Not Reported yet see this
function getCurrentInterestRate(uint totalBorrow, uint availableBorrow) external pure returns (uint){
uint uRate;
if(totalBorrow > 0){
uRate = (totalBorrow.mul(10**18)).div(availableBorrow.add(totalBorrow));
uint apy = uint(10).add( uRate.mul(30) );
return apy.div(2102400); // per block interest
Before we start 1 ether = 10**18
Interest rate is equal to base rate which is 10% plus Utilization rate multiply by 30%. If Utilization is 0 then interest rate is 10% and if Utilization rate is 1 then interest rate is 40%.
As you can see our Utilization rate is multiple of 1 ether that's why during interest calculation principal is divided by extra 1 ether.
function calculateInterest(uint _principal, uint _rate, uint _duration) internal pure returns (uint){
return _principal.mul( _rate.mul(_duration) ).div(10**20);
Dividing by 10*20 because we have to divide principle by 1 ether plus divide by 100 to calculate interest
Bug: Here during APY calculation base interest rate is not multiplied by 1 ether that's why interest calculated is almost depends on dynamic rate
when utilization rate is 1 mean 1 ether
APY = 10 + (1 ether * 30)
Interest = principle*rate*duration/10**20 = principle*(10 + (1 ether * 30))*duration/10**20
Let's take 1 ether common from numerator
Interest = 1 ether *principle*(10/ 1 ether + 30)*duration/10**20 = principle*(10/ 1 ether + 30)*duration/10**2
After doing little math we can see base interest rate applied is 10/1 ether.
Attacker can bypass this by running sandwich bot that looks for the modifyBlacklist() transaction, and if it sees it, it frontruns it with selfdestruct, and backruns it with create2 to get the contract again.
A user can call stakeListing to create listing by passing unique listing number. If this listing number is not unique then function will revert with AuctionV1: listing already exists. Because of this require condition.
require(_listings[listing].poster == address(0), "AuctionV1: listing already exists");
Attack can stop every user to call this function because attacker can do is constantly run a sandwich bot that looks for the stakeListing() transaction and if it sees it, it frontruns it with the same listing number as user provided by decoding user data, which will stop every user to call stakeListing because then user listing number will not be unique.
Whenever attacker will call this function he/she will deposit _listingStake and which can be withdrawn by calling claim function. Attacker can use the same listing number as user but buyout, startingPrice, durationInSeconds, isAuction can be different in such a way that he can withdraw his _listingStake asap.
It was duplicate, that's why it was not paid.
Owner of MasterVault can easily perform reentrancy attack and steal all user funds
function withdrawFee() external onlyOwner{
if(feeEarned > 0) {
feeEarned = 0;
Q: How can it steal all tokens by re-entrancy when the .transfer method is used which forwards only 2300 gas to prevent re-entrancy? A: I believe that if gas costs are subject to change in the future, the system may become vulnerable or not completely reentrancy-proof see here.
Q: Why Medium? A: Risk is high but at the same time difficulty to exploit is also hard that's why i have market it as Medium
According to Immunefi it was technically valid but because of rule "Attacks requiring access to privileged addresses (governance, strategist)" it was out of scope
The function lend() function of Pool.sol always returns zero minted Tokens. This creates issues with frontends that expect valid minted Tokens
The availableReward
function in saETH.sol
calls _availableReward
to calculate the present reward at that time. This is done by subtracting totalAssets_
from the total balance of the contract, like: IERC20Upgradeable(asset()).balanceOf(address(this)) - totalAssets_.
The mistake lies in the fact that totalAssets_
can be lower than expected at that time. Why does this happen? Because it doesn't add the reward until that time to totalAssets_
due to the fact that availableReward
decreases every second.
The recommendation is to calculate the available reward by subtracting _currentTotalAssets()
instead of totalAssets_
function _availableReward() internal view returns (uint256) {
return IERC20Upgradeable(asset()).balanceOf(address(this)) - _currentTotalAssets(block.timestamp);
We have OwnableMulticall contract and Owner of OwnableMulticall can use proxyCalls.In this function we low level call which then returns bool and bytes of data(which is then stored in "returnData").
If bool is false mean call was not successfull then this uses assembly to revert and return "returnData"
Here assembly builtin revert function is used to do this work.
Bug is that it takes two arguments add(returnData,32) and returnData from which second argument passed is wrong instead second argument should be return data size like "mload(returnData)" or "returndatasize()".
function proxyCalls(Call[] calldata calls) external onlyOwner {
for (uint256 i = 0; i < calls.length; i += 1) {
(bool success, bytes memory returnData) = calls[i]
if (!success) {
assembly {
revert(add(returnData, 32), returnData)
Because of this mistake it always returns wrong data when it reverts.
In AuctionV1, we have a 'claim' function that users can call to distribute bid to the poster. Users can only invoke this function when the listing is closed, as determined by a require condition:
require(isClosed(listing), "AuctionV1: listing is not closed");
The isClosed function should return true when _listings[listing].closed is true, and when block.timestamp has reached _listings[listing].expiration, indicating that the listing is closed.
The problem arises because the function returns true when block.timestamp is greater than _listings[listing].expiration, but it returns false when block.timestamp is equal to _listings[listing].expiration and _listings[listing].closed should be false.
This causes a revert even when block.timestamp has reached _listings[listing].expiration due to the false return value.
It was duplicate, that's why it was not paid.
According to ERC20 standard name(), symbol() and decimals() are optionals and no one should expect these functions to be present in contract.
createCanonicalERC20Wrapper() of SuperTokenFactory calls these methods to get name, symbol and decimals and that's why if we pass correct ERC20 which do not implement these functions the call will fail and user will not be able to create canonical ERC20 wrapper of that ERC20 token.
We have DAI ERC20 token which is widely used and it returns name and symbol as bytes32 and decimals as uint256 that's why no one can create canonical ERC20 wrapper of DAI because our function expects name and symbol in string.
In EvmErc20V2 and EvmErc20 we have withdrawToNear function and takes to parameters one is recipient(in bytes) and other one is amount. Function first uses _burn() function to burn amount of user and uses assembly. In assembly it uses low call function and this function on fail do not revert instead returns 0 and it also not checked here and it can cause loss of user funds if user submits wrong recipient because function do not check if recipient length is equal to 20 Bytes.
In TokenVault contract we have withdrawToken() function which can be called by RevestController only because this function uses onlyRevestController modifier. This function also emits RedeemFNFT event with arguments fnftId(type is uint) and from(type is address) here "from" should be user who is redeeming tokens.
emit RedeemFNFT(fnftId, _msgSender());
Mistake is that it always passes msg.sender as "from" which is wrong because RevestController can only call it and that's why "from" will always be RevestController which is wrong. Instead it should pass user as "from" because user redeeming his token and correct code will be
emit RedeemFNFT(fnftId, user);
In TokenVault and line number is 121.
Revest contract is using OpenZeppelin's ERC165Checker.sol contract of v4.4.1 version. ERC165Checker.sol implements supportsInterface() to check target contract supports interfaceId or not which is passed as argument to the function during call. The target contract of an EIP-165 supportsInterface query can cause unbounded gas consumption by returning a lot of data, while it is generally assumed that this operation has a bounded cost.