- add method setViewPager(ViewPager vp, String[] titles) for the condition that you do not want set titles in page adapter
- fix bug: indicator not show if you do not call viewpager's setCurrentItem method during initialization.
- add method setViewPager(ViewPager vp, String[] titles, FragmentActivity fa, ArrayList fragments) for the condition that you even do not want to instantiate page adapter by yourself
- add listener OnTabSelectedListener
- add block indicator
- add unread msg dot (TipView)
- new added View: CommonTabLayout is a tablayout without dependence of ViewPager
- extract common attributes
- replace TipView with RoundTextView
- new add attr tl_indicator_width_equal_title
- fix bug: attr tl_indicator_width_equal_title sometime invalid
- new added tablayout
- fix bug: CommonTabLayout first setCurrentTab() cause indicator not show
- fix bug: CommonTabLayout first setCurrentTab() cause indicator not show
- change code style
- remove the dependence of FlycoRoundView
- new added method getIconView and getTitleView
- remove the dependence of NineOldAnimation(only support 3.0+)
- remove CustomTabProvider in SlidingTabLayout
- new added method 'addNewTab(String title)' for SlidingTabLayout
- Fix #27,#31(new added method 'setCurrentTab(int currentTab, boolean smoothScroll)' for SlidingTabLayout and redefine attr 'tl_textBold')