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3D Vision Assignment Template for Spring 2024.

The following tutorial will go through you with how to use three.js for your assignment visualization. Please make sure your VScode is installed with "Live Server" plugin.

How to use

git clone
cd CSCI599
ls ./ # you should see index.html and showup in the terminal
code ./ # open this folder via vscode locally
# open and right click on the index.html
# select "Open With Live Server" to run the code over localhost.

Half Edge Data Structure Implementation ::

This mainly consists of three components

Vertices list consist of a dictionary of nodes identified by a vertice name Vertice_Edge_Node consists of : unique name to identify each vertice the coordinates of a point in [x, y ,z] format A half edge originating from the current vertice as its origin

Face List Consists of a dictionary of all the faces identified by a unique face name Face Node consists of : Face name to uniquely identify the face Name of any one of the three half edges the make up the triangle that contains the face Normal of the face

Half edge list consist of a dictionary of edges identified by a unique edge name Each Half Edge Node contains: Name identifying a unique half edge The point at which the half edge originates since it is directed The point at which the half edge ends The twin of the half edge having the same points but directed in the opposite direction The name of the face that contains the half edge Name of the next half edge of the face Name of the prev half edge of the face

Algorithm of half edge creation :: Create the vertices for the vertices list from the trimesh vertices
Read the triangles from trimesh and create the half edges and faces using the points in the mesh triangles Connect the half edges to the twin by checking the origin and end vertices

Once we create Faces list, Vertices list and Half edge List

Algorithm for subdivision loop :: Repeat the following steps for the number of iterations Intialize new_halfedge_list , new_vertices_list, new_face_list

Iterate through all the edges and compute the odd vertice on each edge 
Iterate through the vertices and compute the even vertices 
Adjust the original vertices to the new even vertices and construct new faces and half edges by joining all the odd vertices in a face together. This will result in each face resulting in four more faces 
Discard the previous halfedges and compute and connect the new twins in the new_halfedge list 
Discard the old faces and copy the new_vertices to the old vertices_list

Plot and check the final mesh

Algorithm for decimation :: Calculate the normals for each of the faces Intialize a while loop where if curr no of faces is is greater than required faces we enter the loop Calculate the error for each point by computing K matrix and summing it up for all faces to get Q matrix Iterate through all the edges and compute the new vertex if we collapse the edge and the corresponding error and push it into a heap Pop the edge with the least error delete the vertices, half edges and faces associated with the points and join the half edges of the remaining faces to get the correct twin half edge

Plot and check the final decimated mesh