- Smtp Validator mail can validate your email to send smtp mail and check your mx.
- PHP >= 5.3.3
- namespaces use
- smtp configuration PHP Ok.
#Installation For installation you can use composer.
Simple add "ddtraceweb/smtp-validator-email": "dev-master"
in your composer.json to install the latest version
#examples :
- example with 1 email :
use SmtpValidatorEmail\ValidatorEmail;
$from = 'xyz@xzzz.com'; // for SMTP FROM:<> command
$emails = 'toto@somewhererlse.com';
$validator = new ValidatorEmail($email, $from);
- example with X emails :
use SmtpValidatorEmail\ValidatorEmail;
$from = 'xyz@xzzz.com'; // for SMTP FROM:<> command
$emails = array('toto@somewhererlse.com', 'titi@totitito.com');
$validator = new ValidatorEmail($email, $from);
- example with X emails and have custom delays time when connection and send HELO, with domain need time to respond.
use SmtpValidatorEmail\ValidatorEmail;
$from = 'xyz@xzzz.com'; // for SMTP FROM:<> command
$emails = array('toto@somewhererlse.com', 'titi@totitito.com');
//two loops in this example for difficult domains.
$options = array('delaySleep' => array(0, 6));
//Handle $options to the constructor as third parameter
$validator = new ValidatorEmail($email, $from, $options);
- example with X emails with more informations on domain, mxs and priorities.
use SmtpValidatorEmail\ValidatorEmail;
$from = 'xyz@xzzz.com'; // for SMTP FROM:<> command
$emails = array('toto@somewhererlse.com', 'titi@totitito.com');
//more informations option activate
$options = array('domainMoreInfo' => true);
//Handle $options to the constructor as third parameter
$validator = new ValidatorEmail($email, $from, $options);
- example with X emails with more informations on domain, mxs and priorities. In example same domain for two email. This is a connection to domain and check all account emails.
use SmtpValidatorEmail\ValidatorEmail;
$from = 'xyz@xzzz.com'; // for SMTP FROM:<> command
$emails = array('toto@somewhererlse.com', 'titi@somewhererlse.com');
//more informations option activate
$options = array('domainMoreInfo' => true);
//Handle $options to the constructor as third parameter
$validator = new ValidatorEmail($email, $from, $options);
- Avaialable default options
'domainMoreInfo' => false,
'delaySleep' => array(0),
'noCommIsValid' => 0,
'catchAllIsValid' => 0,
'catchAllEnabled' => 1,