Releases: Admentus64/Patcher64Plus-Tool
Releases · Admentus64/Patcher64Plus-Tool
Patcher64+ Tool v20.4.2 (2023-08-08)
- Added No Symbol option textures for Deku & Hylian Shields
- Added missing equipment icons
- Updated credits
- Restored Master of Time back to the previous version
- Added new button color presets for OoT & MM
- Changed error log messages to show in red
- Streamlined the Language Options patching
- CheckLanguageOptions function has been removed
- Improved logic and error handling for patching custom models
- Fixed Inverted Time with 30 FPS for MM
- Fixed issue with scrolling being broken for the "Additional Options" window
- Fixed Remap Control not showing
- Fixed issue with OoT Debug ROM options not properly generating
- Fixed issue with Free Mode
Patcher64+ Tool v20.4.0 (2023-06-17)
- Added Project Base patches for SM
- Added Zelda's Adventure Port patch for LA
- Added new options for MM
- Added new "Faster Armos Pushing" option for OoT
- Added new "Have Invincible Jump" option for SM64
- Added "No Music" patches for Zelda 1 and SM
- Replaced Button Sizes for OoT & MM with Button Scaling
- Updated OoT & MM Redux with new options and fixes
- Updated Master of Time patch for OoT
- Updated Scene Editor with new preliminary changes for later down the road
- Fixed issue with Redux not locking as should when switching games
Patcher64+ Tool v20.3.2 (2023-04-23)
Changelog v20.3.2:
- Updated Auto-Updater
Changelog v20.3.1:
- Updated Redux for LA
- Updated downgrading / upgrading for LA
- Fixed several minor issues
Changelog v20.3.0:
- Revisions is now automatically picked for selected patch
- Added Keep Cache option for decompressed & downgraded N64 Zelda ROMs
- Overhauled GamePatch & GameRev JSON specifications
- Overhauled downgrading
- Overhauled filepath for Redux patching
- Overhauled saving options and switching between presets
- Adjusted Additional Options GUI for several OoT ROM hacks
- Added upgrading from OoT Rev 0 to OoT GC MQ Debug
- Added new options for OoT
- Added new debug options to indivually prevent header changes for ROM / WAD
- Updated ALttP Redux to v10.2.2
- Removed Kakariko Shortcut option for ALttP (default with Redux now)
- Fixed multiplying bytes with a factor less than 1 ending up to be 0
- Fixed issue with showing and hiding VC panel
- Fixed issue with disabling updating addons
- Removed several "duplicate" patches
Patcher64+ Tool v20.2.0 (2023-03-26)
- Updated the OoT Redux Options Menu with a new design
- Updated Redux for SM, Zelda 1 and ALttP
- Added new Pot, Chest, Rupee and Button designs for OoT & MM
- Fixed issue with duplicate items for dropdown menus
Patcher64+ Tool v20.1.0 (2023-03-22)
- Renamed Actor Editor to Scene Editor
- Added MM support for Scene Editor
- Added support for selective scene patching for Scene Editor
- Added support for non-shifting scene patching for Scene Editor
- Added new options for OoT & MM
- Added presets for OoT
- Added new ROM hack for SMW
- Updated Redux for OoT with new options
- Updated Master of Time HUD button sizes
- Updated Majora's Mask HUD button previews
- Updated Xbox preset color for B button for OoT & MM
- Updated Hooting Time for MK64
- Updated options for SM
- Updated Custom Header tooltip with new warning for texture packs and save files
- Changed how special symbols for text are parsed in the GUI
- Changed actor coordinates into signed integer values rather than hex values
- Fixed issues with the Scene Editor
- Fixed some issues with Redux for OoT
- Fixed some issues with patching SNES ROM titles in Wii VC mode
Patcher64+ Tool v20.0.0 (2023-01-01)
- Added new Easter Egg option for OoT & MM for Tier 3 Patreons
- Added Actor Editor for OoT (with support for MQ and Ura too)
- Added new PM options
- Added support for patching "Additional Options" presets as patches
- Added new features for the Text Editor
- Added new Item Drop options for OoT & MM
- Added new glitch fixes options for OoT
- Added new options for MK64
- Added new graphics option for Smash 64
- Added new equipment options for OoT
- Moved several options around, and adjusted options window sizes for some games
- Fixed Pot's Challenge for OoT
- Fixed issue with OoT Text Editor commands
- Fixed issue with checking hashes
- Fixed game mode label not refreshing during changing game modes
- Fixed issue with not properly getting the patch for the correct revision
- Fixed title for Fairy's Fountain for English Map Select translation
- Changed auto-correction for numeric text fields
- Changed GUI to be locked when changing generating GUI options
- Changed dropdown menus and sliders to be no longer affected by the mouse's scrolling wheel
Patcher64+ Tool v19.1.7 (2022-08-31)
- Reworked name options for Tatl, Tael and Navi
- Several minor fixes
- Updated Gold Deku Pipes Icon (by ShadowOne333)
- Added new fairy colors
- Fixed issue with 30 FPS being enabled for MM Redux
- Updated "Ocarina Icons" option with alternative icon option
- Fixed issue with Wii VC controls remapping
- Fixed issue with OoT Redux HUD layout
- Fixed issue with OoT Additional Options generation
- Improved "Area Title Cards" option for MM
- Changed encoding for script files
- Fixed some issues with the Text Editor
- Fixed issue with "Additional Options" not generating properly for some games
- Added new "Area Title Cards" option for MM
- Fixed several issues with Redux
- Added ingame remapable D-Pad actions
- Added Redux for several OoT ROM hacks
- Added Pots Challenge for OoT + several ROM hacks
- Added new HUD texture replacements
- Added new Redux options for OoT & MM
- Updated Redux for OoT & MM
- Updated the Ocarina Icons option for MM
- Updated Smash Remix to v1.2.0
- Updated saving patcher settings
- Changed how options are being generated
- Removed Redux Plus patches
- Removed interface modes
- Fixed Easier Fishing (OoT) and Fierce Deity Anywhere (MM) options
- Fixed Text Editor issues
- Added some new options related to the Bombs / Bomb Bag for OoT
- Updated and added new capacity and quantity options for OoT
- Removed Bomb Bag capacity limits for OoT and MM
- Fix issue with patching language options for MoT and D&D
Patcher64+ Tool v19.0.0 (2022-07-23)
- Overhauled text editor for improved performances and new posibilities
- Added multi-language support for the text editor
- Added several new options for OoT & MM
- Added Redux support for MoT & D&D (rev0)
- Added new "Malon's Master of Time" dialogue option to MoT
- Added more "Additional Options for MoT"
- Added "Additional Options" support for D&D (rev0)
- Added several new Redux options for OoT (Rainbow Colors? We got you covered!)
