- None
- Set appserver-io + appserver-io-psr dependencies to patch level
- None
- Use Robo for build process
- Fixed invalid use statement for RequestHandlerKeys in error.dhtml template
- Fixed that conditions based on per-request operands do not get cached aggressively anymore
- Fixed that rewrite rules do not forward their result to the next rule in the stack
- Add new LdapLoginModule to allow authentication against an OpenLdap server
- Remove invalid MySQL configuration from supervisor configuration file
- Add necessary use statement for SecurityException
- None
- None
- Remove MySQL installation from Dockerfile
- Fixed invalid user/group for PHP-FPM in Dockerfile
- Allow PHP-FPM execution via supervicsor as root
- Add MySQL installation to Dockerfile
- Explictly define react/dns version 0.4.4 to avoid Cannot redeclare React\Promise\Timer\timeout()
- Explictly define react/socket version 0.4.*
- None
- Fixed issue in CronScanner that prevents running multiple jobs within the same schedule
- Switched to new security/authentication libraries
- Fixed invalid references to old DI interfaces/exceptions
- None
- None
- Switch to latest appserver-io-psr/servlet version 3.0.0
- Switch to new appserver-io-psr/di version 2.0.0
- None
- Switch to latest appserver-io-psr/servlet version 2.0.0
- Remove invalid class loader re-registration from TimerServiceRegistry::initialize() method
- Invoke @PreAttach + @PostDetach lifecycle callbacks on SSB
- Add Doctrine Psr4AnnotationRegistry implementation with support for PSR-4 class loading
- None
- Append system properties webapp and webapp.name when parsing datasource XML files
- None
- Add serverVersion and platform parameters to Doctrine configuration
- Do override loggers defined in etc/appserver/conf.d/context.xml with loggers defined in META-INF/context.xml
- None
- Add crunch/fastcgi 2.x branch as Composer dependency
- Replace error_log with exceptions in FileSystem::chown() method
- Refactor FileSystem utility to use internal FileSystem::chown() method instead of \chown()
- Fixed invalid class name in RedisCacheFactory
- Adding error_log if chmod/chown/chgrp fails
- Closed #881 - EntityManager instance gets nulled
- Closed #1029 - Servlet Engine not starting, when an application registers the same datasource twice
- Closed #1018 - Pass environment variable to virtual-hosts.xml
- Closed #840 - URL Routes according to REST defacto standard
- Closed #771 - Include a .editorconfing file to help enforce coding standards
- Adding functionality to activate Doctrine production mode and allow cache configuration
- None
- None
- Removed PhpModule from appserver configuration files
- None
- Fixed random startup problems, occuring when container start's faster than configured servers
- Add Rout.Lt package to appserver.io distribution
- Refactoring Runlevel integration to work with PHP 7 and pthreads 3.x
- Switched to runtime 1.1.5 with PHP 5.6.23 and always_populate_raw_post_data to -1 in all PHP ini files
- None
- None
- Fixed servlet path issue when using virtual host or appserver-runner on Windows OS
- None
- None
- Switch to latest v3.0.0 of appserver-io/single-app
- None
- Optimizing Doctrine Entity Manager integration to optimize performance
- None
- Refactoring NamingDirectory implementation to improve performance
- Fixed issue that prevents using Doctrine Entity Manager in Singleton Session Beans
- None
- Fixed invalid access on ContextSession instance on remote call on persistence container
- None
- Closed #859 - Memory Leaks in Session Beans
- Add @Remove annotation to allow explicit desctruction of SFSBs
- Closed #940 - Allow different environments aka stages with corresponding configuration
- None
- Switch to latest DNS server/Webserver version to improve SSL security
- Closed #893 - Implement mechanics for Forward Secrecy
- Fixed fatal error when try to access application in ErrorUtil on fatal error handling
- None
- Fixed invalid class loader initialization in AbstractContainerThread
- Coding Guide Lines (CGL) corrections (Hans Höchtl)
- Removing unnecessary NamingDirectoryImpl class
- None
- Update Dockerfile for using Supervisor restart command instead of systemd
- Closed #960 - Wrong restart commands for newer Linux distributions
- None
- Fixed rename() issue while deployin in a Docker environment using a mounted webapps directory
- Update Dockerfile to latest Debian runtime
- None
- Switch to latest appserver-io/properties version
- Fixed invalid FormAuthenticator forward on successfull login
- Add possibility to define container class loaders in appserver.xml and application META-INF/containers.xml
- Fixed endless loop in \AppserverIo\Appserver\ServletEngine\Http\Request when no filehandler has been registered to handle DHTML template
- Add functionality to use virtual host configuration in runner mode also
- Enable DHTML filehandler for API container
- Enable DNS server when using runner mode
- None
- Switch to default port 9053 for DNS server
- Add Strict-Transport-Security header to enable HTTPS Strict Transport Security (HSTS)
