Please read this if you intend to contribute to the project.
Apologies in advance for the extra work required here - this is necessary to comply with the Eclipse Foundation's strict IP policy.
Please also read this.
In order for any contributions to be accepted, you MUST do the following things:
Sign the Eclipse Contributor Agreement. To sign the Eclipse Contributor Agreement you need to:
Obtain an Eclipse Foundation account. Anyone who currently uses Eclipse Bugzilla or Gerrit already has an Eclipse account. If you don’t, you need to register.
Login to the projects portal, select “My Account”, and then the “Eclipse ECA” tab.
Add your GitHub ID in your Eclipse Foundation account. Find this option in the "Personal Information" tab under "Edit Your Account".
"Sign-off" your commits!
Every commit you make in your patch or pull request MUST be "signed off".
You do this by adding the -s
flag when you make the commit(s), e.g.
git commit -s -m "your commit message..."
- Fork the repository on GitHub.
- Create a new branch for your changes.
- Make your changes.
- Make sure you include tests.
- Make sure the test suite passes after your changes.
- Commit your changes into that branch.
- Use descriptive and meaningful commit messages.
- If you have a lot of commits, squash them into a single commit.
- Make sure you use the
flag when committing as explained above. - Push your changes to your branch in your forked repository.
Submit a pull request via the normal GitHub UI.
- Do not use your branch for any other development, otherwise further changes that you make will be visible in the PR.
This document was originally written by the ICE team at
We have shamelessly copied, modified and co-opted it for our own repo and we graciously acknowledge the work of the original authors.