- Added scrolling bars for Additional Options
- Updated OoT Redux with plenty new features (Mask on D-Pad Right for Child Link, hurray!)
- Updated MM Redux (Debug Map Select works again, hurray!)
- Updated widescreen patches for OoT & MM
- Updated Patches.json with new specifications
- Updated the widescreen patch for Rev0 and Rev2
- Updated Gold Quest
- Updated Redux for Super Metroid
- Changed how Redux is patched
- Changed how ROM hacks are having Additional Options patches
- Changed how Redux features are being applied and reverted
- Split several options from Redux to be optional for OoT & MM
- Fixed text patching issues for MoT
- Fixed custom sequences not being accepted when using the max size limit
- Fixed issue with ammo values not properly converted to hex values
- Fixed issue with health below 3 max hearts not properly resetting when dying
- Fixed plenty of others bugs (and likely introduced some new ones...)
- Fixed issue with setting ROM title
- Fixed issues with the text editor
- Fixed various other issues
Patcher64+ Tool v18.0.0 (2022-05-20)
- Added new Text Editor for OoT & MM
- Added Shop Model Tunic colors for OoT (by Username0713)
- Added new "Recovery" options for OoT
- Added new "Remove Magic Quick Spin" option for OoT
- Added new "No Bottled Fairies" option for OoT
- Added dialogue changes for changed equipment names
- Added new split customization for the Easier Minigames option
- Added extended functionality to dropdown menus
- Removed "Hide Equipment" option for OoT
- Overhauled patching dialogue
- Improved patching dialogue options by utilizing the text editor
- Fixed typos
- Fixed a bunch of options for OoT & MM not getting patched in correctly
- Fixed incorrect rewards for the Bombchu Bowling Minigame for the Easier Minigames option
v17.4.0 (preparation update for v18.0.0)
- Initial Overhaul for the upcomming v18.0.0 Text Editor update
- Added new "Side Backflip" option for OoT (by Username0713)
- Added new "Style" options for OoT & MM (by Third M)
- Fixed issue with patching custom music sequences
- Fixed crash issues when trying to buy items in Gold Quest Remix
- Fixed several other minor issues
- Fixed Gold Quest Remix bugs and crashes
- Overhauled "Additional Options" layouts for OoT, GQ, MoT & MM
- Improved overall performance
- Adjusted "Additional Options" Advanced Mode window sizes for OoT, GQ & MoT
- Added Gold Quest support for Additional Options
- Added new "Always Advance" option for MK64
- Added missing preview icon for The Missing Link HUD Button (large)
- Updated JSON date for languages
- Added new "Remove Crouch Stab" option for OoT & MM
- Fixed issue with patching OoT & MM HUD in Beginner Mode
- Fixed issue with patches ordering in Streamlined mode
- Fixed issue with resetting options
- Fixed patching in music in Lite & Streamlined modes
- Fixed double-patching options when switching patches
- Replaced midi previewer
- Removed "Resume From Last Area" option for Master of Time
- Fixed checking default value for patching
- Added more initial setup for text editor (lookup dialogue directly rather than scanning through whole)
- Improved performance when swapping out ROM / WAD files while retaining the same mode
- Fixed issue with Redux options not disabling properly
- Fixed issue with HUD previews not updating in Streamlined mode
- Fixed issue with not removing the colors tab for Master of Time in Streamlined mode
- Fixed issue with not showing or hiding several sound effect options
- Changed behaviour for Widescreen checkboxes for OoT & MM
- Removed "Point Filtering" option for OoT
Patcher64+ Tool v17.3.0 (2022-04-18)
- Added new Interface Mode: Streamlined
- Added settings files for patches with their own options customization
- Added new Additional Options for OoT (ported from Gold Quest)
- Added new "Chests" option for OoT & MM
- Added new location options for OoT
- Added Additional Options for Master of Time
- Added Dawn & Dusk, The Missing Link & Gold Quest equipment and HUD texture options
- Added alternate Navi prompts
- Added file and language checking for several text options
- Added Gold Quest Tunic options
- Added new "Save" tab for OoT for Additional Options
- Added a new option for OoT MQ Debug, MK64 & Zelda II
- Added new patch for SM64
- Split Iron Shield option into two separate options
- Updated Russian, Brazilian Portuguese, Polish and Simplified Chinese for OoT & MM
- Improved GUI generation optimization
- Fixed issue with patching ROM hacks (such as Star Road on Wii VC)
- Fixed issue with tab generation
- Fixed issue with clearing log files