get_tables_from_regex(conn, strDSN):
     if args.no_wc:
         return [[args.tables_regex]]
-    conn = get_mysql_connection(args.mysql_host, args.mysql_user, args.mysql_password, args.mysql_port, args.mysql_database)
     schema = args.mysql_database
     strCommand = "select TABLE_NAME as table_name from information_schema.tables where table_type='BASE TABLE' and table_schema = '{d}' and table_name rlike '{t}' order by 1".format(
         d=schema, t=args.tables_regex)
     (rowset, rowcount) = execute_mysql(conn, strCommand)
     x = rowset
     return x
-def calculate_sql_checksum(table):
-    conn = get_mysql_connection(args.mysql_host, args.mysql_user, args.mysql_password, args.mysql_port, args.mysql_database)
+def calculate_sql_checksum(conn, table):
         if args.ignore_tables_regex:
-            rex_ignore_tables = re.compile(args.ignore_tables_regex, re.IGNORECASE)
+            rex_ignore_tables = re.compile(
+                args.ignore_tables_regex, re.IGNORECASE)
             if rex_ignore_tables.match(table):
       "Ignoring "+table + " due to ignore_regex_tables")
         statements = []
         (query, select_query, distributed_by,
-        external_table_types) = get_table_checksum_query(table, conn, args.binary_encoding)
+         external_table_types) = get_table_checksum_query(table, conn, args.binary_encoding)
         statements = select_table_statements(
             table, query, select_query, distributed_by, external_table_types)
         compute_checksum(table, statements, conn)
@@ -211,7 +212,7 @@ def calculate_sql_checksum(table):
-def calculate_checksum(mysql_table):
+def calculate_checksum(mysql_table, mysql_user, mysql_password):
     if args.ignore_tables_regex:
         rex_ignore_tables = re.compile(args.ignore_tables_regex, re.IGNORECASE)
         if rex_ignore_tables.match(mysql_table):
@@ -220,7 +221,8 @@ def calculate_checksum(mysql_table):
     statements = []
-    calculate_sql_checksum(mysql_table)
+    conn = get_mysql_connection(args.mysql_host, mysql_user, mysql_password, args.mysql_port, args.mysql_database)
+    calculate_sql_checksum(conn, mysql_table)
 # hack to add the user to the logger, which needs it apparently
@@ -242,9 +244,11 @@ def main():
     # Required
     parser.add_argument('--mysql_host', help='MySQL host', required=True)
-    parser.add_argument('--mysql_user', help='MySQL user', required=True)
+    parser.add_argument('--mysql_user', help='MySQL user', required=False)
-                        help='MySQL password', required=True)
+                        help='MySQL password, discouraged, please use a config file', required=False)
+    parser.add_argument('--defaults_file',
+                        help='MySQL config file either xml or yaml', required=False, default='~/.my.cnf')
                         help='MySQL database', required=True)
     parser.add_argument('--mysql_port', help='MySQL port',
@@ -291,16 +295,29 @@ def main():
+    mysql_user = args.mysql_user
+    mysql_password = args.mysql_password
+    # check parameters
+    if args.mysql_password:
+        logging.warning("Using password on the command line is not secure, please specify a config file ")
+        assert args.mysql_user is not None, "--mysql_user must be specified"
+    else:
+        config_file = args.defaults_file
+        (mysql_user, mysql_password) = resolve_credentials_from_config(config_file)
-        tables = get_tables_from_regex(args.tables_regex)
+        conn = get_mysql_connection(args.mysql_host, mysql_user,
+                                mysql_password, args.mysql_port, args.mysql_database)
+        tables = get_tables_from_regex(conn, args.tables_regex)
         with concurrent.futures.ThreadPoolExecutor(max_workers=args.threads) as executor:
             futures = []
             for table in tables.fetchall():
-                    calculate_sql_checksum, table['table_name']))
+                    calculate_checksum, table['table_name'], mysql_user, mysql_password))
             for future in concurrent.futures.as_completed(futures):
-                    if future.exception() is not None:
-                        raise future.exception()
+                if future.exception() is not None:
+                    raise future.exception()
     except (KeyboardInterrupt, SystemExit):"Received interrupt")
diff --git a/sink-connector/python/db_load/ b/sink-connector/python/db_load/
index e3ff47dac..cf4236eb5 100644
--- a/sink-connector/python/db_load/
+++ b/sink-connector/python/db_load/
@@ -1,7 +1,6 @@
 # python db_load/ --clickhouse_host localhost  --clickhouse_schema world --dump_dir $HOME/dbdumps/world --db_user root --db_password root --threads 16 --ch_module clickhouse-client- --mysql_source_schema world
 from subprocess import Popen, PIPE
-from db_compare.mysql import is_binary_datatype
-from clickhouse_driver import connect
+from db.mysql import is_binary_datatype
 import argparse
 import sys
 import logging
@@ -18,14 +17,12 @@
 import time
 import datetime
 import zoneinfo
+from db.clickhouse import *
 from db_load.mysql_parser.mysql_parser import convert_to_clickhouse_table_antlr
 SCRIPT_DIR = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__))
-from db_compare.mysql import is_binary_datatype
-from subprocess import Popen, PIPE
 def run_command(cmd):
@@ -61,30 +58,10 @@ def run_quick_command(cmd):
         logging.error("command failed : terminating")
     return rc, stdout
-def clickhouse_connection(host, database='default', user='default', port=9000, password=''):
