Runs embedded, in-memory Apache Kafka and Apache ZooKeeper instances. Helpful for integration testing.
The code in this project was extracted from kafka-storm-starter to allow for easier reuse in other projects.
Table of Contents
With this project you can run in-memory instances of:
- Kafka -- see KafkaEmbedded
- ZooKeeper -- see ZooKeeperEmbedded
- A ready-to-use Kafka and ZooKeeper "cluster" -- see KafkaZooKeeperCluster
- Java 7
- Scala 2.10
You must add two dependencies to use this project:
- The dependency for kafka-embedded itself, see below for details.
- The dependency for the specific Kafka version 0.8+ you want to use. (Kafka-embedded sets its Kafka dependency to "provided" so that users can pull in whichever Kafka version they need.)
This project is published via Sonatype.
- Snapshots are available in the Maven repository at
- Releases are available on Maven Central.
When using a snapshot:
// In build.sbt
resolvers ++= Seq("sonatype-snapshots" at "")
libraryDependencies ++= Seq("com.miguno" % "kafka-embedded_2.10" % "0.1.0-SNAPSHOT")
When using a release (note: no release has been published yet!):
// In build.sbt
libraryDependencies ++= Seq("com.miguno" % "kafka-embedded_2.10" % "0.1.0")
You also need to pick a specific version of Kafka for your build.
// In build.sbt
libraryDependencies ++= Seq("org.apache.kafka" %% "kafka" % "")
In many cases you want to exclude certain transitive dependencies of Kafka, e.g. Zookeeper. See build.sbt for an example list of such excludes for Kafka.
A full example of an integration test using in-memory instances of Kafka and ZooKeeper is available at KafkaZooKeeperClusterSpec.
Code contributions, bug reports, feature requests etc. are all welcome.
If you are new to GitHub please read Contributing to a project for how to send patches and pull requests to kafka-embedded.
Copyright © 2014 Michael G. Noll
See LICENSE for licensing information.