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Styled Word of the Day

Generate SVG styled wotd

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TypeScript Project Status: Active – The project has reached a stable, usable state and is being actively developed. Project created status Project updated status

Styled Word of the Day is a serverless function that dynamically generates styled word images based on SVG (Scalable Vector Graphics). For the tech stack, Styled Word of the Day using Typescript and serverless function from Vercel stack.

How to use

It's simple, you can copy paste this markdown content, like this one:

![Styled Wotd]([value]&layout=[value]&animation=[value]&bgColor=[value]&opacity=[value]&colorPattern=[value]&primaryColor=[value]&secondaryColor=[value]&pattern=[pattern]&language=[value]&width=[width]&height=[height])

There are several options you can use from the list:

Options Description Type Example Query Params
[Theme] Theme of the image String default_repocard ?theme=[value]
[Layout] Layout of the image String default &layout=[value]
[Animation] Animation of the image String grow_out_in &animation=[value]
[Background Color] Background color of the image Hex color code ffffff &bgColor=[value]
[Opacity Pattern] Opacity of the background pattern Float number 0 - 1 &opacity=[value]
[Color Pattern] Color of the background pattern Hex color code 1abc9c &colorPattern=[value]
[Primary Font Color] Primary font color of the text Hex color code 000000 &primaryColor=[value]
[Secondary Font Color] Secondary font color of the text Hex color code 000000 &secondaryColor=[value]
[Pattern] Background pattern String constant plus &pattern=[value]
[Language] Word language String constant balinese &language=[value]
[Width] Image width String 100% &width=[value]
[Height] Image height String 100% &height=[value]

Here is a list of supported image themes:

Name Value
Default default
Default repocard default_repocard
Dark dark
Radical radical
Merko merko
Gruvbox gruvbox
Tokyo night tokyonight
One dark onedark
Cobalt cobalt
Synth wave synthwave
High contrast highcontrast
Dracula dracula
Prussian prussian
Monokai monokai
Vue vue
Vue dark vue_dark
Shades of purple shades_of_purple
Night owl nightowl
Buefy buefy
Blue green blue_green
Algolia algolia
Great Gatsby great_gatsby
Darcula darcula
Bear bear
Solarized dark solarized_dark
Solarized light solarized_light
Chartreuse dark chartreuse_dark
Nord nord
Gotham gotham
Material pale night material_palenight
Gray white graywhite
Vision friendly dark vision_friendly_dark
Ayu mirage ayu_mirage
Midnight purple midnight_purple
Calm calm
Flag India flag_india
Omni omni
React react
Jolly jolly
Maroongold maroongold
Yeblu yeblu
Blueberry blueberry
State orange slateorange
Kacho ga kacho_ga
Arabesque arabesque

List of supported image layouts:

Name Value
Default default

List of supported image animations:

Name Value
Default default
Grow-out-in grow_out_in

List of supported languages:

Name Value
Arabic arabic
Balinese balinese
Chinese (mandarin) mandarin_chinese
Dari dari
Dutch dutch
English (portuguese) portuguese_english
English (spanish) spanish_english
Esperanto esperanto
French french
German german
Hebrew hebrew
Hindi hindi
Indonesian indonesian
Irish irish
Italian italian
Japanese japanese
Korean korean
Latin latin
Norwegian norwegian
Pashto pashto
Polish polish
Brazilian brazilian
Russian russian
Spanish spanish
Swedish swedish
Turkish turkish
Urdu urdu

Patterns provided by Hero Pattern package which is developed by Lowmess:

Name Value
Jigsaw jigsaw
Overcast overcast
Formal Invitation formalInvitation
Topography topography
Texture texture
Jupiter jupiter
Architect architect
Cutout cutout
Hideout hideout
Graph Paper graphPaper
Yyy yyy
Squares squares
Falling Triangles fallingTriangles
Piano Man pianoMan
Pie Factory pieFactory
Dominos dominos
Hexagons hexagons
Charlie Brown charlieBrown
Autumn autumn
Temple temple
Stamp Collection stampCollection
Death Star deathStar
Church on Sunday churchOnSunday
I Like Food iLikeFood
Overlapping Hexagons overlappingHexagons
Four Point Stars fourPointStars
Bamboo bamboo
Bathroom Floor bathroomFloor
CorkScrew corkScrew
Happy Intersection happyIntersection
Kiwi kiwi
Lisbon lisbon
Random Shapes randomShapes
Steel Beams steelBeams
Tiny Checkers tinyCheckers
X Equals xEquals
Anchors Away anchorsAway
Bevel Circle bevelCircle
Brick Wall brickWall
Fancy Rectangles fancyRectangles
Heavy Rain heavyRain
Overlapping Circles overlappingCircles
Plus plus
Rounded Plus Connected roundedPlusConnected
Volcano Lamp volcanoLamp
Wiggle wiggle
Bubbles bubbles
Cage cage
Connections connections
Current current
Diagonal Stripes diagonalStripes
Flipped Diamonds flippedDiamonds
Floating Cogs floatingCogs
Glamorous glamorous
Hounds tooth houndstooth
Leaf leaf
Lines In Motion linesInMotion
Moroccan moroccan
Morphing Diamonds morphingDiamonds
Rails rails
Rain rain
Skulls skulls
Squares In Squares squaresInSquares
Stripes stripes
Tic Tac Toe ticTacToe
ZigZag zigZag
Aztec aztec
BankNote bankNote
Boxes boxes
Circles And Squares circlesAndSquares
CircuitBoard circuitBoard
Curtain curtain
Diagonal Lines diagonalLines
Endless Clouds endlessClouds
Eyes eyes
Floor Tile floorTile
Groovy groovy
Intersecting Circles intersectingCircles
Melt melt
Overlapping Diamonds overlappingDiamonds
Parkay Floor parkayFloor
Pixel Dots pixelDots
Polka Dots polkaDots
Signal signal
Slanted Stars slantedStars
Wallpaper wallpaper


This is example of using Styled Word of the Day:

![Styled Wotd](


Styled Word of the Day

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Styled Word of the Day is distributed under LGPL version 3 or later, [License]. LGPLv3 is additional permissions on top of GPLv3.



Styled Word of the Day is maintained by the following GitHub team-members:

  • Author

with community support please contact with us if you have some question or proposition.


Running k8s cluster with tilt command by acquiring k8s deployment configuration:

tilt up

Shutting down k8s cluster with provisioned resources removal:

tilt down --delete-namespaces


The project uses SemVer for versioning. For the versions available, see the tags on this repository.


Contributors Display

Please read for details on our code of conduct, and the process for submitting pull requests to us (emoji key).

This project follows the all-contributors specification. Contributions of any kind are welcome!

PRs Welcome Github contributors

See also the list of contributors who participated in this project.


Stargazers repo roster for @AlexRogalskiy/wotd

Stargazers over time


Forkers repo roster for @AlexRogalskiy/wotd



Team Tools

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Styled wotd Team would like inform that JetBrains is helping by provided IDE to develop the application. Thanks to its support program for an Open Source projects!

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Styled wotd has experimental support for Gitpod, a pre-configured development environment that runs in your browser. To use Gitpod, click the button below and sign in with GitHub. Gitpod also offers a browser add-on, though it is not required.

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Styled wotd project is using Lunr search tool to index and query text data by keywords.

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OpenGraph card

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