-    conn = connect(host=host,
-                   user=user,
-                   password=password,
-                   port=port,
-                   database=database,
-                   connect_timeout=20,
-                   secure=False
-                   )
-    return conn
-def clickhouse_execute_conn(conn, sql):
-    logging.debug(sql)
-    cursor = conn.cursor()
-    cursor.execute(sql)
-    result = cursor.fetchall()
-    return result
-def get_connection(args, database='default'):
+def get_connection(args, clickhouse_user, clickhouse_password, database='default'):
     conn = clickhouse_connection(args.clickhouse_host, database=database,
-                                 user=args.clickhouse_user, password=args.clickhouse_password, port=args.clickhouse_port)
+                                 user=clickhouse_user, password=clickhouse_password, port=args.clickhouse_port)
     return conn
@@ -153,12 +130,12 @@ def find_partitioning_options(source):
 def convert_to_clickhouse_table_regexp(user_name, table_name, source, rmt_delete_support, datetime_timezone):
     # do we have a table in the source
-    if not find_create_table(source) :
+    if not find_create_table(source):
         return ('', [])
     primary_key = find_primary_key(source)
     if primary_key is None:
         logging.warning("No PK found for "+table_name +
@@ -186,15 +163,15 @@ def convert_to_clickhouse_table_regexp(user_name, table_name, source, rmt_delete
     src = re.sub(r'\stimestamp\s', ' DateTime64(3) ', src)
     src = re.sub(r'\stimestamp(.*?)\s', ' DateTime64\\1 ', src)
     src = re.sub(r'\spoint\s', ' Point ', src)
-    #src = re.sub(r'\sdouble\s', ' Decimal(38,10) ', src)
+    # src = re.sub(r'\sdouble\s', ' Decimal(38,10) ', src)
     src = re.sub(r'\sgeometry\s', ' Geometry ', src)
     # dangerous
     src = re.sub(r'\bDEFAULT\b.*,', ',', src)
     src = re.sub(r'\sCOLLATE\s(.*?)([\s,])', ' \\2', src, )
     src = re.sub(r'\sCHARACTER\sSET\s(.*?)([\s,])', ' \\2', src)
     # it is a challenge to convert MySQL expression in generated columns
-    src = re.sub(r'.*GENERATED ALWAYS AS.*',' ',src)
-    src = re.sub(r'\bVIRTUAL\b',' ', src)
+    src = re.sub(r'.*GENERATED ALWAYS AS.*', ' ', src)
+    src = re.sub(r'\bVIRTUAL\b', ' ', src)
     # ClickHouse does not support constraints, indices, primary and unique keys
     src = re.sub(r'.*\bCONSTRAINT\b.*', '', src)
     src = re.sub(r'.*\bPRIMARY KEY\b.*\(.*', '', src)
@@ -212,9 +189,9 @@ def convert_to_clickhouse_table_regexp(user_name, table_name, source, rmt_delete
     src = re.sub(r'\) ENGINE',
                  '  '+virtual_columns+') ENGINE', src)
-    rmt_engine = "ENGINE = ReplacingMergeTree(_version) " 
+    rmt_engine = "ENGINE = ReplacingMergeTree(_version) "
     if rmt_delete_support:
-       rmt_engine = "ENGINE = ReplacingMergeTree(_version, is_deleted) "
+        rmt_engine = "ENGINE = ReplacingMergeTree(_version, is_deleted) "
     src = re.sub(r'ENGINE=InnoDB[^;]*', rmt_engine +
                  partitioning_options + ' ORDER BY ('+primary_key+') SETTINGS '+settings, src)
@@ -235,12 +212,13 @@ def convert_to_clickhouse_table_regexp(user_name, table_name, source, rmt_delete
         match = re.match(columns_pattern, altered_line)
         if match:
             column_name =
-            datatype = 
-            nullable = False if "NOT NULL" in line else True 
+            datatype =
+            nullable = False if "NOT NULL" in line else True
   "{column_name} {datatype}")
-            columns.append({'column_name':column_name,'datatype':datatype,'nullable':nullable})
-             # tables with no PK miss commas
+            columns.append({'column_name': column_name,
+                           'datatype': datatype, 'nullable': nullable})
+            # tables with no PK miss commas
             if altered_line.strip() != "" and not altered_line.endswith(',') and not altered_line.endswith(';'):
                 altered_line += ","
@@ -271,7 +249,7 @@ def convert_to_clickhouse_table(user_name, table_name, source, rmt_delete_suppor
         return ('', [])
     src = source
-    #if use_regexp_parser == True:
+    # if use_regexp_parser == True:
     #   return convert_to_clickhouse_table_regexp(user_name, table_name, source, rmt_delete_support, datetime_timezone)
     # the progressive grammar trims the comment
     partition_options = find_partitioning_options(source)
@@ -304,14 +282,14 @@ def get_unix_timezone_from_mysql_timezone(timezone):
     return tz
-def load_schema(args, dry_run=False, datetime_timezone=None):
+def load_schema(args, clickhouse_user=None, clickhouse_password=None,  dry_run=False, datetime_timezone=None):
     if args.mysqlshell:
-        return load_schema_mysqlshell(args,  dry_run=dry_run, datetime_timezone=datetime_timezone)
+        return load_schema_mysqlshell(args,   clickhouse_user=clickhouse_user, clickhouse_password=clickhouse_password, dry_run=dry_run, datetime_timezone=datetime_timezone)
     schema_map = {}
     # create database
-    with get_connection(args) as conn:
+    with get_connection(args, clickhouse_user, clickhouse_password) as conn:
         database_file = args.dump_dir + \
@@ -324,7 +302,7 @@ def load_schema(args, dry_run=False, datetime_timezone=None):
     # create tables
     timezone = None
-    with get_connection(args, args.clickhouse_database) as conn:
+    with get_connection(args, clickhouse_user, clickhouse_password, args.clickhouse_database) as conn:
         schema_file = args.dump_dir + '/*-schema.sql.gz'
