This bundle provides a way to run a series of cdatabase commands in your Symfony application. It provides one command line for our console, and 5 capifony tasks.
Add the following code to your composer.json:
"require": {
"abmundi/database-commands-bundle": "dev-master",
Run a Composer update
$ php composer.phar update
Add the following code to your deps file:
And then run the vendors install command:
$ ./bin/vendors install
Then register the autoloader in the autoload.php
'Abmundi' => __DIR__.'/../vendor/bundles',
Register the bundle in the AppKernel.php
public function registerBundles()
$bundles = array(
new Abmundi\DatabaseCommandsBundle\AbmundiDatabaseCommandsBundle(),
return $bundles;
This bundle needs (in local and remote server)
- mysql (command line)
- mysqldump (commandline)
- bunzip2 (commandline)
Now from your console you can run
./app/console db:dump
and see that a new file has been saved in folder /app/tmp/dump with an hard link to the newest one.
If you have installed capifony ( this bundle provides to you 6 nice tasks:
- cap db:init - Set remote folders (run it first time)
- cap db:dump - Create a dump of db in remote folder
- cap db:download - Download last dump file in local folder
- cap db:import:production - Import remote db in local production db
- cap db:import:testing - Import remote db in local testing db