Use Unreal-like DataTable workflow in Unity.
Implement IDataTableRow
and add [Serializable]
using System;
using Chris.DataDriven;
using Chris.Resource;
using Chris.Serialization;
using UnityEngine;
// Must add this attribute
public class MyDataRow : IDataTableRow
public int id;
public SoftAssetReference reference;
public string name;
Recommend to implement DataTableManager<T>
for managing DataTable.
Use await DataTableManager.InitializeAsync()
to initialize managers at start of your game.
Or enable Initialize Managers
in AkiFrameworkSettings
to initialize managers before scene load automatically.
public class MyDataTableManager : DataTableManager<MyDataTableManager>
public MyDataTableManager(object _) : base(_)
private const string TableKey = "MyDataTable";
protected sealed override async UniTask Initialize(bool sync)
if (sync)
ResourceSystem.LoadAssetAsync<DataTable>(TableKey, (x) =>
RegisterDataTable(TableKey, x);
await ResourceSystem.LoadAssetAsync<DataTable>(TableKey, (x) =>
RegisterDataTable(TableKey, x);
catch (InvalidResourceRequestException)
public DataTable GetDataTable()
return GetDataTable(TableKey);
Support two kinds of editing mode.
Edit DataTable in Inspector.
Edit DataTable in an EditorWindow (opened by double-left clicked).