@@ -334,7 +312,8 @@ def load_schema(args, dry_run=False, datetime_timezone=None):
             with, "r") as schema_file:
                 source ='UTF-8')
-                (table_source, columns) = convert_to_clickhouse_table(db, table, source, args.rmt_delete_support, args.use_regexp_parser, datetime_timezone)
+                (table_source, columns) = convert_to_clickhouse_table(
+                    db, table, source, args.rmt_delete_support, args.use_regexp_parser, datetime_timezone)
                 timezone = find_dump_timezone(source)
       "Timezone {timezone}")
@@ -349,11 +328,11 @@ def load_schema(args, dry_run=False, datetime_timezone=None):
     return (tz, schema_map)
-def load_schema_mysqlshell(args, dry_run=False, datetime_timezone=None):
+def load_schema_mysqlshell(args, clickhouse_user, clickhouse_password, dry_run=False, datetime_timezone=None):
     schema_map = {}
     # create database
-    with get_connection(args) as conn:
+    with get_connection(args, clickhouse_user, clickhouse_password) as conn:
         source = f"create database if not exists {args.clickhouse_database}"
         if not dry_run:
@@ -363,9 +342,10 @@ def load_schema_mysqlshell(args, dry_run=False, datetime_timezone=None):
                 logging.error(f"Database create error: {e}")
     # create tables
     timezone = '+00:00'
-    with get_connection(args, args.clickhouse_database) as conn:
+    with get_connection(args, clickhouse_user, clickhouse_password, args.clickhouse_database) as conn:
-        schema_file_wildcard = args.dump_dir + f"/{args.mysql_source_database}@*.sql"
+        schema_file_wildcard = args.dump_dir + \
+            f"/{args.mysql_source_database}@*.sql"
         schema_files = glob.glob(schema_file_wildcard)
         if len(schema_files) == 0:
             logging.error("Cannot find schema files")
@@ -380,7 +360,8 @@ def load_schema_mysqlshell(args, dry_run=False, datetime_timezone=None):
             with open(file, "r") as schema_file:
                 source =
-                (table_source, columns) = convert_to_clickhouse_table(db, table, source, args.rmt_delete_support, args.use_regexp_parser, datetime_timezone)
+                (table_source, columns) = convert_to_clickhouse_table(
+                    db, table, source, args.rmt_delete_support, args.use_regexp_parser, datetime_timezone)
                 # timezone = find_dump_timezone(source)
       "Timezone {timezone}")
@@ -422,14 +403,20 @@ def get_column_list(schema_map, schema, table, virtual_columns, transform=False,
     return column_list
-def load_data(args, timezone, schema_map, dry_run=False):
+def load_data(args, timezone, schema_map, clickhouse_user=None, clickhouse_password=None, dry_run=False):
     if args.mysqlshell:
-        load_data_mysqlshell(args, timezone, schema_map, dry_run=False)
+        load_data_mysqlshell(args, timezone, schema_map, clickhouse_user=clickhouse_user, clickhouse_password=clickhouse_password, dry_run=False)
     clickhouse_host = args.clickhouse_host
     ch_schema = args.clickhouse_database
-    password= args.clickhouse_password
+    password = clickhouse_password
+    password_option = ""
+    if password is not None:
+        password_option= f"--password '{password}'"
+    config_file_option = ""
+    if args.clickhouse_config_file is not None:
+       config_file_option= f"--config-file '{args.clickhouse_config_file}'"
     schema_file = args.dump_dir + '/*-schema.sql.gz'
     for files in glob.glob(schema_file):
         (schema, table_name) = parse_schema_path(files)
@@ -442,24 +429,34 @@ def load_data(args, timezone, schema_map, dry_run=False):
             schema_map, schema, table_name, args.virtual_columns, transform=True)
         for data_file in data_files:
             # double quote escape logic
-            structure = columns.replace(","," Nullable(String),")+" Nullable(String)"
-            cmd = f"""export TZ={timezone}; gunzip --stdout {data_file}  | sed -e 's/\\\\"/""/g' | sed -e "s/\\\\\\'/'/g" | clickhouse-client --use_client_time_zone 1 -h {clickhouse_host} --query="INSERT INTO {ch_schema}.{table_name}({columns})  SELECT {transformed_columns} FROM input('{structure}') FORMAT CSV" -u{args.clickhouse_user} --password '{password}' -mn """
+            structure = columns.replace(
+                ",", " Nullable(String),")+" Nullable(String)"
+            cmd = f"""export TZ={timezone}; gunzip --stdout {data_file}  | sed -e 's/\\\\"/""/g' | sed -e "s/\\\\\\'/'/g" | clickhouse-client {config_file_option} --use_client_time_zone 1 -h {clickhouse_host} --query="INSERT INTO {ch_schema}.{table_name}({columns})  SELECT {transformed_columns} FROM input('{structure}') FORMAT CSV" -u{clickhouse_user} {password_option} -mn """
 def execute_load(cmd):
     (rc, result) = run_quick_command(cmd)
     if rc != '0':
-        raise AssertionError("command "+cmd+ " failed")
+        raise AssertionError("command "+cmd + " failed")
-def load_data_mysqlshell(args, timezone, schema_map, dry_run=False):
+def load_data_mysqlshell(args, timezone, schema_map, clickhouse_user=None, clickhouse_password=None, dry_run=False):
     clickhouse_host = args.clickhouse_host
     ch_schema = args.clickhouse_database
     schema_files = args.dump_dir + f"/{args.mysql_source_database}@*.sql"
-    password = args.clickhouse_password 
+    password = args.clickhouse_password
+    password_option = ""
+    if password is not None:
+        password_option= f"--password '{password}'"
+    config_file_option = ""
