diff --git a/modules/7xbidBidAdapter.js b/modules/7xbidBidAdapter.js
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..ad0eeaaff1a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modules/7xbidBidAdapter.js
@@ -0,0 +1,157 @@
+import * as utils from '../src/utils';
+import { registerBidder } from '../src/adapters/bidderFactory';
+const BIDDER_CODE = '7xbid';
+const BIDDER_ALIAS = '7xb';
+const ENDPOINT_BANNER = '//bidder.7xbid.com/api/v1/prebid/banner';
+const ENDPOINT_NATIVE = '//bidder.7xbid.com/api/v1/prebid/native';
+const COOKIE_SYNC_URL = '//bidder.7xbid.com/api/v1/cookie/gen';
+const SUPPORTED_MEDIA_TYPES = ['banner', 'native'];
+const NET_REVENUE = true;
+const _encodeURIComponent = function(a) {
+  let b = window.encodeURIComponent(a);
+  b = b.replace(/'/g, '%27');
+  return b;
+export const _getUrlVars = function(url) {
+  var hash;
+  var myJson = {};
+  var hashes = url.slice(url.indexOf('?') + 1).split('&');
+  for (var i = 0; i < hashes.length; i++) {
+    hash = hashes[i].split('=');
+    myJson[hash[0]] = hash[1];
+  }
+  return myJson;
+export const spec = {
+  code: BIDDER_CODE,
+  aliases: [BIDDER_ALIAS], // short code
+  supportedMediaTypes: SUPPORTED_MEDIA_TYPES,
+  isBidRequestValid: function(bid) {
+    if (!(bid.params.placementId)) {
+      return false;
+    }
+    if (bid.params.hasOwnProperty('currency') &&
+      SUPPORTED_CURRENCIES.indexOf(bid.params.currency) === -1) {
+      utils.logInfo('Invalid currency type, we support only JPY and USD!')
+      return false;
+    }
+    return true;
+  },
+  /**
+    * Make a server request from the list of BidRequests.
+    *
+    * @param {validBidRequests[]} - an array of bids
+    * @return ServerRequest Info describing the request to the server.
+    */
+  buildRequests: function(validBidRequests, bidderRequest) {
+    let serverRequests = [];
+    var refererInfo;
+    if (bidderRequest && bidderRequest.refererInfo) {
+      refererInfo = bidderRequest.refererInfo;
+    }
+    var g = (typeof (geparams) !== 'undefined' && typeof (geparams) == 'object' && geparams) ? geparams : {};
+    validBidRequests.forEach((bid, i) => {
+      let endpoint = ENDPOINT_BANNER
+      let data = {
+        'placementid': bid.params.placementId,
+        'cur': bid.params.hasOwnProperty('currency') ? bid.params.currency : DEFAULT_CURRENCY,
+        'ua': navigator.userAgent,
+        'adtk': _encodeURIComponent(g.lat ? '0' : '1'),
+        'loc': utils.getTopWindowUrl(),
+        'topframe': (window.parent === window.self) ? 1 : 0,
+        'sw': screen && screen.width,
+        'sh': screen && screen.height,
+        'cb': Math.floor(Math.random() * 99999999999),
+        'tpaf': 1,
+        'cks': 1,
+        'requestid': bid.bidId
+      };
+      if (bid.hasOwnProperty('nativeParams')) {
+        endpoint = ENDPOINT_NATIVE
+        data.tkf = 1 // return url tracker
+        data.ad_track = '1'
+        data.apiv = '1.1.0'
+      }
+      if (refererInfo && refererInfo.referer) {
+        data.referer = refererInfo.referer;
+      } else {
+        data.referer = '';
+      }
+      serverRequests.push({
+        method: 'GET',
+        url: endpoint,
+        data: utils.parseQueryStringParameters(data)
+      })
+    })
+    return serverRequests;
+  },
+  interpretResponse: function(serverResponse, request) {
+    const data = _getUrlVars(request.data)
+    const successBid = serverResponse.body || {};
+    let bidResponses = [];
+    if (successBid.hasOwnProperty(data.placementid)) {
+      let bid = successBid[data.placementid]
+      let bidResponse = {
+        requestId: bid.requestid,
+        cpm: bid.price,
+        creativeId: bid.creativeId,
+        currency: bid.cur,
+        netRevenue: NET_REVENUE,
+        ttl: 700
+      };
+      if (bid.hasOwnProperty('title')) { // it is native ad response