- None
- Switch to latest appserver-io/webserver and appserver-io/dnsserver version with extended SSL configuration options
- None
- Remove blackfire.io support because of segfault caused by pthreads
- None
- Add runner mode enabling a node.JS style usability
- Add log configuration to appserver.xml to allow modfiying it in Dockerfile
- [Docker] supervisord log output will now be redirected to Docker stdout/stderr
- Fix for change in Composer workflow, referenced by issue #5070
- None
- None
- Extend container configuration to en-/disable application provisioning
- None
- Add generic Dockerfile ready to build a docker image on every Github tag
- Add possibility to declare a factory to initialize a the naming context with a epb-client.properties file
- Add possibility to initialize MQ client with a pms-client.properties file within the META-INF directory
- Fixed missing recursive owner/mode change on webapps directory when switching between setup modes
- Also switching user for PHP-FPM when switching between setup modes
- Switch to appserver-io/dnsserver 2.0.1 to fix segfault because of closing server socket in worker
- Add IPv6 address to DNS server configuration
- None
- Add functionality to use variables in configuration files
- Add internal DNS server that automatically resolves registered virtual hosts
- None
- Refactor session handling to make it more generic and customizable
- None
- Add blackfire.io profiling module
- None
- Enable application based logger configuration by META-INF/context.xml
- Add X-Powered-By Header with ServletEngine signature for debugging purposes
- Closing database connection after loading users and roles when using DatabasePDOLoginModule
- Fixed invalid order for application exctraction => results in invalid application configuration
- Fixed #938 - Only one container can be configured
- Switch to PHP 5.6.17
- Register datasources in naming directory
- Add missing NodeInterface to some API nodes
- Allow step args without name in provision.xml
- Remove PHP 5.4 from Travis-CI configuration file
- Add command to execute Doctrine CLI commands via Telnet console
- Add VirtualHostNodeInterface and DatasourceNodeInterfaces classes
- Add internal container with HTTP server to allow access to appserver.io RESTFul API
- Move servlet/enterprise bean descriptor/configuration functionality to description library
- Log a critical error message, if container's application and temporary directory are not available
- Add error-page configuration in web.xml to allow application specific error pages bound to HTTP response code
- None
- None
- None
- Optimize MQ and enable configuration through context.xml file
- Make Persistence Unit database port configurable
- Extend exception message when catching fatal errors in RequestHandler
- Allow application configuration by default
- Default virtual host now points to application server's root directory
- Optimize MQ and enable configuration through context.xml file
- Refactoring SFSB management implementation to solve memory leak
- Closed #901 - Allow re-attaching of SFSBs to current user sessions
- Closed #898 - Ignore annotations within persistence unit config
- Fixed #855 - Call to a protected method errors due to context mismatch
- Fixed #854 - Problems with systemctl enable/disable
- Fixed #853 - /opt/appserver/tmp gets created as user root
- Fixed #847 - Webserver based authentication is missing "realm"
- Fixed #829 - Setup with parameter -s=dev set's invalid user on Mac OS X
- Fixed #828 - Unknown application causes 500 instead of 404
- Fixed #824 - Several comment blocks break docBlock assignment
- Fixed #815 - Local processing does not support "none" value
- Closed #850 - Datasource configuration lacks driver specific options
- Closed #849 - Webapp based virtual host configuration
- Fixed #836 - Cannot use Traits
- Fixed #839 - appserver and appserver-watcher Provides collision
- Fixed #836 - Appserver.xml does contain invalid host attributes
- Closed #844 - Default server reachability should be all IPs
- Fixed #834 - Check for existing datasource node in StandardProvisioner
- None
- Fixed #805 - Constructs like ::class break parsing
- Fixed #778 - CreateDatabaseStep provisioning step does delete schema
- Fixed #811 - Endless recursion on parent:: call
- Closed #819 - Seamless Doctrine integration
- None
- Closed #809 - Add lifecycle callbacks for pre-attach and post-detach
- Closed #759 - Update to latest PHP 5.6.8
- Closed #760 - Asynchronous Deployment of Applications
- Closed #684 - Update to latest pthreads version
- Fixed #735 - Endless Loop for URLs without servlet name
- Fixed #719 - Around advice chain does break at certain size
- Fixed #721 - Different order of Advices in pointcut.xml depending on type
- Closed #720 - Add Request::getProposedSessionId()
- Closed #715 - Add setAttribute/getAttribute methods to Request
- Closed #714 - Moved and refactored error, welcome and auto-index pages