+    if args.clickhouse_config_file is not None:
+       config_file_option= f"--config-file '{args.clickhouse_config_file}'"
     with concurrent.futures.ThreadPoolExecutor(max_workers=args.threads) as executor:
         futures = []
         for file in glob.glob(schema_files):
@@ -482,25 +479,25 @@ def load_data_mysqlshell(args, timezone, schema_map, dry_run=False):
                 for column in column_metadata_list:
                     if column['column_name'] in args.virtual_columns:
-                        continue 
-                    column_name = column['column_name'].replace('`','\\`')
+                        continue
+                    column_name = column['column_name'].replace('`', '\\`')
                     if structure != "":
-                            structure += ", "
-                    structure +=" "+column_name + " "
+                        structure += ", "
+                    structure += " "+column_name + " "
                     datatype = column['datatype']
                     mysql_datetype = column['mysql_datatype']
                     if 'timestamp' in mysql_datetype.lower():
-                          if column['nullable'] == True:
-                            structure +=f" Nullable({datatype})"
-                          else:
-                            structure +=f" {datatype}"
+                        if column['nullable'] == True:
+                            structure += f" Nullable({datatype})"
+                        else:
+                            structure += f" {datatype}"
-                      if column['nullable'] == True:
-                          structure +=" Nullable(String)"
-                      else:
-                          structure +=" String"
+                        if column['nullable'] == True:
+                            structure += " Nullable(String)"
+                        else:
+                            structure += " String"
-                cmd = f"""export TZ={timezone}; zstd -d --stdout {data_file}  | clickhouse-client --use_client_time_zone 1 --throw_if_no_data_to_insert=0  -h {clickhouse_host} --query="INSERT INTO {ch_schema}.{table_name}({columns})  SELECT {transformed_columns} FROM input('{structure}') FORMAT TSV" -u{args.clickhouse_user} --password '{password}' -mn """
+                cmd = f"""export TZ={timezone}; zstd -d --stdout {data_file}  | clickhouse-client {config_file_option} --use_client_time_zone 1 --throw_if_no_data_to_insert=0  -h {clickhouse_host} --query="INSERT INTO {ch_schema}.{table_name}({columns})  SELECT {transformed_columns} FROM input('{structure}') FORMAT TSV" -u{args.clickhouse_user} {password_option} -mn """
                 futures.append(executor.submit(execute_load, cmd))
         for future in concurrent.futures.as_completed(futures):
@@ -533,11 +530,13 @@ def main():
     parser.add_argument('--clickhouse_host', help='CH host', required=True)
-    parser.add_argument('--clickhouse_user', help='CH user', required=True)
+    parser.add_argument('--clickhouse_user', help='CH user', required=False)
-                        help='CH password', required=True)
-    parser.add_argument('--clickhouse_port', type=int, default=9000,
-                        help='ClickHouse port', required=False)
+                        help='CH password (discouraged option use a configuration file)', required=False, default=None)
+    parser.add_argument('--clickhouse_config_file',
+                        help='CH config file either xml or yaml', required=False, default='./clickhouse-client.xml')
+    parser.add_argument('--clickhouse_port', type=int,
+                        default=9000, help='ClickHouse port', required=False)
                         help='Clickhouse database name', required=True)
@@ -552,23 +551,34 @@ def main():
                         action='store_true', default=False)
     parser.add_argument('--data_only', dest='data_only',
                         action='store_true', default=False)
-    parser.add_argument('--use_regexp_parser', 
+    parser.add_argument('--use_regexp_parser',
                         action='store_true', default=False)
     parser.add_argument('--dry_run', dest='dry_run',
                         action='store_true', default=False)
-    parser.add_argument('--virtual_columns', help='virtual_columns', nargs='+', default=['`_sign`', '`_version`', '`is_deleted`'])
+    parser.add_argument('--virtual_columns', help='virtual_columns',
+                        nargs='+', default=['`_sign`', '`_version`', '`is_deleted`'])
     parser.add_argument('--mysqlshell', help='using a util.dumpSchemas', dest='mysqlshell',
                         action='store_true', default=False)
     parser.add_argument('--rmt_delete_support', help='Use RMT deletes', dest='rmt_delete_support',
                         action='store_true', default=False)
-                        help='Timezone for CH date times', required=False, default=None) 
+                        help='Timezone for CH date times', required=False, default=None)
     args = parser.parse_args()
     schema = not args.data_only
     data = not args.schema_only
     timezone = None
     schema_map = {}
+    clickhouse_user = args.clickhouse_user
+    clickhouse_password = args.clickhouse_password
+    # check parameters
+    if args.clickhouse_password:
+        logging.warning("Using password on the command line is not secure, please specify a config file ")
+        assert args.clickhouse_user is not None, "--clickhouse_user must be specified"
