git clone
cd parasol
haxelib newrepo
haxelib install libs.hxml
Use VSCode with the vshaxe plugin.
To build the tests edit the project.xml
and comment <!-- <set name="examples"/> -->
and uncomment <set name="tests"/>
or to build from the command line (powershell):
lime build hl
If you wish to build only selected tests build from the command line and before running the build set
UTEST_PATTERN <pattern to match test names>
. For example to run only the ParasolShaderMacroTest
tests set
$env:UTEST_PATTERN = 'ParasolShaderMacroTest'
lime build hl
lime run hl -D UTEST_PRINT_TESTS
The should only contain updates to the Haxelib package itself. All other updates to the repo are to be excluded.
Go to a command shell or Powershell
haxelib submit
Follow these steps
git checkout gh-pages
- Create an XML file from the build containing all the type information for the targets of interest
haxelib run lime build hl -xml
- Then run
to generate the HTML files
haxelib run dox -i .\export\hl\types.xml -o export\docs --title "Parasol" -in "parasol" -in examples -D source-path
- Now commit the changed files and then push the branch to github. This branch does not merge to main.
git add .
git commit -m 'updated doc'
git push origin
- Finally, switch to some other branch so you don't accidentally modify this branch further.
Unit tests are under the tests
tree and the source is under tests/src/unit
. Reference images and results are under tests\reference
. Test data is under tests\data
Tests that need to compare shader results against a reference image need to use the Capture utility. This involves the build macro in the Project.xml
and it is enabled when the name
variable is set to tests
. Simply uncomment the line below and comment the examples
<!-- Enable the next line to set the testing variable so that VSCode Intellisense and such
finds all the test artifacts and libs. Otherwise a simple -Dtesting flag added to the build
will build the test application. Removing it will build the game.
<set name="tests"/>
<!-- <set name="examples"/> -->
Using the Capture utility requires calling Capture.prepare() and Capture.wait() in the test and run the game loop between those two points. Refer to the GrayscaleShaderTest.hx
for an example, but basically like this:
Capture.prepare(,, true);
You may then copy out the captured image and compare it to a reference. Capture.image
contains the captured image.
// To compare with reference
var results = ImageComparator.equals(REFERENCE_DIR + "grayscaleref.png", Capture.image);
Assert.equals(ComparatorResult.IDENTICAL, results);
When you need to create a new reference image substitute the following code for the reference comparison code above:
ReferenceImageCreator.writeCaptureToPNG(new Rectangle(0, 0, 751, 493),
This will write out the reference image to a PNG in the export
tree under the bin directory when the process runs from. For example for Hashlink it will be under export\hl\bin\tests\reference\
. Copy this file to the source tree as a reference object and the replace the ReferenceImageCreator
call with the test validation code.
Note the GameHarness used creates a window size slightly larger than the requested 600x400. The actual size returned by the stage is 751x493.