- Closed #743 - Move PhtmlServlet as DhtmlServlet from Routlt 2 (to avoid conflicts with simple PHTML templates)
- Closed #744 - Add .dhtml file handler for ServletEngine
- Closed #200 - Create a proxy WebServer module
- None
- Closed #700 - Create an AutoIndex Module
- Closed #356 - webserver has problems with multiple SSL/TLS certificates per server
- None
- Closed #683 - Update PHP to 5.6
- Fixed #828 - Unknown application causes 500 instead of 404
- Fixed #829 - Setup with parameter -s=dev set's invalid user on Mac OS X
- None
- Fixed #784 - Application Deployment after switching to safe user
- Fixed #790 - Long running messages in Message Queue blocks other messages
- Remove #777 - Remove remote http://www.w3.org/2001/03/xml.xsd from schemas and configurations
- Closed #758 - Update to latest PHP 5.5.24
- Fixed #725 - no Datasources in Singleton SessionBean
- Fixed #731 - Custom include paths in SplClassLoader not used
- Fixed #719 - Around advice chain does break at certain size
- Fixed #721 - Different order of Advices in pointcut.xml depending on type
- None
- Fixed #682 - Invalid output handling for fatal errors in Servlet-Engine
- Fixed #680 - Multiple advices by different pointcuts are eliminating each other
- None
- Fixed #110 - Digest auth does not work on windows build
- Fixed #605 - Problems saving structure map on Windows
- Fixed #654 - Existing files containing spaces are ignored
- Fixed #635 - Extracting PHAR archives containing empty files results in an exception
- Fixed #666 - appserver-watcher daemon does not work on Windows
- Fixed #673 - "Cannot re-declare class ..." error on certain circumstances
- Fixes #675 - Canceled authentication does not default to 401 error page
- Closed #179 - Standardize Windows builds
- Closed #283 - MSI based Windows installer
- Closed #620 - Extend in-code comments in regards to missing properties
- Closed #645 - Remove obsolete authentication adapters from ServletEngine
- Closed #657 - Remove serverSoftware and serverAdmin attributes from host node
- Closed #656 - Refactoring ServletEngine + PersistenceContainerModule for less usage of \Stackables
- Closed #655 - Reduce memory consumption by decrease worker number
- Fixed #618 - Segfault on Mac OS X when restarting after a new installation
- Fixed #599 - After updating on Debian, the server signature will not been updated if appserver.xml has not been replaced
- Fixed #598 - Update changes fileowner to root instead of user configured in configuration
- Fixed #597 - Example app should not be reinstalled on upgrades
- Fixed #551 - Pre-uninstall can fail to stop php-fpm process
- Fixed #550 - Content of var/tmp does not get cleared correctly
- Fixed #489 - Problems setting base dir for wrong configuration sequence
- Fixed #569 - Comment-less structures are ignored by pointcuts
- Fixed #580 - Update on *nix OS does not restart daemons
- Fixed #612 - php_opcache.dll failed to load if installed in non default path (Windows)
- Closed #607 - Improve ServletEngine exception handling
- Closed #593 - Update PHP/PECL version + upload_tmp_dir configuration directive enhancement
- Closed #582 - Move manager/class loader interfaces to application PSR
- Closed #572 - Refactor Descriptor integration, move interfaces to PSRs
- Fixed #514 - @Singleton session bean needs @Startup annotation
- Fixed #513 - Manually creating a timer results in a segfault
- Fixed bug for invalid call to format() method if calculateNextTimeout() returns NULL
- Fixed bug in SplClassLoaderFactory::visit() method by add missing $configuration parameter
- Removed old dependencies
- Updated to stable requirements
- Fixed error by adding clearstatcache() when adding additional files to logrotate configuration
- Fixed #478 - Optimize update process on all OS
- Fixed #492 - 500 Internal error page will be rendered on missing PHP file
- Fixed #503 - Wrong PHP version within welcome page
- Usage of wrong annotation classes within the AspectManager class + new dependencies
- Closed #487 - Register logger instances in Naming Directory
- Closed #508 - Refactoring Naming to improve decoupling of Frameworks
- Closed #457 - Refactoring of annotation syntax
- Closed #458 - Create new PSR for pbc and aop usage
- Closed #505 - Refactoring Application initialisation to better support community Applications
- Added welcome-page support for servers to be configurable as well
- Refactored installation setup process to be called only once in dist post install scripts
- Introduced #469 Provide setup script for developer mode
- Updated dependencies of appserver-io/doppelgaenger and appserver-io/rmi
- Fixed missing documentRoot param to persistence-container configuration in appserver.xml
- Fixed invalid registration of local/remote business interfaces for session beans
- Fixed XSD validation problems for logger entries based on wrong handlers element namespace
- Closed #473 - Create deployment PSR
- Log exceptions thrown in ServletEngine::process method
- Move OS specific templates and resources to dist packages