+    else:
+        config_file = args.clickhouse_config_file
+        (clickhouse_user, clickhouse_password) = resolve_credentials_from_config(config_file)
     # check dependencies
     assert check_program_exists(
@@ -577,13 +587,14 @@ def main():
         'zstd'), "zstd should be in the PATH for util.dumpSchemas load"
     if schema:
-        (timezone, schema_map) = load_schema(args, dry_run=args.dry_run, datetime_timezone = args.clickhouse_datetime_timezone)
+        (timezone, schema_map) = load_schema(args,  clickhouse_user=clickhouse_user, clickhouse_password=clickhouse_password, dry_run=args.dry_run,
+                                             datetime_timezone=args.clickhouse_datetime_timezone)
     if data:
         if timezone is None:
-            (timezone, schema_map) = load_schema(args, dry_run=True)
+            (timezone, schema_map) = load_schema(args, clickhouse_user=clickhouse_user, clickhouse_password=clickhouse_password, dry_run=True)
-        load_data(args, timezone, schema_map, dry_run=args.dry_run)
+        load_data(args, timezone, schema_map, clickhouse_user=clickhouse_user, clickhouse_password=clickhouse_password,dry_run=args.dry_run)
 if __name__ == '__main__':
diff --git a/sink-connector/python/db_load/mysql_parser/ b/sink-connector/python/db_load/mysql_parser/
index ab2f9606c..3dee7093a 100644
--- a/sink-connector/python/db_load/mysql_parser/
+++ b/sink-connector/python/db_load/mysql_parser/
@@ -1,22 +1,22 @@
 from antlr4 import *
 from db_load.mysql_parser.MySqlParserListener import MySqlParserListener
 from db_load.mysql_parser.MySqlParser import MySqlParser
-from db_compare.mysql import is_binary_datatype
+from db.mysql import is_binary_datatype
 import re
 import logging
 class CreateTableMySQLParserListener(MySqlParserListener):
     def __init__(self, rmt_delete_support, partition_options, datetime_timezone=None):
-      self.buffer = ""
-      self.columns = ""
-      self.primary_key = ""
-      self.columns_map = {}
-      self.alter_list = []
-      self.rename_list = []
-      self.rmt_delete_support = rmt_delete_support
-      self.partition_options = partition_options
-      self.datatime_timezone = datetime_timezone
+        self.buffer = ""
+        self.columns = ""
+        self.primary_key = ""
+        self.columns_map = {}
+        self.alter_list = []
+        self.rename_list = []
+        self.rmt_delete_support = rmt_delete_support
+        self.partition_options = partition_options
+        self.datatime_timezone = datetime_timezone
     def extract_original_text(self, ctx):
         token_source = ctx.start.getTokenSource()
@@ -32,29 +32,28 @@ def add_timezone(self, dataTypeText):
     def convertDataType(self, dataType):
         dataTypeText = self.extract_original_text(dataType)
         dataTypeText = re.sub("CHARACTER SET.*", '',
-                             dataTypeText, flags=re.IGNORECASE)
+                              dataTypeText, flags=re.IGNORECASE)
         dataTypeText = re.sub("CHARSET.*", '', dataTypeText, re.IGNORECASE)
         if isinstance(dataType, MySqlParser.SimpleDataTypeContext) and dataType.DATE():
-          dataTypeText = 'Date32'
+            dataTypeText = 'Date32'
         if isinstance(dataType, MySqlParser.DimensionDataTypeContext):
-          if dataType.DATETIME() or dataType.TIMESTAMP():
-            dataTypeText = 'DateTime64(0)'
-            dataTypeText = self.add_timezone(dataTypeText)
-            if dataType.lengthOneDimension():
-              dataTypeText = 'DateTime64'+dataType.lengthOneDimension().getText()
-              dataTypeText = self.add_timezone(dataTypeText)
-          elif dataType.TIME():
-               dataTypeText = "String"
+            if dataType.DATETIME() or dataType.TIMESTAMP():
+                dataTypeText = 'DateTime64(0)'
+                dataTypeText = self.add_timezone(dataTypeText)
+                if dataType.lengthOneDimension():
+                    dataTypeText = 'DateTime64'+dataType.lengthOneDimension().getText()
+                    dataTypeText = self.add_timezone(dataTypeText)
+            elif dataType.TIME():
+                dataTypeText = "String"
         if (isinstance(dataType, MySqlParser.SpatialDataTypeContext) and dataType.JSON()) or is_binary_datatype(dataTypeText):
-           dataTypeText = 'String'
+            dataTypeText = 'String'
         return dataTypeText
     def translateColumnDefinition(self, column_name, columnDefinition):
-        column_buffer =''
+        column_buffer = ''
         dataType = columnDefinition.dataType()
         dataTypeText = self.convertDataType(dataType)
         # data type
@@ -66,28 +65,28 @@ def translateColumnDefinition(self, column_name, columnDefinition):
         nullable = True
         for child in columnDefinition.getChildren():
             if child.getRuleIndex() == MySqlParser.RULE_columnConstraint:
-              if isinstance(child, MySqlParser.NullColumnConstraintContext):
-                nullNotNull = child.nullNotnull()
-                if nullNotNull:
-                  text = self.extract_original_text(child)
-                  column_buffer += " " + text
-                  if "NULL" == text:
-                     nullable = True
-                     notNull = True
-                     continue 
-                  if nullNotNull.NOT():
-                    notSymbol = True
-                  if (nullNotNull.NULL_LITERAL() or nullNotNull.NULL_SPEC_LITERAL()) and notSymbol:
-                    notNull = True