+        bidResponse.mediaType = 'native'
+        bidResponse.native = {
+          title: bid.title,
+          body: bid.description,
+          cta: bid.cta,
+          sponsoredBy: bid.advertiser,
+          clickUrl: _encodeURIComponent(bid.landingURL),
+          impressionTrackers: bid.trackings,
+        }
+        if (bid.screenshots) {
+          bidResponse.native.image = {
+            url: bid.screenshots.url,
+            height: bid.screenshots.height,
+            width: bid.screenshots.width,
+          }
+        }
+        if (bid.icon) {
+          bidResponse.native.icon = {
+            url: bid.icon.url,
+            height: bid.icon.height,
+            width: bid.icon.width,
+          }
+        }
+      } else {
+        bidResponse.ad = bid.adm
+        bidResponse.width = bid.width
+        bidResponse.height = bid.height
+      }
+      bidResponses.push(bidResponse);
+    }
+    return bidResponses;
+  },
+  getUserSyncs: function(syncOptions, serverResponses) {
+    return [{
+      type: 'image',
+      url: COOKIE_SYNC_URL
+    }];
+  }
diff --git a/modules/7xbidBidAdapter.md b/modules/7xbidBidAdapter.md
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..13a448da992
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modules/7xbidBidAdapter.md
@@ -0,0 +1,60 @@
+# Overview
+Module Name: 7xbid Bid Adapter
+Maintainer: 7xbid.com@gmail.com
+# Description
+Module that connects to 7xbid's demand sources
+# Test Parameters
+	var adUnits = [
+    {
+      code: 'test',
+      mediaTypes: {
+        banner: {
+          sizes: [[300, 250], [300,600]],
+        }
+      },
+      bids: [
+        {
+          bidder: '7xbid',
+          params: {
+            placementId: 1425292,
+            currency: 'USD'
+          }
+        }
+      ]
+    },
+    {
+      code: 'test',
+      mediaTypes: {
+        native: {
+          title: {
+            required: true,
+            len: 80
+          },
+          image: {
+            required: true,
+            sizes: [150, 50]
+          },
+          sponsoredBy: {
+            required: true
+          }
+        }
+      },
+      bids: [
+        {
+          bidder: '7xbid',
+          params: {
+            placementId: 1429695,
+            currency: 'USD'
+          }
+        },
+      ],
+    }
+  ];
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/test/spec/modules/7xbidBidAdapter_spec.js b/test/spec/modules/7xbidBidAdapter_spec.js
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..4f32e96ce93
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/spec/modules/7xbidBidAdapter_spec.js
@@ -0,0 +1,161 @@
+import {expect} from 'chai';
+import {spec, _getUrlVars} from 'modules/7xbidBidAdapter';
+import * as utils from 'src/utils';
+import {config} from 'src/config';
+const BASE_URI = '//bidder.7xbid.com/api/v1/prebid/banner'
+const NATIVE_BASE_URI = '//bidder.7xbid.com/api/v1/prebid/native'
+describe('7xbid adapter', function() {
+  let bidRequests;
+  let nativeBidRequests;
+  beforeEach(function() {
+    bidRequests = [
+      {
+        bidder: '7xbid',
+        params: {
+          placementId: 1425292,
+          currency: 'USD'
+        }
+      }
+    ]
+    nativeBidRequests = [
+      {
+        bidder: '7xbid',
+        params: {
+          placementId: 1429695,
+          currency: 'USD'
+        },
+        nativeParams: {
+          title: {
+            required: true,
+            len: 80
+          },
+          image: {
+            required: true,
+            sizes: [150, 50]
+          },
+          sponsoredBy: {
+            required: true
+          }
+        }
+      }
+    ]
+  })
+  describe('isBidRequestValid', function () {
+    it('valid bid case', function () {
+      let validBid = {
+        bidder: '7xbid',