- Allow argument --install-dir for composer post-install-cmd
- Remove var/www/core_functions.php script and include from server.php
- Add method logCriticalException() to AbstractServletEngine to simplify exception logging
- Added missing dependency to appserver-io/lang
- Fixed MQ memory leak because of missing job thread when handling messages
- Fixed invalid namespace in QueueManager::createSenderForQueue() method
- Remove unnecessary interfaces SenderInterface + ReceiverInterface
- Fixed error when prepared directories to be created on startup
- Bugfix within service tests
- Minor bugfixes
- Refactoring, move interfaces of Persistence-Container + Message-Queue to separate packages
- Removed risk factor of non-injected \Stackable within class loader
- Applied new file name and coding conventions
- Updated dependencies
- Fixed #290 - Segfault in Windows build
- Fixed #336 - Positioning of namespace definition next to php tag
- Fixed #348 - Changed determination of omitted namespaces
- Closed #282 - Implement logrotate functionality as Server
- Closed #192 - Refactor configuration
- Closed #350 - Creating EPB references by annotations + XML configuration
- Closed #284 - Refactor Application implementation/interface
- Closed #289 - Refactoring bean/servlet/manager registration in naming directory
- Closed #285 - Refactor servlet engine virtual host management
- Closed #291 - Configuration (XML configuration) based bean declaration
- Closed #300 - Timer Service doesn't support seconds as period
- Closed #281 - Refactoring InitialContext in NamingDirectory
- Closed #182 - HTTP digest authentication within webserver
- Closed #367 - Add XSD validation for additional XML configuration files
- Introduced XSD validation for app based configuration files
- Changed nikic/phlexy version from unstable
to stable release0.1
- Extended configuration validation and provided the new
CLI command appserver.xml
configuration can now be splitted into several files using thexinclude
XML feature- Add --c start argument to change default configuration file
- Add scanner for changed files in webapps directory
- Remove some SPL Iteratators
- Remove automatic directory parsing of appserver-io/routlt package from context.xml
- Add scanner to restart application server when a PHP file changes in webapps directory (deactivated by default)
- Integration of appserver-io/microcron to allow for second based timer task execution
- Refactored servlet engines to provide app path information without the use of virtual hosts + cleanup in applications
- Improved performance by dynamic switching to simplified class loading
- Refactored and extended the webserver's authentication capabilities
- Fixing problems with FastCGI connection to latest HHVM versions
- Analytics module configuration within virtual hosts was ignored
- None
- Query directories under webapps for WEB-INF or META-INF to make sure we have a valid application
- Bugfixing invalid servlet init parameter initialization when using @Route annotation on servlets
- Bugfixing for invalid folder check when try to parse folders defined in context.xml for servlets
- Closed #299 - Refactor Message-Queue Client
- Add welcome page functionality + Iron Horse logos in webapps/welcome-page directory
- Added support for the webserver's analytics module configuration
- Set correct class name for Core\Api\Node\StorageServerNode to avoid warning if use Composer --optimizer-autoloader
- Changed behaviour of DB creation provisioning step so it does not need root permissions
- Closed #286 - Version number in server software signature
- Closed #294 - Session-ID structure
- Closed #288 - Session-ID will be reused
- Closed #292 - Annotation based configuration for servlets
- Closed #298 - Invoke destroy() method on Servlets after handling a request
- Move var/tmp/opcache-blacklist.txt to runtime build
- Remove unnecessary handler manager because WebSocketServer is not activated by default any longer
- Optimize class loaders for performance
- App based AOP can now be configured using pure XML file META-INF/pointcuts.xml
- Performance optimizations by refactoring DI provider
- Switch to new performance optimized appserver-io/lang package
- Use CustomFileHandler as default handler for access/error log
- Move TimerServiceExecutor initialization to TimerServiceRegistryFactory::visit() method
- Call composer post install script after invoking deploy target
- Bugfix for invalid directory structure in copy/deploy targets
- Switch to latest appserver-io/build package because of necessary appserver.bin.dir ANT variable
- Switch to 1.0.0-beta status
- Bugfix invalid interface reference in Part class
- Add servlet engine implementation that uses pre-initialized request handler threads to improve performance
- None
- Added support for AOP using appserver-io/doppelgaenger
- None
- Add missing composer dependency to DI container techdivision/dependencyinjectioncontainer
- None
- Remove DI container => now in techdivision/dependencyinjectioncontainer