-                    nullable = False
-                  else:
-                    notNull = False 
-                    nullable = True 
-              if isinstance(child, MySqlParser.PrimaryKeyColumnConstraintContext) and child.PRIMARY():
-                self.primary_key = column_name
+                if isinstance(child, MySqlParser.NullColumnConstraintContext):
+                    nullNotNull = child.nullNotnull()
+                    if nullNotNull:
+                        text = self.extract_original_text(child)
+                        column_buffer += " " + text
+                        if "NULL" == text:
+                            nullable = True
+                            notNull = True
+                            continue
+                        if nullNotNull.NOT():
+                            notSymbol = True
+                        if (nullNotNull.NULL_LITERAL() or nullNotNull.NULL_SPEC_LITERAL()) and notSymbol:
+                            notNull = True
+                            nullable = False
+                        else:
+                            notNull = False
+                            nullable = True
+                if isinstance(child, MySqlParser.PrimaryKeyColumnConstraintContext) and child.PRIMARY():
+                    self.primary_key = column_name
         # column without nullable info are default nullable in MySQL, while they are not null in ClickHouse
         if not notNull:
             column_buffer += " NULL"
@@ -95,7 +94,6 @@ def translateColumnDefinition(self, column_name, columnDefinition):
         return (column_buffer, dataType, nullable)
     def exitColumnDeclaration(self, ctx):
         column_text = self.extract_original_text(ctx)
@@ -109,154 +107,159 @@ def exitColumnDeclaration(self, ctx):
         dataType = columnDefinition.dataType()
         originalDataTypeText = self.extract_original_text(dataType)
-        (columnDefinition_buffer, dataType, nullable) = self.translateColumnDefinition(column_name, columnDefinition)
+        (columnDefinition_buffer, dataType, nullable) = self.translateColumnDefinition(
+            column_name, columnDefinition)
         column_buffer += columnDefinition_buffer
-        dataTypeText = self.convertDataType(dataType) 
-        columnMap = {'column_name': column_name, 'datatype': dataTypeText, 'nullable': nullable, 'mysql_datatype':originalDataTypeText}
+        dataTypeText = self.convertDataType(dataType)
+        columnMap = {'column_name': column_name, 'datatype': dataTypeText,
+                     'nullable': nullable, 'mysql_datatype': originalDataTypeText}
     def exitPrimaryKeyTableConstraint(self, ctx):
-      text = self.extract_original_text(ctx.indexColumnNames())
-      self.primary_key = text
+        text = self.extract_original_text(ctx.indexColumnNames())
+        self.primary_key = text
     def enterColumnCreateTable(self, ctx):
-      self.buffer = ""
-      self.columns = []
-      self.columns_map = []
-      self.primary_key = 'tuple()'
-      self.partition_keys = None
+        self.buffer = ""
+        self.columns = []
+        self.columns_map = []
+        self.primary_key = 'tuple()'
+        self.partition_keys = None
     def exitPartitionClause(self, ctx):
-      if ctx.partitionTypeDef():
-        partitionTypeDef = ctx.partitionTypeDef()
-        if partitionTypeDef.RANGE_SYMBOL() and partitionTypeDef.COLUMNS_SYMBOL():
-          text = self.extract_original_text(partitionTypeDef.identifierList())
-          self.partition_keys = text
+        if ctx.partitionTypeDef():
+            partitionTypeDef = ctx.partitionTypeDef()
+            if partitionTypeDef.RANGE_SYMBOL() and partitionTypeDef.COLUMNS_SYMBOL():
+                text = self.extract_original_text(
+                    partitionTypeDef.identifierList())
+                self.partition_keys = text
     def exitColumnCreateTable(self, ctx):
         tableName = self.extract_original_text(ctx.tableName())
         self.buffer = f"CREATE TABLE {tableName} ("
         self.columns.append("`_version` UInt64 DEFAULT 0")
-        # is_deleted and _sign are redundant, so exclusive in the schema 
+        # is_deleted and _sign are redundant, so exclusive in the schema
         if self.rmt_delete_support:
-          self.columns.append("`is_deleted` UInt8 DEFAULT 0") 
+            self.columns.append("`is_deleted` UInt8 DEFAULT 0")
-          self.columns.append("`_sign` Int8 DEFAULT 1") 
+            self.columns.append("`_sign` Int8 DEFAULT 1")
         for column in self.columns:
-          self.buffer += column
-          if column != self.columns[-1]:
-            self.buffer += ','
-          self.buffer += '\n'
+            self.buffer += column
+            if column != self.columns[-1]:
+                self.buffer += ','
+            self.buffer += '\n'
         partition_by = self.partition_options
         if self.partition_keys:
-          partition_by = f"partition by {self.partition_keys}"
+            partition_by = f"partition by {self.partition_keys}"
         rmt_params = "_version"
         if self.rmt_delete_support:
-          rmt_params+=',is_deleted'
+            rmt_params += ',is_deleted'
         self.buffer += f") engine=ReplacingMergeTree({rmt_params}) {partition_by} order by " + \
     def get_clickhouse_sql(self):
-      return (self.buffer, self.columns_map)
+        return (self.buffer, self.columns_map)
     def exitAlterList(self, ctx):
-      for child in ctx.getChildren():