+        params: {
+          placementId: 1425292,
+          currency: 'USD'
+        }
+      }
+      let isValid = spec.isBidRequestValid(validBid);
+      expect(isValid).to.equal(true);
+    });
+    it('invalid bid case: placementId is not passed', function() {
+      let validBid = {
+        bidder: '7xbid',
+        params: {
+        }
+      }
+      let isValid = spec.isBidRequestValid(validBid);
+      expect(isValid).to.equal(false);
+    })
+    it('invalid bid case: currency is not support', function() {
+      let validBid = {
+        bidder: '7xbid',
+        params: {
+          placementId: 1108295,
+          currency: 'AUD'
+        }
+      }
+      let isValid = spec.isBidRequestValid(validBid);
+      expect(isValid).to.equal(false);
+    })
+  })
+  describe('buildRequests', function () {
+    it('sends bid request to ENDPOINT via GET', function () {
+      const request = spec.buildRequests(bidRequests)[0];
+      expect(request.url).to.equal(BASE_URI);
+      expect(request.method).to.equal('GET');
+    });
+    it('sends native bid request to ENDPOINT via GET', function () {
+      const request = spec.buildRequests(nativeBidRequests)[0];
+      expect(request.url).to.equal(NATIVE_BASE_URI);
+      expect(request.method).to.equal('GET');
+    });
+    it('buildRequests function should not modify original bidRequests object', function () {
+      let originalBidRequests = utils.deepClone(bidRequests);
+      let request = spec.buildRequests(bidRequests);
+      expect(bidRequests).to.deep.equal(originalBidRequests);
+    });
+    it('buildRequests function should not modify original nativeBidRequests object', function () {
+      let originalBidRequests = utils.deepClone(nativeBidRequests);
+      let request = spec.buildRequests(nativeBidRequests);
+      expect(nativeBidRequests).to.deep.equal(originalBidRequests);
+    });
+    it('Request params check', function() {
+      let request = spec.buildRequests(bidRequests)[0];
+      const data = _getUrlVars(request.data)
+      expect(parseInt(data.placementid)).to.exist.and.to.equal(bidRequests[0].params.placementId);
+      expect(data.cur).to.exist.and.to.equal(bidRequests[0].params.currency);
+    })
+    it('Native request params check', function() {
+      let request = spec.buildRequests(nativeBidRequests)[0];
+      const data = _getUrlVars(request.data)
+      expect(parseInt(data.placementid)).to.exist.and.to.equal(nativeBidRequests[0].params.placementId);
+      expect(data.cur).to.exist.and.to.equal(nativeBidRequests[0].params.currency);
+    })
+  })
+  describe('interpretResponse', function () {
+    let response = {
+      1425292:
+      {
+        'creativeId': '<!-- CREATIVE ID -->',
+        'cur': 'USD',
+        'price': 0.0920,
+        'width': 300,
+        'height': 250,
+        'requestid': '2e42361a6172bf',
+        'adm': '<!-- ADS TAG -->'
+      }
+    }
+    it('should get correct bid response', function () {
+      let expectedResponse = [
+        {
+          'requestId': '2e42361a6172bf',
+          'cpm': 0.0920,
+          'width': 300,
+          'height': 250,
+          'netRevenue': true,
+          'currency': 'USD',
+          'creativeId': '<!-- CREATIVE ID -->',
+          'ttl': 700,
+          'ad': '<!-- ADS TAG -->'
+        }
+      ];
+      let request = spec.buildRequests(bidRequests)[0];
+      let result = spec.interpretResponse({body: response}, request);
+      expect(Object.keys(result[0])).to.have.members(Object.keys(expectedResponse[0]));
+      expect(result[0].cpm).to.not.equal(null);
+      expect(result[0].creativeId).to.not.equal(null);
+      expect(result[0].ad).to.not.equal(null);
+      expect(result[0].currency).to.equal('USD');
+      expect(result[0].netRevenue).to.equal(true);
+    });
+  })