- Switch to new techdivision/naming version that allows to register application instance as naming directory also
- Extend ManagerNode + ClassLoaderNode with additional properties from system configuration
- Remove AbstractApplication + AbstractApplicationTest
- Bugfix invalid check for registered profile logger in ProfileModule::init()
- Add DependencyInjectionContainer::injectDependencies() method to allow DI on existing instances
- Add namespace alias NamingContext for TechDivision\Naming\InitialContext to solve Windows bugs
- None
- Replace for invalid $serverContext->getLogger() invokation with $serverContext->hasLogger()
- None
- None
- Add DependencyInjectionContainer as manager implementation
- Refactoring application deployment
- None
- Add dependency to new appserver-io/logger library
- Integration of monitoring/profiling functionality
- Move RotatingMonologHandler implemenatation => use appserver-io/logger version instead
- Move back to POPO manager/class loader factory implementations
- Remove AbstractManagerFactory implementation
- None
- Integration to initialize manager instances with thread based factories
- Refactoring SplClassLoader include path handling
- Remove GenericStackable => use techdivision/storage version
- Inject all Stackable instances instead of initialize them in __construct => pthreads 2.x compatibility
- None
- Replace unnecessary GenericStackable => TechDivision\Storage\GenericStackable
- None
- Wrong order of log handler parameter used for default setup
- None
- None
- Changed log rotation behaviour to keep updating a file without date and file size suffix
- None
- Refactoring to work with new directory structure provided with appserver-io/meta package installation
- None
- Added the RotatingMonologHandler class, which allows for date and filesize based log rotation
- Bugfix in StandardProvisioner for regex to parse WEB-INF/META-INF directory for provision.xml files to make that work on Windows systems
- Bugfix in StandardProvisionerget::AbsolutPathToPhpExecutable() to also return correct absolute path to php.exe on Windows systems
- None
- None
- Switch to new ClassLoader + ManagerInterface
- Add configuration parameters to manager configuration
- Set encryption key length when generating a SSL certificate to 2048 on Unix based operating systems
- None
- Bugfix for missing parameters when generating server.pem on Windows in AbstractService::createSslCertificate on system startup
- None
- Refactor container startup process to make sure all server sockets has been established before init user permissions and proceed with provision
- None
- Bugfix invalid parameter dir when calling AbstractService::cleanUpDir() method from AbstractExtractor::removeDir() method
- None
- Bugfix invalid path concatenation in AbstractService::getBaseDirectory() when directory with OS specific directory separator has been passed
- Move copyDir() method from AbstractExctractor to AbstractService class
- Use AbstractService::cleanUpDir() method in AbstractExtractor when delete a directory with removeDir()
- None
- Add missing variable type cast when initializing API node types from configuration in AbstractNode::getValueForReflectionProperty() method
- Do not overwrite preinitialized API node configuration variables with empty values in AbstractNode::getValueForReflectionProperty()
- Bugfix invalid argument initialization in AbstractArgsNode:getArg() method
- Issue #191 - initially add functionality to create certificate on system startup
- Add a programmatical default configuration for initial context, loggers, extractors + provisioners (makes configuration in appserver.xml optionally)
- Make extractors + provisioners configurable in appserver.xml
- Add composer dependency to techdivision/lang package >= 0.1
- None
- Clean applications cache directory when application server restarts
- Add DeploymentService::cleanUpFolders() method to clean up directories
- None
- Refactoring ANT PHPUnit execution process
- Composer integration by optimizing folder structure (move bootstrap.php + phpunit.xml.dist => phpunit.xml)
- Switch to new appserver-io/build build- and deployment environment
- Add missing %s placeholder for successfully deployed application log message
- Issue #178 App-based context configuration
- Add directory keys for configuration folders etc/appserver + etc/appserver/conf.d to DirectoryKeys
- Add path to be appended as parameter for methods to return directories in AbstractService
- Move method to create temporary directories for applications from AbstractDeployment to DeploymentService
- Bugfix invalid manager + class loader initialization in ContextNode::merge() method
- Bugfix ComposerClassLoader to allow the usage of autoload_files.php also
- Replace type hint from InitialContext with ContextInterface in SplClassLoader::__construct()
- Add SplClassLoader::get() factory method to allow declarative initialization in application context
- Refactoring SplClassLoader::getIncludePath() to allow pass additional include paths to constructor