-        if isinstance(child,MySqlParser.AlterListItemContext) :
-          alter = self.extract_original_text(child)
-          if child.ADD_SYMBOL() and child.fieldDefinition():
-            fieldDefinition = child.fieldDefinition()
-            if child.identifier():
-              identifier = self.extract_original_text(child.identifier())
-              place =  self.extract_original_text( if else ''
-              (fieldDefinition_buffer, dataType) = self.translateFieldDefinition(identifier, fieldDefinition)
-              alter = f"add column {identifier} {fieldDefinition_buffer} {place}"
-              self.alter_list.append(alter)
-          if child.MODIFY_SYMBOL() and child.fieldDefinition():
-            fieldDefinition = child.fieldDefinition()
-            if child.columnInternalRef():
-              identifier = self.extract_original_text(child.columnInternalRef().identifier())
-              place =  self.extract_original_text( if else ''
-              (fieldDefinition_buffer, dataType) = self.translateFieldDefinition(identifier, fieldDefinition)
-              alter = f"modify column {identifier} {fieldDefinition_buffer} {place}"
-              self.alter_list.append(alter)
-          if child.CHANGE_SYMBOL() and child.fieldDefinition():
-            fieldDefinition = child.fieldDefinition()
-            if child.columnInternalRef():
-              identifier = self.extract_original_text(child.columnInternalRef().identifier())
-              place =  self.extract_original_text( if else ''
-              (fieldDefinition_buffer, dataType) = self.translateFieldDefinition(identifier, fieldDefinition)
-              alter = f"modify column {identifier} {fieldDefinition_buffer} {place}"
-              self.alter_list.append(alter)
-              new_identifier = self.extract_original_text(child.identifier())
-              rename_column = f"rename column {identifier} to {new_identifier}"
-              self.alter_list.append(rename_column)
-          if child.DROP_SYMBOL() and child.COLUMN_SYMBOL():
-             self.alter_list.append(alter)
-          if child.RENAME_SYMBOL() and child.COLUMN_SYMBOL():
-             self.alter_list.append(alter)
-          if child.RENAME_SYMBOL() and child.tableName():
-             to_table = self.extract_original_text(child.tableName().qualifiedIdentifier())
-             rename = f" to {to_table}"
-             self.rename_list.append(rename)
+        for child in ctx.getChildren():
+            if isinstance(child, MySqlParser.AlterListItemContext):
+                alter = self.extract_original_text(child)
+                if child.ADD_SYMBOL() and child.fieldDefinition():
+                    fieldDefinition = child.fieldDefinition()
+                    if child.identifier():
+                        identifier = self.extract_original_text(
+                            child.identifier())
+                        place = self.extract_original_text(
+                   if else ''
+                        (fieldDefinition_buffer, dataType) = self.translateFieldDefinition(
+                            identifier, fieldDefinition)
+                        alter = f"add column {identifier} {fieldDefinition_buffer} {place}"
+                        self.alter_list.append(alter)
+                if child.MODIFY_SYMBOL() and child.fieldDefinition():
+                    fieldDefinition = child.fieldDefinition()
+                    if child.columnInternalRef():
+                        identifier = self.extract_original_text(
+                            child.columnInternalRef().identifier())
+                        place = self.extract_original_text(
+                   if else ''
+                        (fieldDefinition_buffer, dataType) = self.translateFieldDefinition(
+                            identifier, fieldDefinition)
+                        alter = f"modify column {identifier} {fieldDefinition_buffer} {place}"
+                        self.alter_list.append(alter)
+                if child.CHANGE_SYMBOL() and child.fieldDefinition():
+                    fieldDefinition = child.fieldDefinition()
+                    if child.columnInternalRef():
+                        identifier = self.extract_original_text(
+                            child.columnInternalRef().identifier())
+                        place = self.extract_original_text(
+                   if else ''
+                        (fieldDefinition_buffer, dataType) = self.translateFieldDefinition(
+                            identifier, fieldDefinition)
+                        alter = f"modify column {identifier} {fieldDefinition_buffer} {place}"
+                        self.alter_list.append(alter)
+                        new_identifier = self.extract_original_text(
+                            child.identifier())
+                        rename_column = f"rename column {identifier} to {new_identifier}"
+                        self.alter_list.append(rename_column)
+                if child.DROP_SYMBOL() and child.COLUMN_SYMBOL():
+                    self.alter_list.append(alter)
+                if child.RENAME_SYMBOL() and child.COLUMN_SYMBOL():
+                    self.alter_list.append(alter)
+                if child.RENAME_SYMBOL() and child.tableName():
+                    to_table = self.extract_original_text(
+                        child.tableName().qualifiedIdentifier())
+                    rename = f" to {to_table}"
+                    self.rename_list.append(rename)
     def exitAlterTable(self, ctx):
-      tableName = self.extract_original_text(ctx.tableName())
-      for child in ctx.getChildren():
-        if isinstance(child,MySqlParser.AlterByRenameContext) :
-          if child.RENAME():
-              if child.uid():
-                rename = self.extract_original_text(child.uid())
-              if child.fullId():
-                rename = self.extract_original_text(child.fullId())
-              self.buffer += f" rename table {tableName} to {rename}"
-      #if len(self.alter_list):
-      #  self.buffer = f"ALTER TABLE {tableName}" 
-      #  for alter in self.alter_list:
-      #    self.buffer += ' ' + alter
-      #    if self.alter_list[-1] != alter:
-      #      self.buffer += ', '
-      #  self.buffer += ';' 
-       #for rename in self.rename_list:
-       # self.buffer += f" rename table {tableName} {rename}"
-       # self.buffer += ';'
+        tableName = self.extract_original_text(ctx.tableName())
-    def exitRenameTable(self, ctx):
-         # same syntax as CH
-         self.buffer = self.extract_original_text(ctx)
+        for child in ctx.getChildren():
+            if isinstance(child, MySqlParser.AlterByRenameContext):
+                if child.RENAME():
+                    if child.uid():
+                        rename = self.extract_original_text(child.uid())
+                    if child.fullId():
+                        rename = self.extract_original_text(child.fullId())
+                    self.buffer += f" rename table {tableName} to {rename}"
-    def exitTruncateTable(self, ctx):
-         # same syntax as CH
-         self.buffer = self.extract_original_text(ctx)
+        # if len(self.alter_list):
+        #  self.buffer = f"ALTER TABLE {tableName}"
+        #  for alter in self.alter_list:
+        #    self.buffer += ' ' + alter
+        #    if self.alter_list[-1] != alter:
+        #      self.buffer += ', '
+        #  self.buffer += ';'
+             # for rename in self.rename_list:
+             # self.buffer += f" rename table {tableName} {rename}"
+             # self.buffer += ';'
+    def exitRenameTable(self, ctx):
+        # same syntax as CH
+        self.buffer = self.extract_original_text(ctx)
+    def exitTruncateTable(self, ctx):
+        # same syntax as CH
+        self.buffer = self.extract_original_text(ctx)
     def exitDropTable(self, ctx):
-          # same syntax as CH
-         self.buffer = self.extract_original_text(ctx)
+        # same syntax as CH
+        self.buffer = self.extract_original_text(ctx)
diff --git a/sink-connector/python/requirements.txt b/sink-connector/python/requirements.txt
index 8d2485d59..ad961be2e 100644
--- a/sink-connector/python/requirements.txt
+++ b/sink-connector/python/requirements.txt
@@ -1,4 +1,5 @@
 sqlalchemy == 1.4

From 65da4e8c7b622470f12df34e80d026e497b2aaae Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Arnaud Adant <>
Date: Mon, 11 Dec 2023 01:38:36 -0600
Subject: [PATCH 2/2] Fix help

 sink-connector/python/db_compare/ | 2 +-
 sink-connector/python/db_compare/      | 4 ++--
 sink-connector/python/db_load/            | 2 +-
 3 files changed, 4 insertions(+), 4 deletions(-)

diff --git a/sink-connector/python/db_compare/ b/sink-connector/python/db_compare/
index f640a9b18..b5a6b0b82 100644
--- a/sink-connector/python/db_compare/
+++ b/sink-connector/python/db_compare/
@@ -308,7 +308,7 @@ def main():
                         help='CH password (discouraged option use a configuration file)', required=False, default=None)
-                        help='CH config file either xml or yaml', required=False, default='./clickhouse-client.xml')
+                        help='CH config file either xml or yaml, default is ./clickhouse-client.xml', required=False, default='./clickhouse-client.xml')
                         help='ClickHouse database', required=True)
diff --git a/sink-connector/python/db_compare/ b/sink-connector/python/db_compare/
index 16a860fda..2bee3e50a 100644
--- a/sink-connector/python/db_compare/
+++ b/sink-connector/python/db_compare/
@@ -248,7 +248,7 @@ def main():
                         help='MySQL password, discouraged, please use a config file', required=False)
-                        help='MySQL config file either xml or yaml', required=False, default='~/.my.cnf')
+                        help='MySQL config file default is ~/.my.cnf', required=False, default='~/.my.cnf')
                         help='MySQL database', required=True)
     parser.add_argument('--mysql_port', help='MySQL port',
@@ -297,7 +297,7 @@ def main():
     mysql_user = args.mysql_user
     mysql_password = args.mysql_password
     # check parameters
     if args.mysql_password:
         logging.warning("Using password on the command line is not secure, please specify a config file ")
diff --git a/sink-connector/python/db_load/ b/sink-connector/python/db_load/
index cf4236eb5..c12aa9806 100644
--- a/sink-connector/python/db_load/
+++ b/sink-connector/python/db_load/
@@ -534,7 +534,7 @@ def main():
                         help='CH password (discouraged option use a configuration file)', required=False, default=None)
-                        help='CH config file either xml or yaml', required=False, default='./clickhouse-client.xml')
+                        help='CH config file either xml or yaml, default is ./clickhouse-client.xml', required=False, default='./clickhouse-client.xml')
     parser.add_argument('--clickhouse_port', type=int,
                         default=9000, help='ClickHouse port', required=False)